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Me worldhunters and rew met up earlier to give the dogs a couple of runs local to me. We ran 5 long ears but didn't manage to catch any. They were all very long slips and the ones round here are far from easy on the lamp. They know where there going and are very lamp shy. We was using the 2 little bitches on the left for retrieving the hare. They also had ago at retrieving a fox but after the shot was took they managed to loose it :no: It was a very nice big fox and like everything round here it knows where its going and is used to a lamp. The 2 pups on the left shown alot of promise but both have things that need working on. My pup the black bitch with the white chest got shocked by electric deer fencing twice :no: on the edge of a wood which made her scream a bit :icon_eek: She ran a rabbit aswell which she was diving in and out of cover after and she came out with a nice scrape on her front leg. Arron's pup was showing some great signs, it accidentally got slipped on a shot hare that needed retrieving and he was all over it :thumbs: All the retrieves on hare were very entertaining and the dogs were all over them they were very unlucky not to catch a couple of them. It was good to see the dogs together anyway and we had a laugh :thumbs: id be happy with a night that that any night :thumbs: It will be good when res got his pups out with us aswell :thumbs: 6 dogs in the pack then :icon_eek:

Thanks lads it was great :thumbs:



The 2 bitches on either side are mine bracken and misty and the center left is Arron's pup storm and the center right is Rew bitch bramble


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Guest Ditch_Shitter
They were all very long slips and the ones round here are far from easy on the lamp. They know where there going and are very lamp shy. We was using the 2 little bitches on the left for retrieving the hare. They also had ago at retrieving a fox but after the shot was took they managed to loose it



:whistling: Calm down. Consider what you're trying to say. Shot with what? Mobile 'phone? Where's the gun and which of ye's lisenced to hold it? Ponder how That will look on some Anti's web page; Highlighted as a shining (no pun intended!) example of how some Criminals are still out there, breaking statutory Laws. Posting things like 'Born to Hunt - F*ck the Ban'. Banging up very recognisable photographs of Themselves. And then crucifying the images of those of us who are a little more select ~ except, perhaps, about where we choose to socialise on line.


And now you, the Moddies or 'god almighty' him f*cking self may do as they wish and see fit with your post and my response to it. It's too late. I've seen it? 'They'll' have seen it. Copied it. They've Got It. Along with your face and, quite probably, ISP # They could have their own Geeks tracing your home address by late morning.


Now, ask yeself this; If you - or anyone else - wants to live on to see the sort of sport some of us lived, before you were born ..... Is / Was it wise to go clattering out a post such as that?


Just smacks a bit, to me, like broadcasting handfulls of best corn, all over ye back garden. Then bitching and moaning when the rats ye've drawn in to the feast bite through ye wires and incinerate ye in ye bed.


I despair. I honestly do. For you half cocked youngsters. I've had my days. Now I'm squeaky clean, qualified and lisenced to the gills. Society Needs plodding, wheezing old farts like me, to sort things out. Do ye Really think the narrowing, closing end of Field Sports needs That sort of unthinking nail driven into its coffin lid? :no:


'F*ck the Ban' ?


No. The ban. The Anti's. Careless talk like that will 'F*ck' You. And him. And Him. And her. And their children .....





Please don't take this as a personal attack against you. Witton. It isn't. Your post there just pierced the boil that's been ripening with every stupid, bravado based, ' I'm above the law and, anyway, can talk in school kid codes which only my thick mates can decipher ~ 'Fukk The Ban!' ', post I've had to be associated with, by virtue of my presence in this place where I come and try to communicate with my fellows. I'm just so bloody tired of being linked to shit. Just because it appears in the enviroment I inhabit.


Now, off we may go. " If ye don't like it, DS? F*ck off to where it 'dnt' happen! (Born to Hunt - F*ck the Ban) ". Yes, yes. Well I've tried that. That's why I came here. Because, at the time, it appeared in order. But these days? Who's running the show?! Come to that; Who's it being run For???





Worms, anyone? Nice, fresh can opened here, surely? Dig in! :yes:

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Ditch Shitter ..................... :feck: :feck:

The lads had obviously got there air rifles out with them and the farmer had taken a shot at the fox and thats why the dogs was allowed to try and retrieve it :angel::yes:


Come on DS with replies like yours its that that HIGHLIGHT's MATTERS .............if you were so offended by it why didnt you just drop WITTON a PM !!

