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A Winter Walk With A Desert Dawg..

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Well done Andy, good photos, dogs look well as usual,to Phil, and Andy age is getting to us all, I was down the country for a bit of daytime pursuit, we were down a dead end road, the farmer, came and tried to block us in, he dropped, a very large grain bucket, to stop us from getting out of the lane, but we managed to swivel the bucket just enough to get by, with the motor, then he came running back up the road to put his Load-all across the end of the road again to try and stop us from leaving the lane,with a scrape of paint we got out, the next block of Land the Lads ended up getting permission from the farmer, At The end of of the day, it turned out not to bad a day, but at 70Years of age, it was a very long day, and I can certainly do with out that kind of Hassle and chew,My mate from the central belt of Scotland done over 700 miles, round trip, and 14 hours, but his dog run well, she put two to bed 2/ out 2 and at least 100

yards slips, + on both occasions, such is the pull, and love of running dogs, (((( that was at the End of January, Little long ears are at there best,

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Great photos Fuji and thoughts too. I was thinking myself that the seasons closing over here too. The last couple of times I've been out at night half the does have been milky.I've enjoyed the season too as my young bitch (21 months) has passed a couple of milestones.

Don't worry about age mate, I've just celebrated my 59th birthday last month and can still walk the hills a bit and drag heavy stuff about so I'm hoping I have a few more seasons in me yet. I love the hills and always enjoy your photos but I'm a bit lazy about carrying the camera myself. ATB.

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You guys are granite tough both physically and mentally to be still doing what you do,im hoping to be still sauntering around with a mutt at heel for a few years yet but im sure you lads know when you get a setback ie ill health or dog layed up it just doesn't seem as easy to get motivated and start away again as you get older.,well that's how i find it to be anyhow,had i been a lurcher at times id be on the verge of "cocking" haha..i think were it not for my boys being into the dogs and keeping me motivated to get back out and at it id probably of sank into a life of being that guy sat in the pub lol just reminiscing of days gone by..my hats firmly tipped to those that can self motivate to get out there and do the job at hand when their no longer in their youth..good on you folks you all deserve the ultimate respect..

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Always enjoy your topics my friend, i envy the places you work your dogs, must admit some days, like today for instance, its been a pea souper all day, not the sort of weather i wanna be out in, but the days i am out wi dog, lets put it this way, if it wanna for my lady, i dont think id come back home, we enjoy ourselves that much


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We had the freezing fog here early doors too Iworkwhippets,couldn't see a darn thing..great to see you to are also a great example for us to look up to when it comes to staying the distance when it comes to working our dogs..top stuff matey

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now i'm not quite up with you blokes in the methuselah stakes, but i'm not far off, and i really get what you say about the perspective we gain with age. this has been the worst season for rabbits that i have had for many many years, but do you know it just doesnt bother me that much; i am getting out as much as ever, but i tire now, and if i have a decent dig then i know all about it the next day. but i will keep on as long as i can draw breath, i couldnt go on without dogs and hunting.

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