Daniel cain 46,582 Posted December 2, 2019 Report Share Posted December 2, 2019 13 minutes ago, Ace Boone coon said: Try listening to what catchum? How that dog doesn't look like what it's supposed to? f***ing really? Would you like me to post endless picks of dogs in the ped to compare what they look like? Besides I I'm not wasting my breath with someone like you who doesn't even own a good terrier! Your mutts have genetic problems FFS!! Not even gonna waste my typing for some turd like you who talks nothing but shit!! These men will have forgotten more about those dogs,your lot hanker over... then you could ever hope to know abc, you should learn to tuck your teeth in at times...... The men here in the good old UK made, bred and grafted these little dogs you jack off over....... You should have more manners imo..... 7 Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 2, 2019 Report Share Posted December 2, 2019 27 minutes ago, Daniel cain said: These men will have forgotten more about those dogs,your lot hanker over... then you could ever hope to know abc, you should learn to tuck your teeth in at times...... The men here in the good old UK made, bred and grafted these little dogs you jack off over....... You should have more manners imo..... Wasn't being disrespectful. But he can't say that's a poor specimen of that line. Because that's B. S. A blind man can see that. That's all I'm saying. Wasn't dissing the guys knowledge just his untrue statement that's all. Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 39 minutes ago, W. Katchum said: Maybe he was around an handled the dogs that started it all Never said anything bad besides he must be blind to say that's a bad looking specimen! And good knowing he handled the dogs that started it all. Then he shouldn't have a problem then showing me what a good specimen of that blood looks like then maybe I'll understand why he thinks the dog I posted is a poor example. Quote Link to post
Elchapo 3,172 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 He a young dog abc or just not seen any work ? Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 1 hour ago, Elchapo said: He a young dog abc or just not seen any work ? Young dog in the pick 1 Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 49 minutes ago, sid g said: i`ve not got many photos and what i have i put away after i posted them on here years ago . i was lucky enough to have been around at a time when black dogs were tested to the max and i`ve seen , worked and known of some of the best in this country , when your lot came over chucking money about buying up black dogs and russells they got told what they wanted to hear and it was`nt always true , chasing a dream with cash instead of investing in time or effort chucking terriers names about from another country from 25 / 30 year ago shows not many jf any big named dogs have been produced over there , a lot of the pedigrees you boys have over there ar`nt worth the paper there written on , look at the photo travis put up above and then look at yours and you`ll see what i mean by comparison ,,, i said when i came back on i wouldnt get involved in the terrier section so i wont be posting much ... I know a lot of the PEDs on the dogs you guys over there sold are fake made up crap. That's why I don't care about the PEDs. And funyy how you guys even admit to being lowlifes that not only steal dogs but fake PEDs just like low life daneil does. No wonder why you guys get along with him! And what makes that dog a better representation of that line them the one I posted? Because his hair was more stripped at the time? Lmao!! You guys just like to take shit to us American's. Why is that because some of is over here still had some of the blood you guys wish you still did? Because not everyone bought a dog from you guys sight unseen! There is actually quite a few that flew over the pond to hunt these dogs before they were bought and actually seen the dog's and seen them work. And as time goes on a lot of yours guys dogs are getting bigger and bigger! They look like pit bulls over here a lot of your dogs today. So who is rii ing what? Your dogs are getting huge yo u guys admittt to selling us dogs with fake paper's and you guys steal eachothers dog's from one another! You guys admittt to being lowlifes scumbags!!!! Lmao, something to be real proud of!! A country full of DAN ASSLOCKS!!!!!! and the pick I posted is a strong good looking dog!! The one you reposted of someone's else dog/ not yours by the way, Lol, isn't any better in the pheno department! And if it is better representation tell me how that is? Because your full of shit it is!! Jealous of the American that kept the blood and kept it right that's all! There with always be haters in your country!! Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 2 minutes ago, sid g said: i`ve never sold a terrier anywhere never mind the states ,,, i`ll leave you to it ya dreamer ... Leave me to it? I wouldn't buy a dog from your country unless I came over there to not only see it but worked it! I wouldn't trust any of you across the pond! Hahaha, you guys admittt openly to being thieves and giving fake PEDs!! Doesn't sound like folks I'd do business with!! And why would I import a pos with a fake paper from a thieving paper hanger for? When we have old blood here that works that I can actually go see for myself! And besides most of your dogs are getting bigger and bigger and bigger by the year! Useless for over here! Hell most of your dogs are not even spannable Lmao!!!!!! Like I said we have pits over here the size of most of your dog's! Talk to dan asslock and Calvin they will buy your dog's with your fake PEDs!! Lmao, please post picks of the dog's you owned of that blood line and show us! Please I would really like to see the difference because the other person's dog you reposted to save your face isn't any better in the looks department then what I posted! So if your gonna talk back it up please! Quote Link to post
