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Its not illegal to shoot hares or foxes and then send a dog to retreive them, in fact its very humane because it means the wounded hare or fox will not get away and possibly crawl down a hole and die a long painful death. So I think we should all be supporting people who choose to carry on with these legal pursuits and keep lurchers alive as working dogs, they could change to keeping gundogs to retrieve but I think lurchers do a better job as they are a bit quicker :whistling::clapper::clapper:

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I just think that it's a shame that all these wounded beasts DID crawl away to die a lingering death: doesn't say much for the shooter does it? :hmm:


Lads, I'm sure you enjoyed your night out but do please think how you word things in future: sometimes silence is golden, and whilst we all remember being young and enthusiastic, it does pay to be discreet as well: think about it.


AND all this youthful enthusiasm may well extend to your dogs, but putting young dogs on things they don't in all honesty have the maturity to catch could well affect their prospects. Just a thought........I wish you all well with your young dogs, and we've all been there and been over enthusiastic, but just remember they ARE only YOUNG: choose your quarry carefully.

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i must admit ditch, most of your replys try to impress with all your big words and fancy sentences but mostly its to hide the shite your spouting off about at the time :feck: the lads at least are getting out an doing a bit :clapper: an if they say they had a air rifle with them who are we to question them :wallbash: keep getting out lads and them retrieves will come once your shooting gets better 8):thumbs:

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i enjoyed last night but felt it this morning ,it was a pity there wasnt many rabbits out but watching all four dogs work did it for me.both young pups (bracken and storm) showed great determination on the couple runs they had ,'storm' is improving every outing and it was the first time i have saw 'bracken' and she is a beauty and i cant wait to see more of her working.felt very sorry for her when she was being electrocuted by that fence,im glad we got her back through when we did before it hurt her some more. i was also chuffed at watching misty on the long runs and her recall was spot on.she has changed alot since the last time i saw her.and before i forget 'bramble' also gave a good account of herself working well and her recall was also spot on.both older dogs should start to do abit better with a few more runs . :whistling::thumbs: hopefully a more succesfull night not to long away. :victory:


good hunting



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Thats it mate the 2 older bitches are maturing :thumbs: They are both a pleasure to work and in time the pups will be as easy going :thumbs: We will have a lot of sport with the pack when Arron's driving then we can get out onto better ground that holds more game. It wont be long before me and you can take lessons, then thats where the real fun beggins :thumbs: Im very very pleased with misty she is straight back after every run and never plays up :thumbs: and as you know mate last season was very different, they just seem to settle when they get plenty of work, everything sinks into them and they realize that your working as a team and with out you they arn't going to get the runs. What i found really helped with her was to no matter what keep the lamp off and stay still untill the dogs back. They realize that there only stopping them selves from getting to run stuff if they don't come back. Plus it helps to give them a good fuss as well so they associate going back on the slip as a good thing :thumbs: Its key to be positive you cant start letting the dog see your pissed of, because then they seem scared to come back. Never hit the dog for playing about it only makes them more nervous around you and thats the last thing you want :thumbs: I was also very surprised to see the amount of determination my pup was showing, I honestly think between us we have got some decent dogs and once we start getting them out on different land they will show us what they can do :thumbs: We just need to get the pups on some easy rabbits and alot of them :thumbs: Just keep them winning and confidence up :thumbs: Don't worry about those shocks the dog took mate she is fine :thumbs: I think she soon forgot about it and it didn't seem to bother her she still got stuck in on that next retrieve :thumbs:


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