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Budget Pcp

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Yeah will do that bud now just the decision of 177 or 22 cal


dare I start the debate? hell yeh, 22 all the way, Id want know that its still gona pack a punch down range.

I know a lot of people like a flatter trajectory of a 177 but with a scope zeroed properly and used correctly the 22 is in my opinion the best to go for :thumbs:

Here comes the peed off 177ers in 3, 2, 1............ :tongue2:

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+ 1, the S200 is as good as the ultra without a doubt. It just is.   The only reason the ultra has such press is due to the YouTube wannabe stars using it to drop game at 50+ yards. The ultra is as

S200 all day long

Good plan, I have no experience of Hatsan air rifles, but if they are anything like the shotguns, they are not worth a wa*k mate, ultra,r8, or an s200 will all be miles better, and .177 is the way to

Funny but I am going the other way, ( I own a Gaystate, not going gay ) For years I have used a trusty S410 in .22 for rabbits. Saved .177 for pigeon and rats etc.

Now? the Regal has knocked them dead over fifty yards away, the new HW100 I have bought is grouping one inch at fifty five yards. The Ultra I use for rats is lethal. All in .177.

I feel the same about 22lr versus .17hmr as well. Something about the flatter trajectory makes it more appealing.

When you think also, around 785fps compared to 530 or so is a lot faster.

Its a debate that will rage forever, a lot push .20 as a compromise, .25 has its fans, although a waste of time in sub 12lb rifles.

Corvids on the other hand, well I will always use .22, harder hitting with all that bone and feather.

Guess its down to personal choice. Best to use both, keeps you sharp.

Edited by John Stott
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S200 every time. Cheaper alternative is a modded xs 78 a guy done a write up on here the other day and got it spot on.


that would be me, cheers :bye:

wasn't ment to be a write up just ended that way lol, might do a proper write up with pics sometime I think I missed a couple of parts on that last one, a lil work can take that rifle and all of the qb/xs/th family waaaay over the limit although most of us non FACers will ever be silly enough to do that :nono:


my xs in its current tune is probably on par with a hatsan straight out of the box, a lil tuning, fettling and lubing the hatsan will kick my rifles ass hence why I also want it as my next budget rifle :thumbs:

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Thinking of getting mine from kirkslee the have the at44 with scope an scilencer for 315 and bsaultra for 315 wothout scope or silencer

Hi huntinglad, i would lean towards the ultra mate.



yeah got told that a mate can get me a bsa scorpion new with scope and silencer for £400 arnt the ultra

And the scorpion more or less the same?


Scorpion has a better shot count and is a little longer and is as good if not better than the ultra


iv got both


and both are as good as each other and the scorpion is 177 ,and ultra 22


and at £400 new thats a bargain


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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