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pregnant bitch problem

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i have a pregnant bitch , shes due in just under 3 weeks

the little bugger bolted when i reached for her lead tonight and was running loose for a good 10 mins , she definatleY chased a couple of rabbits, so should i take her to vets for check up in morning as im worried about her running around as shes quite big already

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my terriers never let a thing like pregnacy slow them down,they usually enjoy there daily walks ,right up till the end ,unless your really worried about a change in her condition ,i wouldnt worry,they seem to self regulate ,and slow down as they need to

Edited by terriermaid
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I wouldn't worry about her unless she appears not right. I let mine go bushing right up until a couple of weeks before whelping: the fitter they are when they whelp the easier they have the pups. They usually decide when to take it easy, though obviously I don't take them where they're likely to run into anything more than a rabbit.

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I wouldn't worry about her unless she appears not right. I let mine go bushing right up until a couple of weeks before whelping: the fitter they are when they whelp the easier they have the pups. They usually decide when to take it easy, though obviously I don't take them where they're likely to run into anything more than a rabbit.




Am the same the fitter the bitch the easier the pups should pop out and the less tired the bitch will be to push..just keep an eye on her back end for any discharge/blood

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thanks everyone

i was just being over-reactive after she took off , as some of you may know ive had a bit of bad luck with dogs this year so im being extra extra careful with this one. shes nice and big and showing milk already still nearly 3 weeks to go so hopefully a bellyfull of pups 8 would be ideal as i can keep everyone happy thats asked for one

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