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To Poach Or Not To Poach, That Is The Question

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  On 05/02/2015 at 19:03, JohnnyMuddler said:

Guy int pub said shoot a dog on a public footpath and see what happens

You said execute, first thing into my mind was a lethal injection, courtesy of the arsepca after the old bill take your dog for poaching... Can you guarantee they wont?

I agree though, shoot my dogs anywhere and see what happens. As has been said, you gotta do what you gotta do, but dont go crying about it.

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nothing wrong with poaching take a pocket full of nets a ferrret and tallyho look for wooded areas , out the way done it since kids , had run ins ,but who hasnt, like a bit skull duggery , alot not got the heart for it but go early take a few then go ,and if you get more than a few leave a couple for farmer gutted , tell him you got them on the border of his farm and your handing a rabbit in for the dinner lol ,and if you minded me getting a few rabbs

Edited by fluff
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Like Fluff, says look for woods that have burys, where your not easily seen, if you do hedges in flat fields, you will stick out like a sore thumb, if caught just say, its your first time ferreting, and didn't know you needed to have permission, say this in a nice way.

If you are going out soon, keep away from Sheep, they will all be in lamb now, and if the farmer spots a dug near them, he will not be happy.

Edited by Country Joe
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  On 05/02/2015 at 19:21, JohnnyMuddler said:


  On 05/02/2015 at 19:11, terryd said:


  On 05/02/2015 at 19:03, JohnnyMuddler said:

Guy int pub said shoot a dog on a public footpath and see what happens

you get a dead dog unfortunately

Nobody is ever going to shoot a dog on a public foot path. It don't happen mate, in 30 years on dog game and the guy int pubs 60plus years never have we had a dog shot or executed, very rarely even hear of it, never mind have it happen to you or somebody you know. The fact is iv lost more dogs while running on permission than I have out poaching or ferreting where I should never have been when younger. Some guys need to go rabbiting, all the permission in world wont keep some happy, the fact is them guys go where the rabbits are. If you don't want hassel, or to risk a dogs life then maybe sit at home? Or take up dominoes,like seamus


i seen a farmer go in someones back garden and shoot they dog and another farmer shot a dog when the owner was just taken it for a walk it was off the lead and on common ground not evan the farmers land

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  On 07/02/2015 at 10:24, valley boy said:


  On 05/02/2015 at 19:21, JohnnyMuddler said:



  On 05/02/2015 at 19:11, terryd said:


  On 05/02/2015 at 19:03, JohnnyMuddler said:

Guy int pub said shoot a dog on a public footpath and see what happens

you get a dead dog unfortunately

Nobody is ever going to shoot a dog on a public foot path. It don't happen mate, in 30 years on dog game and the guy int pubs 60plus years never have we had a dog shot or executed, very rarely even hear of it, never mind have it happen to you or somebody you know. The fact is iv lost more dogs while running on permission than I have out poaching or ferreting where I should never have been when younger. Some guys need to go rabbiting, all the permission in world wont keep some happy, the fact is them guys go where the rabbits are. If you don't want hassel, or to risk a dogs life then maybe sit at home? Or take up dominoes,like seamus

i seen a farmer go in someones back garden and shoot they dog and another farmer shot a dog when the owner was just taken it for a walk it was off the lead and on common ground not evan the farmers land

You must be the farmer, unless ur peaking into someone elses garden. ?

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when i was a kid i seen a farmer shoot a neibours dog in they back garden he recon it been chasing is sheep and he shot it and nothing done about it and the other farmer shot a mans dog on common ground he was walking it around a local pond the dog was off the lead the farmer pulls up in a landrover jumps out and shoots the dog there was a few other people there and the same nothing was done about that

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Used to get a lot of perm as a kid getting caught would walk round a corner and bump into a farmer best tactic was to go straight up to him and say was just doing a bit of ferreting is that ok and 9 times out of 10 there was never a problem. Get the odd one tell you to sod off though. Not sure how well that would work in me forties

All ways worried about the dogs at the back of me mind though but nothing bad ever happened

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Keep at it bud It is really hard to get permission I sent out letters knocked doors, got flyers made up went to farmers markets and handed them out and left leaflets under the wiper blades of farmers cars but nothing came of it and it is proper gutting because all you want to do is go out and do what you love but it will come off my first permission was only a 4 acre horse paddock but it was a foot in the door and I just landed a 700 acre permission on saturday it does pay off just doesnt happen over night.

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