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+ 1, the S200 is as good as the ultra without a doubt. It just is.   The only reason the ultra has such press is due to the YouTube wannabe stars using it to drop game at 50+ yards. The ultra is as

S200 all day long

Good plan, I have no experience of Hatsan air rifles, but if they are anything like the shotguns, they are not worth a wa*k mate, ultra,r8, or an s200 will all be miles better, and .177 is the way to

I put a at44-10 .177 in the sale section a while back but didn't get any interest its a good and very accurate gun the only reason I was selling it is I want to get a .22 for more close range whack in the Barns. They are very underrated gun's they sold thousands of them but they don't come up for sale very often second hand i think there owners like them more than they would fashionable admit

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I put a at44-10 .177 in the sale section a while back but didn't get any interest its a good and very accurate gun the only reason I was selling it is I want to get a .22 for more close range whack in the Barns. They are very underrated gun's they sold thousands of them but they don't come up for sale very often second hand i think there owners like them more than they would fashionable admit

Not a lot of the .177 come up for sale mate. Surprised you didnt get any interest they strike me as having a close copy of webley raider workings.

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Good thread, I find all Hatsans heavy ( funny but their shotguns are the opposite! ) For a starter PCP and for value an Ultra is hard to beat. Very accurate and one of those rifles you just want to shoot all day. Prices are good too.

Best advice is try as many as you can though, I held that new Gamo PCP last week and its a BSA in all but name.

I am erring to .177 now for most things, truer flight and less hassle in wind I find.

Lets be honest, most PCP's are fine and accurate. Its the spares and simplicity of repair thats important. You cannot beat Air Arms for that, the 200 or 400 have stood the test of time.

As for range, I stick to around forty five yards for all .17 on game. Although my Ultra starred one day last spring, it took 28 pigeon from a hide in a day on brassicas, some of those were 55 yard head shots ( measured ) That day shone, my friend had less half a mile away with a bang stick.

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Thinking of getting mine from kirkslee the have the at44 with scope an scilencer for 315 and bsaultra for 315 wothout scope or silencer

Hi huntinglad, i would lean towards the ultra mate.



yeah got told that a mate can get me a bsa scorpion new with scope and silencer for £400 arnt the ultra

And the scorpion more or less the same?

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Settled for a hatsan used one at the ramge hit everything i aimed at went down kelbrooktoday lovely day out with my father pigeon decoys arived today so get out searching for shotgun permission i think


Would love to hear a review after you've owned it a while

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