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I lot of deer hit with a flint-tipped arrow would f**k off over the horizon never to be seen again.

As said, it is the general apathy of the people that is annoying, as BH said earlier, it is easy to pick faults, sitting in your arm chair in a centrally heated room, but every waking moment of the da

Nearly all those in this programme would be 'culls' in a post-apocalyptic situation: it is their attitude more than anything: just sitting around doing nothing. No energy or drive to survive: they're

Finally caught up with episode 6.


"I don't want to be associated with loosers"... no worry about that mate, you're not a looser, you're a quiter! I know which I'd prefer to be!


The only thing that self important twat has led is a f***ing shambles.

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The strongest of men can come from the most mundane of places... Steves problem is he's clearly lived a colourful life and thinks that that makes him better than others. Natural selection is taking place and he's been found out!

Edited by Born Hunter
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They have spent as much time being fed clothed and sheltered as they have supposedly fending for themselves ... They don't have a clue and proves that most of the population of today cannot fend for themselves and would quickly curl up and die if they had to ... In a post opocoliptic world us as hunters would be revered as gods by the normal people lol .......

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Makes you realise how much a good dog would mean in that kind of situation

The thing is they don't need a dog ... The watering hole is covered with animal prints every morning ... Don't take a brain scientist to work out what they need to do ..........

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They have spent as much time being fed clothed and sheltered as they have supposedly fending for themselves ... They don't have a clue and proves that most of the population of today cannot fend for themselves and would quickly curl up and die if they had to ... In a post opocoliptic world us as hunters would be revered as gods by the normal people lol .......


I'm beginning to think that's the point of this programme Socks, it shows the general population just how hopeless they really are without the modern technology/system to support them, your average sheep will take one look at this and count their blessings i reckon, suits the agenda of some people imo? And who chose them, and why? why choose veggies? Looks like they picked losers to start with to me?

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Makes you realise how much a good dog would mean in that kind of situation

The thing is they don't need a dog ... The watering hole is covered with animal prints every morning ... Don't take a brain scientist to work out what they need to do ..........

Yeh agree with you there mate I just meant how much easier a good dog would make your life if your living like that
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Makes you realise how much a good dog would mean in that kind of situation


I'd sooner have a good rifle :gunsmilie: You don't have to feed it.
Yeh but a good dog can keep you fed for 9 maybe 10 years and then produce a pup that can do the same that's a lot of bullets to last that long
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I've only seen up to episode 3. I'm staggered none of these 'hunters' have been out with the bow at first light! Too busy sleeping! The boar trap is pathetic and the snares will get chewed through in minutes.


It's quite a challenge though, modern man has very few of the skills and knowledge that stone age man would have found second nature. Not to mention what I imagine would have been a very different environment to what even they are in today, with domesticated dogs available and the opportunity to hunt now extinct large mammals.

domestic dogs were available to mesolithic people.

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They have spent as much time being fed clothed and sheltered as they have supposedly fending for themselves ... They don't have a clue and proves that most of the population of today cannot fend for themselves and would quickly curl up and die if they had to ... In a post opocoliptic world us as hunters would be revered as gods by the normal people lol .......


I'm beginning to think that's the point of this programme Socks, it shows the general population just how hopeless they really are without the modern technology/system to support them, your average sheep will take one look at this and count their blessings i reckon, suits the agenda of some people imo? And who chose them, and why? why choose veggies? Looks like they picked losers to start with to me?


A point I've been trying to make. The best way to show how much 'old' knowledge has been lost, is to show people who are the furthest from it. So many times, they have struggled to use knowledge that Mesolithic people would have taken for granted from a young age.

Edited by Blackbriar
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