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I lot of deer hit with a flint-tipped arrow would f**k off over the horizon never to be seen again.

As said, it is the general apathy of the people that is annoying, as BH said earlier, it is easy to pick faults, sitting in your arm chair in a centrally heated room, but every waking moment of the da

Nearly all those in this programme would be 'culls' in a post-apocalyptic situation: it is their attitude more than anything: just sitting around doing nothing. No energy or drive to survive: they're

that bore trap had to be left as it started raining lol they all will starve left to that dafty

I cant see that trap working anyway, doesn't look heavy enough to me.


I think 2 people out of 20 have walked so far I wonder how many will make it to the end.

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There are one or two who are ok like the old boy who seems to be leading the group, been in the jungles, and by the sound of him pretty much everywhere, possibly ex special forces? But I am afraid most of them would be dead very quickly, that boar trap looks as much use as a chocolate tea pot, no way is that heavy enough to kill a boar, a piglet maybe, I doubt it would even penetrate a boars hide, it is going to get grim for most of them real soon :yes:

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Anyone still watching?


Down to 13 people now, they had to feed them last episode because they were all getting malnourished lol.

The crayfish trap would of worked if they funnelled them in rather than left the end wide open letting them all escape.


Id love to try something like this one day, maybe not 10000bc but living in the wild for a month would be brilliant.

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Why do they allways pick total bellends to do programes like this? :hmm: ,feck me a few folk who knew how to survive on their skills and wits instead of these f*ckwits could make it a good old programe but it's painfull to watch as it is :bad: .

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Only 7 left now this is getting silly lol. After 2 weeks they've finaly taught them a few survival skills, would have made a better program if theyd shown them a thing or two before they went in really.

they did

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the only thing they got shown before they went in was a 1 hour dvd then that guy stayed for 2 days

im quite enjoying watching it but the programmes flawed from the start they want them to live like the mesolithick but theyve had no real training in how to survive where as 100000 bc you were born in to it you had no choice

the team leader is a master archer yet has never pulled the bow once the first day they was there they spotted fallow running 200 yards in front of them there staying on a hunting reserve yet not really done much hunting

dont know what i would of done differently for the fishing

now they have been out for a week and shown alot more skills hopefully they can put them to good use

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I've only seen up to episode 3. I'm staggered none of these 'hunters' have been out with the bow at first light! Too busy sleeping! The boar trap is pathetic and the snares will get chewed through in minutes.


It's quite a challenge though, modern man has very few of the skills and knowledge that stone age man would have found second nature. Not to mention what I imagine would have been a very different environment to what even they are in today, with domesticated dogs available and the opportunity to hunt now extinct large mammals.

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thing is aswell they would wait till the meat ran out then go about setting the snares and worrying where the next meal was coming from

its the lake that i find the biggest waste of all i think they only went twice and got sickened even though the guy had a couple of bites and he saw the fish he reckoned they were a decent size

it obvious its human error be that him stricking to quick or mabey the hook was the problem but at least them coming to the bait would be enough to drive me on and start making changes quickly until i eventually found what worked i

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