fat man 4,741 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 Lads it's like talking to a child,ABC and jambalaya and all them fucks won't listen and take head,might aswell be banging your head on a brick wall, I have tried to reason with one of them before and a waste of f***ing time even though I was telling the c**t the truth about how a certain dog was bred he still insisted the dog was bred differently, like trying to educate pork. 3 1 Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 18 minutes ago, sid g said: when i can be assed to get em out the loft you`ll be the first to know when i post them , your going off onto something else again --- my point was any blood from this line will be diluted that much it really wont make a differance the comparison to what was around in the day compared to the dog you posted is miles away .. Then they will never be posted. Lol, it's ok buddy. Don't care but when you say that one has posted a bad example of a dog then you should be able to back it up by posting a pick of your dogs that are better representation of that line or it's just all hot air! I don't know you just like you don't know me. You came on here after I posted a good example of that blood still here and breed tight and right talking your shit saying how's it's a bad representation then you insult me by posting a pick of a dog that is no better then the one I posted in the looks department! And it's not even your dog! Hahaha, so please stop it!! You all are haters on the Americans!! Believe it or not we have the same blood as you guys do, so stop the jealousy!! And there are folks here that bred them right and that doesn't get on dog boards either! They kept there lines tight and right for many years and barley have litters till they need a dog! Most on this board are young kid's! Your hunting days are not like they were years ago guy's everyone around the world knows this! Your hunting rights got taken away years ago! Yeah some of you are still digging but let's keep it real 80% of you don't! Just a bunch of young big mouth guys acting like they do. Just like when the game of the box was strong over here and it went to shit! The smart ones got out and the young and dumb jumped in and trying to live off of the old timers day! Never will be the same! Same thing that is going on over the pond with the terriers by you guy's! Folks from our country used to fly across the pond to hunt with some of the best dog men known in your country! So stop saying all we got over here is your Garbage because if you had half a brain you would know your lying to yourself when you say that. Most of your pats on here don't even look close to the dogs of yesterday! There fricken huge! None spannable dogs that really are the size of a lot of pits over here. Why do you guys think I never ask about how your dogs are breed or how to get one? 1 because there to big! 2 because you guys openly admit to selling folks crap dogs with fake PEDs! Says a lot about your country men doesn't Quote Link to post
Black neck 16,307 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 20 minutes ago, Ace Boone coon said: Then they will never be posted. Lol, it's ok buddy. Don't care but when you say that one has posted a bad example of a dog then you should be able to back it up by posting a pick of your dogs that are better representation of that line or it's just all hot air! I don't know you just like you don't know me. You came on here after I posted a good example of that blood still here and breed tight and right talking your shit saying how's it's a bad representation then you insult me by posting a pick of a dog that is no better then the one I posted in the looks department! And it's not even your dog! Hahaha, so please stop it!! You all are haters on the Americans!! Believe it or not we have the same blood as you guys do, so stop the jealousy!! And there are folks here that bred them right and that doesn't get on dog boards either! They kept there lines tight and right for many years and barley have litters till they need a dog! Most on this board are young kid's! Your hunting days are not like they were years ago guy's everyone around the world knows this! Your hunting rights got taken away years ago! Yeah some of you are still digging but let's keep it real 80% of you don't! Just a bunch of young big mouth guys acting like they do. Just like when the game of the box was strong over here and it went to shit! The smart ones got out and the young and dumb jumped in and trying to live off of the old timers day! Never will be the same! Same thing that is going on over the pond with the terriers by you guy's! Folks from our country used to fly across the pond to hunt with some of the best dog men known in your country! So stop saying all we got over here is your Garbage because if you had half a brain you would know your lying to yourself when you say that. Most of your pats on here don't even look close to the dogs of yesterday! There fricken huge! None spannable dogs that really are the size of a lot of pits over here. Why do you guys think I never ask about how your dogs are breed or how to get one? 1 because there to big! 2 because you guys openly admit to selling folks crap dogs with fake PEDs! Says a lot about your country men doesn't Well at least u kep it short and sweet 2 Quote Link to post
Tel1 26 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 On 29/11/2019 at 18:03, Ace Boone coon said: Yes we have the Spartacus blood here and it's bred tight and right. He's a Spartacus dog and heavy bred on these bitchs also, gin, scratch, and ash. So it's over here, just have to be in the know. ACB don't want to piss on your fire but gin was not sparticus bred I worked and owned her and McCoy fetched her from my yard where she had been since she was a pup 1 Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 3 minutes ago, baker boy said: A yank talking thru its arse again...theres a novelty Talking through me ass? No fool what I said is the truth! A lot of you can not read in Ireland I take it. Because your own country men admit to sending fake PEDs over here with shit dog's! So yeah I'm talking through my ass, NOT! Lmao, you guys admit to being lowlifes thieves! Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 3 minutes ago, sid g said: nuff said i`m done with this thread ... Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 13 minutes ago, sid g said: your on about looks ? what about muscle bone structure strong front line strength in back and legs jaw more to a dog than looks, i started with terriers in 1972 i`m no youngster Listen I'm not trying to fight with you. You think the dog I posted was a bad example then that's your right. But please don't be like the rest of the shit talkers and post one of your dogs to show me why you would say that. Otherwise I'm taking it that your taking shit about the dog I posted because I'm American. That's what you guys like to do to us American's! Pure jealousy is what it really is. Look at the dogs most of you post on here, they don't look anything like what they did yesterday! They just keep getting bigger and bigger. Maybe just maybe we do have good dogs over here. Not everyone from country is a low life thief or paper hanger. Maybe that's just the crowd most of you on here run with and why most of you lose your yards to them! 1 Quote Link to post
Ace Boone coon 648 Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 26 minutes ago, Tel1 said: ACB don't want to piss on your fire but gin was not sparticus bred I worked and owned her and McCoy fetched her from my yard where she had been since she was a pup Nice, thanks for telling me. Quote Link to post
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