I think you should spend more time checking your BUTTER and MARGARINE ............ :laugh: :laugh:


ATB TOMMY :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Fair dues ditch, but who is to say that the lad taking the photo isn't middle aged with a rimmy and a shotty strapped to his back :whistling: I f****n wish :laugh: Tommy got it spot on :thumbs: And Lenard no offense mate but your a better man than i liking the arse of ditchy :sick: :whistling: It was still a decent night in my books i enjoyed it......and the dogs got a bit of exercise :thumbs: And ditch i think your over reacting a little, has your bird stopped visiting? Seems someones getting a little overstressed and needs to relax a little.....and where have i said f**k the ban?? I understand where your coming from in a way but ffs ditch that story you just wrote wasn't needed, that time could of been better spent.....ie trying to trap that illusive mink, observing your moldy butter, shitting on your mrs or better still washing your feet. :whistling:

Thanks lads :thumbs:

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Fair dues ditch, but who is to say that the lad taking the photo isn't middle aged with a rimmy and a shotty strapped to his back :whistling: I f****n wish :laugh: Tommy got it spot on :thumbs: And Lenard no offense mate but your a better man than i liking the arse of ditchy :sick: :whistling: It was still a decent night in my books i enjoyed it......and the dogs got a bit of exercise :thumbs: And ditch i think your over reacting a little, has your bird stopped visiting? Seems someones getting a little overstressed and needs to relax a little.....and where have i said f**k the ban?? I understand where your coming from in a way but ffs ditch that story you just wrote wasn't needed, that time could of been better spent.....ie trying to trap that illusive mink, observing your moldy butter, shitting on your mrs or better still washing your feet. :whistling:

Thanks lads :thumbs:



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

See what I mean? All the mindless, school yard vitriol unleashed against me there sums it up. I'm 'A prick and a c***', am I? And I need to calm down? Well, that's a bit rich, coming from some of you lot, but there we are.


Ye see, my little neanderthals; Your only available response to anyone who points out the king is naked is a torrent of abuse. No discussion. No reasoning. No reflection. Just dummies and toys flying every where. You're caught jacking off and become hysterical. Incapable of giving any account of yeselves. You've responded to me just like ye think ye can respond to the Anti's; By clenching ye little fists and stamping ye feet and screaming till ye get all hot and red in the face. I'm not a joke. The Anti's aren't a joke .....


That's how they got the Ban in the first place :yes:


Thankyou all for so nicely under lining the very point I was looking to make 8)

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Guest world.hunters

was a decent night mate. me rew got back in about 4.30 lol after the hike home. all the dogs did well and little ens were very unlucky not to make a sucessful retreive, as we would never hunt such quarry with the dogs because we are all law abiding citizens.


i was abit pissed of when he pulled out the slip but i was amazed how he was all over it in a flash, luckily enought thought it was a tiny field. but accidents do happen and there is nothink i could do to stop it.


he was like a demon on that last rabbit he ran lol was showing some speed and determination.




hopefully next time there will be more rabbits next time so storm can have a couple runs.





just for the record the only quarry i run with the dog is rabbits

Edited by world.hunters
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That it was mate :thumbs: Storm's chest hit the ground hard when he miss judged that strike didn't he lol Sounded like thunder :clapper: The amount of rabbits was poor compared to normal, but conditions were not ideal and we wasn't exactly silent :icon_redface: Nevermind mate it was good crack :thumbs:


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I was always taught that you keep STUM if you dont know what your talking about :hmm: advice DS you ought to take heed of :thumbs:


As for what your saying about the ban is a load of SHITE :yes: I have a friend that did a lot of work to REPRESENT LURCHER WORK in years PRE BAN and he tried his best to get his message across, especially when he was speaking in HOUSES of PARLIMENT :thumbs: and the GOVERNMENT/ANTI's werent INTERESTED ONE BIT :( As in their SHALLOW LITTLE BRAINS HUNTING is ABOUT TOFFS ON PONIES KILLING STUFF :no: Look at the programmes that were presentated after the BAN was impossed and many of the general PUBLIC CHANGED THEIR VIEWS as they then saw the PROPER SIDE OF THINGS :)


As for RESPONDING to YOU LIKE WE DID THE ANTI's :hmm: ............In this country we did everything in a CIVILISED WAY...ORGANISED MARCHES/DEMONSTRATIONS etc and we were SHIT on FROM a GREAT HEIGHT :censored:


And i'm PERSONALLY GLAD people like WITTON and his mates are still getting out and working there dogs within the law like they can :thumbs: KEEP IT UP :toast:



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