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Why Ukip Won't Be Successful

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if forty old men,hippies and vegans can keep them from going about their business how can they stand up to the real problems this country faces?


Not to mention the blow back when 'stricter measures' are brought into place.


To me this just sums them and people like them up,good in theory but too weak to have any practical effect.

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How After Seeing Whats Happened Over The Last 20yrs Can You Not Vote Ukip . . Yes They Have Faults But FFS The Only Way Your Vote Will Count Is Showing Them Other Wankers You've Had Enough Off There P


And just how much of that is taken out of context ? You need to believe what you hear and see yourself, not what labour / tories spin to you. UKIP themselves admitted they had discussed privatisatio

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Copied from elsewhere, they complained about it, the original poster linked all claims to evidence/statements etc. One would ask why they tried to curb free speech. Mind I hear they don't like it up em.



But they're going to kick out all dem muzzies, that'll sort all our problems out :boogy:

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The trouble is if they go about like a bunch of BNP thugs, then no bugger will vote for them.

Bit like BNP.

UKIP is a very different party, not racist at it's core, just pragmatic and libertarian.

The worst thing for UKIP would be to take the BNP vote. That would make them unelectable in all but the most deprived White British shit hole areas.

Nigel did what he had to do and I am sure the good people of Rotherham know Labour scum are responsible for the Pakistani rape gangs acting with impunity.

What happens at the ballot box is more important that going about acting like Johnnie Big Bollocks.

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From what I can see they pulled out because the whole thing risked becoming a circus which would be of no benefit to UKIP or Farage.


What should they have done to 'stand up' to them? Deployed the UKIP paramilitary? :laugh:


Clearly not been reading the great mans 'how to' guide on authoritarian rule, eh!........ Gutless! They should have firebombed the local Lush stores the night before to make a point!

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id like to think labour get in cameron is full of s,,t

The only people Labour help are dole scroungers and the least productive of the immigrant community.


But when you look at what Iain Duncan Smith has done to the disabled I think the conservatives need to be out. They have cut some disabled peoples benefits because they have declared them fit to work, there has been cases of the disabled literaly starving to death not to mention suicides. They declared one person fit to work and he died the next day, that's how fit he was. Then theres the work programme also IDS idea it has cost somewhere between 5 and 6 billion and has failed miserably.


Im weighing up who to vote for at the moment.

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one more stint of Labour and we as a race of people are finished imho they have all but destroyed our country and is people, caused wars that we wil ll suffer the legacy of for years to come, socialism fine until you've given all the working mans money away then the problems start, its cause of Nu Labour we are in the mess we are in sell out socialism, not sayin the rest any better at all cause they all have hands tied now as too what action they can take,plus most are self serving scum its time for summat new but deffo not the likes of the UKIP

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