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Good morning everyone from sunny Dorset!


Glad to be accepted into the Forums as a new member, o.k about me then:


Currently feeling like the new kid at school and i am going to have a good look around the forums to gather as much information as i can (also become somewhat of a YouTube hero!)


Once im happy im looking at buying an Air Rifle, my plan after purchase is to do some basic target practice and once my confidence builds take it out into the various field and woodland around my local area (permission dependant).


Apart from that Hello and thanks for taking the time to listen to me droan on!


Looking forward to being an active member


Thanks again





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Villaman i'm currently living in Blandford,


So as you know with all the places to go in Dorset, i'm quiter eager to get started!

Not far from you ,Wimborne ,we have a 1200 acre farm we shoot at in Blandford.

If you need any help on any thing ,gives us a PM and we could meet up :thumbs:

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Sounds great!


Once ive picked a rifle up and i am not a complete embarrasement i will give you a shout!


Im looking forward to farm shooting etc, however i really fancy doing some woodland shooting as i enjoy walking aswell, is there anything around Dorset that fits that description?


Thanks again!

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Looking aorund the forum today a springer i think as a beginner?


Apart from that not sure really, going to visit Sportsman near Dorchester this weekend with my budget and see what i could possibly get, as long as i have something by early March i will be happy!


I have seen the good advice regarding HW, BSA etc so we will just have to see once i really start looking, also dont want to spent alot as i would rather spend little and get into it then invest later!


My main point is i want to be accurate and have a rifle that is lethal 1st shot before i venture out!

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