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IMO they were thinking too '21stC' too, regards the fishing. They were trying to fish in the traditional manor with hook and line at about 3-4ft from the bank but failing because their improvised gear was understandably shite. Why not try spear or fish arrows if they're that close? Search the reed beds for a pike sitting motionless or use their worms as bait to bring the other fish in as they were then skewer the big feckers. They also reckoned there was a shit load of crays in there, well get a little willow basket knocked up with a bit of rotten offal in it, lower into the shallows and hoist out every 15mins....


Everyone is a critic from their sofa but there are some skills modern countrymen have today that would have been very transferable for a relatively short term survival such as that. Strikes me that a lot of the have read the books but done f**k all practically.

Edited by Born Hunter
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I lot of deer hit with a flint-tipped arrow would f**k off over the horizon never to be seen again.

As said, it is the general apathy of the people that is annoying, as BH said earlier, it is easy to pick faults, sitting in your arm chair in a centrally heated room, but every waking moment of the da

Nearly all those in this programme would be 'culls' in a post-apocalyptic situation: it is their attitude more than anything: just sitting around doing nothing. No energy or drive to survive: they're

IMO they were thinking too '21stC' too, regards the fishing. They were trying to fish in the traditional manor with hook and line at about 3-4ft from the bank but failing because their improvised gear was understandably shite. Why not try spear or fish arrows if they're that close? Search the reed beds for a pike sitting motionless or use their worms as bait to bring the other fish in as they were then skewer the big feckers. They also reckoned there was a shit load of crays in there, well get a little willow basket knocked up with a bit of rotten offal in it, lower into the shallows and hoist out every 15mins....


Everyone is a critic from their sofa but there are some skills modern countrymen have today that would have been very transferable for a relatively short term survival such as that. Strikes me that a lot of the have read the books but done f**k all practically.

As you say it is easy to criticise from your sofa but I believe I could do better than that line up lol. I remember now they did have the expert in there showing them how to light a fire etc in the beginning. Im starting to wonder if anyones going to make it all the way.

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Why do they allways pick total bellends to do programes like this? :hmm: ,feck me a few folk who knew how to survive on their skills and wits instead of these f*ckwits could make it a good old programe but it's painfull to watch as it is :bad: .

What would be the point of this type of programme, if the 'contestants' were all survival experts ??

I think the main point of this type of show is to show how far removed we have become from what would have been everyday knowledge, only a relatively short time ago. Its interesting to watch how friendships and relationships change under adversity - if I want lessons in survival, I'll watch Ray Meats, but this isn't that type of programme !

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I know but whats the point of picking unsuitable folk to try this as anyone could see most of them wouldn't have lasted a week or two anyway even in a proper camp site,i just think it's a waste of a good chance to show how easy it is to live without all the bollocks most of us do live with and not how you put it.I do get where your comming from but it's just not for me and i stopped watching it last week or so..

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It does seem as though they've picked folk who would struggle with a week at butlins, looks like they've gone out of their way to pick the mentally challenged.


Where do they advertise for these folk, I've never seen anything about it ?

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I know but whats the point of picking unsuitable folk to try this as anyone could see most of them wouldn't have lasted a week or two anyway even in a proper camp site,i just think it's a waste of a good chance to show how easy it is to live without all the bollocks most of us do live with and not how you put it.I do get where your comming from but it's just not for me and i stopped watching it last week or so..

spot on fireman .even the so called experts and consultants involved in this bollox wouldnt last a week outdoors

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Nearly all those in this programme would be 'culls' in a post-apocalyptic situation: it is their attitude more than anything: just sitting around doing nothing. No energy or drive to survive: they're as limp as a gay lettuce leaf. :laugh:

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Why would someone who is a vegetarian go into a place like this and think she would be able to survive it. I cant understand her, or the organisers allowing her in. Surely they knew she would stuggle like fook to live as a veggie in these circumstances. I bet there werent many veggies about in the real 10000 bc. Then yesterday shes giving other peoples rations to a stray dog.

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She might have been fattening the dog up?My neighbours dog dissapeared over christmas,local gossip is it was nicked to eat.I havent seen the program but vegetarianism probably wasnt a concept that caught on in 10,000BC,I used to get the METRO newspaper to read at the trainstation each morning,those reality show recruits wanted were normally advertised in the small ads at the back,the advert might have caught her eye while on her way to a tofu supermarket in chiswick :blink:

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She might have been fattening the dog up?My neighbours dog dissapeared over christmas,local gossip is it was nicked to eat.I havent seen the program but vegetarianism probably wasnt a concept that caught on in 10,000BC,I used to get the METRO newspaper to read at the trainstation each morning,those reality show recruits wanted were normally advertised in the small ads at the back,the advert might have caught her eye while on her way to a tofu supermarket in chiswick :blink:

anno, she might be a veggie but at least she will die quickly and give everybody peace, but at least if she did starve she would die happily? Bollix get a rack of ribs cooking after 2weeks in there and all her poxy veggie bullshit would go out the window.
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As said, it is the general apathy of the people that is annoying, as BH said earlier, it is easy to pick faults, sitting in your arm chair in a centrally heated room, but every waking moment of the day should be spent searching/hunting for food, not sitting around weaving grass for no particular reason ;) maybe a group of us from here should have a go next time, see if our skils could translate to 10,000 bc living.

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They'd put you in the mind of a bunch of hippies, who don't think or know what to do because all the peace and love went out the window when reality took over. Just shows in gb if a natural disaster or war came knocking most would die out quickly reverting back to survival of the fittest again

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