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Plugged a pigeon with it the other day with a good sized pebble ,the wood is ash ,as you can see the squares work rel good with the big stuff ,an lasts for a long time which i like the down side is it's real hard to get over here ,in fact some one from the UK sent the squares ,they are slower than most tubes i've used but they still hit with authority and as most Brits who've been shooting long they are game getters from way back think the origional Milbro's were ment to have squares for the lastic .

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aA pigeon i got the other day ,the catty is ash with a formulated wax for wood finish the wood was dyed and then sanded with progressively finer sand papers the wraps were coated with multiple coats of laccquor ,the green squares last and last though not the fastest with bigger projectiles they will down most all game suitable for catty's it's been shown many times especially in the UK wher these squares came from in the first place ,now i've got to find some time to get out some more befor the rabbit season closes.

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No I didn't lol. he was laying flat on the branch and it was tough to get a good clear shot at him. My sons catty didn't have enough band to spook him my direction so I had to bounce them off the limb next to it..... That was my first real chance as a adult with a catty.....I am hooked.

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Carl i'd have to measure it it was a gift the lacci i mean ,and as i said i have practicaly no experience with it yet but its my full time catty now and i plan to shoot it in all manner of ways that pertain to hunting wanna get where i develop the musle memory an hand eye to get proficient with it .

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