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I was f***ing raging when they chucked Paul out for groping that girl. It was obvious to me it was cooked up by those girls to get rid of him, they were talking before about how they didn't want him there, she was laughing and smiling as she made the accusations, even her mother just feigned mild irritation, if someone had groped and fingered my daughter my wife would be gouging his eyes out.


When she accused him he just looked blank. Didn't know what she was talking about.


The bloke was a prick but he had the right idea and the right spirit, and was the only one who seemed to realise that the point of the programme wasn't about them lasting to the end but about them being able to survive indefinitely, like he said, if they are loosing weight, they are all slowly dying.

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I lot of deer hit with a flint-tipped arrow would f**k off over the horizon never to be seen again.

As said, it is the general apathy of the people that is annoying, as BH said earlier, it is easy to pick faults, sitting in your arm chair in a centrally heated room, but every waking moment of the da

Nearly all those in this programme would be 'culls' in a post-apocalyptic situation: it is their attitude more than anything: just sitting around doing nothing. No energy or drive to survive: they're

If you ask me, the young woman had been messing about with Paul, flirting and playing up to him, then one night he goes a step further and she cries foul play. He felt shit about betraying his family, which is why he had a bit of an emotional breakdown the next day.


Make people live like primitive man and they're gonna act like primitive man. It's all been a bit blown out of proportion. Not like he preyed on a child, or even an adult, just tried his luck with a flirty young woman.

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It was a rubbish program and needed spicing up with a couple of people who actually knew what they were doing,I watched it twice once that guy was fitted up by the girl laughing accusing him of groping her,and the end show,winter-kill would have reduced their numbers in the real world,they were barely surviving,maybe the producers will choose the contestants more wisely in the second series,good luck wales1234 :thumbs:

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I had a email back saying if I progress I will be contacted blah blah blah i don't take a lot of things seriously but I seriosuly would love a crack at that think it would be a good

to something like that once In your life !!

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Good luck to you if you get on.


Not sure if i could do any better than them.or not, but one observation if you do get a place, PREPARE and by that I don't mean take survival lessons, by October Mr and Mrs Mesolithic would have been fattening up, through summer and autumn just like any other animal in preparation for lean times, (not to mention hoarding food but that is out of your hands) so. Before you go get fat.

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Hope you get the chance!

Oh, and if you get a chance of a fumble you'd better do it in the first few days because after 50 days that bint that Paul supposedly groped must have stunk like a rancid ferret and been as crusty as a stale farmhouse loaf.


Would you care what she was like after 50 days mate :laugh:

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Was a farce ,kept you hanging on to see a kill that probably was not allowed to happen .Matey getting near said it all with rangers behind him ,mesolithic my arse .We used to go bush in the summer hols ,3 of us granted with an airgun and lighter but that was it .im sure early man worked as team to hunt as well as the lone hunter and groping was all part of communal sleeping .Mother was just pissed it wasnt her had her tits felt .

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I would get a few lessons in a few areas but don't know if I'd fatten up I'd get use to eating a different diet no point being use to quality food then been giving hardly anything

You don't have to get fat on caviar! And I don't mean put on 10 stone, think about deer. In October/November if you shoot a female (ignore the males for now so we can rule out rutting behaviour) they are caked in fat, under the skin, around the organs, even in the blood. Shoot a doe after a hard winter (remember what they were like?) and they are as lean as hell. Animals feed like crazy when food is there. That is why humans nowadays get obscenely obese, their body is preparing for a drought or starvation event that never happens by storing unused calories.


Its the reason that the first nation people, so the inuits, American Indians, Saami have such a high level of disease such as diabetes. Their bodies are still not used to a constant supply of food, they are still working on feast and famine.


I feel this was overlooked somewhat in the programme and it meant that the applicants were f****d from day one. That and the experiment started in the onset of winter and they gave them a pitiful amount of stored food. Like I said Mesolithic man would have been eating like a Glaswegian at an all you can eat chip buffet all through the summer and storing and hoarding food because they EXPECTED to lose weight.


This is probably a symptom of the length of the experiment, personally I would love to see it run from early March, as the weather is warmer, days longer and food is becoming more available, and run for 12 months, watch them gather, hunt, store, etc etc. I would be interested in being part of something like that.


As far as fattening goes if it were me I would do it similar to an athlete preparing for an event, maintain a normal diet while training, running or some other cardio and weights to build some muscle mass, and then close to the event carbo load like hell and eat tons of protein.


A nutritionist might give better advice and I wont be putting my money where my mouth is because I am not applying for the next series this is just an observation.


Another is that they have pheasants all around them. They wouldn't have been there in the Mesolithic. The pheasant is an Asian species, and they are piss easy to catch under the moon for example with a long pole and snare while they are roosting, all that takes is some perseverance I think they should have been off limits (not that they managed to catch any)

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that pole and snare malarkey is a load of old nonsense . :laugh: .ive caught literally thousands of pheasants over the years at night in all weathers ,( so ive a fair idea about em ) and nobodies getting one with a pole and a snare thats for sure . :thumbs:

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