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Burning Of Jordanian Pilot

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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shi

As much as Dessie and myself dislike each other it ain't fair in my book to be holding him responsible for the world's sins. Goading him is not becoming of anyone and as sure as the shit I just launch

What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard

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as horrific as it is,whats it got to do with us?


same with Islam in general,the only reason they're an issue is because the behaviour of asians doesnt fit the official narrative of 'we're all the same regardless of race'.


it must be an evil death cult making them act like this LOL


i don't think you should be putting pictures up btw,not very respectful to the mans family.

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Saudi and ISIS want almost the same things ....


The Establishment of Islamic governments & enforcement of sharia worldwide .... which come from Islamic doctrine.

And Saudi are only happy to have sharia law as it keeps the powerful in power with no chance of voting for a change. What makes me laugh is those in power dont seem to follow the strict rules they give others. This isn't the clip i watched but you can see a Saudi princess here and she's certainly not wearing a burka. http://youtu.be/PDQCmmjK9Gg that prince who she's married too has so much wealth its crazy. When ive seen someone and thought yeah their doing well lol this man is like a god on earth. Not much i wouldn't do to have that sort of money lol. Gonna sound like a right conspiricy nut case now probably but i think all the issues we see are planned with goals in mind that even the idiots doing this shit dont know about. Also radical Islam is a global threat and has the potential to make alot of countries allies.

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as horrific as it is,whats it got to do with us?


same with Islam in general,the only reason they're an issue is because the behaviour of asians doesnt fit the official narrative of 'we're all the same regardless of race'.


it must be an evil death cult making them act like this LOL


i don't think you should be putting pictures up btw,not very respectful to the mans family.

I almost never call people racists because it is a very over used discription.

For you I can make the exception, you are a true racist.


Nearly everybody else realises the problems attached to Islam, it is due to indoctrination, but you believe it is due to race.


Sikhs are of a similar race to Pakistani muslims, yet by and large are very good hard working people.


Take a baby of any race, and raise them in isolation with parents of a different race, then you will find they will behave in the ways of the adoptive family.

Edited by shepp
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Saudi and ISIS want almost the same things ....


The Establishment of Islamic governments & enforcement of sharia worldwide .... which come from Islamic doctrine.

And Saudi are only happy to have sharia law as it keeps the powerful in power with no chance of voting for a change. What makes me laugh is those in power dont seem to follow the strict rules they give others. This isn't the clip i watched but you can see a Saudi princess here and she's certainly not wearing a burka. http://youtu.be/PDQCmmjK9Gg that prince who she's married too has so much wealth its crazy. When ive seen someone and thought yeah their doing well lol this man is like a god on earth. Not much i wouldn't do to have that sort of money lol. Gonna sound like a right conspiricy nut case now probably but i think all the issues we see are planned with goals in mind that even the idiots doing this shit dont know about. Also radical Islam is a global threat and has the potential to make alot of countries allies.

Don't tell me CIA or Israel are organizing it lol

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The Jordanian response is fairly swift & to the point .No messing about with them its proper eye for an eye .Will it work is another matter though , but one thing is for sure the two they hung wont ever get chance to try again ..

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