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Bull In Every Thing Now

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Thats why i had to travel 3 hours to find what i wanted, personally i would not have one given.

Mid 80's most halfx's being bred were like peas in a pod. Most dog's averaged out at around 24 or 25 inch mark (with a few exceptions being taller) and a hell of a lot of bitches lucky to reach 22 or

If there is plenty of bull in the breeding you should get plenty of wind. The pitbull type is capable of incredible fitness and the Greyhound is capable of a massive explosion of energy and speed. If

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I think in years gone by bull x's were used but they are just spoken of more now and are very much in vogue at the moment. It's similar to how jack Russells were popular now it's moving towards patterdales. Personally I'll be sticking with my whippetxbeds but it's horses for courses and everyone has preferences So good luck to them.

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i see the 3/4 reverse bull types,and scratch my head,why the hell would ye want one,beyond me.If ye need a pulling dog why not get a wheaten and help re establish the breed,or something of similar ilk,and you cant say they are inconspicious in the field cause most of the 3/4 bred bulls look like racey pits to me.Ive had 2 over the years and wont be having another,they are of limited use to me,some i must admit with just a smidgen of bull look class and no doubt are gutsy animals.

Edited by jigsaw
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  On 05/02/2015 at 08:08, fluff said:

never had bull in a lurcher never neede it , got hard bitten colie type and saluki coursing type more than enough

most lurcherxs will tackle stuff for the dinner plate , but if not for the dinner plate , bit of bull deff will do that job, and even if just knocking rabbits over , that bit of grit+ drive from the bull will had to a long+ hard night, with run after run you don't need a lot 1/4 bull plenty it will still come through :yes:

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If you have greyhound in your lurcher (which most have) then you have bull breeds in your dog, maybe a long time ago, but bulldog was used, just like Staffordshire Bull terrier was used in whippets.


Bull lurchers are the latest must haves, but if people are getting them for the right reasons all good.


In the 70 es early 80'es it was the same with saluki crosses,some would say there shit and some would say the opposite, and look now how much they have improved the lurchers of today on some game.


Like the saluki x it's not for everyone but that doesn't mean there not perfect for some.


Happy Hunting

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