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Burning Of Jordanian Pilot

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And this is back in 1968. Enoch Powell knew then what we would face today.

And he got slammed for it.

truer words have never been spoken ,, at school we had italian kids, , polish kids,their parents was hard working honest people .same as all the nationalitys chinese too , they just wanted to work & look after their families in peace , then the asians arrived ,, they just want & will take over this country ,why because our own shitehouse sets of greedy lieing corrupt kiddie fiddling b*****ds give them more rights than us true blue brits , :censored::censored::censored: & what makes you think UKIPS any different :hmm:


You won't know if you don't try it will you ?? can they be any worse? Vote for them and see how they do, that's the only way !!!

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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shi

As much as Dessie and myself dislike each other it ain't fair in my book to be holding him responsible for the world's sins. Goading him is not becoming of anyone and as sure as the shit I just launch

What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard

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Guest ragumup

I'm starting to feel like a parrot, UKip tryed several times to get Enoch's support, plus Nigel was Enoch's chauffeur for a short time.

Nigel has said half the country would see Enoch as a pariah the other half as a visionary ... I'll bet Nigel thinks the latter.

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I'm starting to feel like a parrot, UKip tryed several times to get Enoch's support, plus Nigel was Enoch's chauffeur for a short time.

Nigel has said half the country would see Enoch as a pariah the other half as a visionary ... I'll bet Nigel thinks the latter.


His chauffeur for a short time? He drove him to a UKIP rally ONCE, probably because it was the only to get him to agree to come :laugh:

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And this is back in 1968. Enoch Powell knew then what we would face today.

And he got slammed for it.

truer words have never been spoken ,, at school we had italian kids, , polish kids,their parents was hard working honest people .same as all the nationalitys chinese too , they just wanted to work & look after their families in peace , then the asians arrived ,, they just want & will take over this country ,why because our own shitehouse sets of greedy lieing corrupt kiddie fiddling b*****ds give them more rights than us true blue brits , :censored::censored::censored: & what makes you think UKIPS any different :hmm:


You won't know if you don't try it will you ?? can they be any worse? Vote for them and see how they do, that's the only way !!!


i do vote for them !!! more in desparation hopeing theres at least one politician that tells the truth ...but i doubt it , every stinking one is out to line their own pockets

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Where did i say you were a "fool" ? You're obviously not a fool, just not digging hard enough, or just not willing to face the truth. Not hard mate, its not even hidden, why the f**k people go along with the shite i just don't know? One theory is we don't want the responsibilty, sooner leave it to the ones that do, probably a lot of truth in that?


Serious question mate,

If you know all the answers, who controls what, who controls us etc.. What do you propose to do about it?

Withdraw our support, simples, but it wont happen, one way or another things will change, just hope its not to messy?

No mate what would YOU do... We're all puppets at the end of the day,

I've got mates who are in the forces, I know a fair few people who've committed suicide ( including a lad last week, last time I saw him we sat together at the boxing, seemed happy enough to me).

f**k all I can do, or you for that matter.


I make the best of what I can, I'll never influence f**k all else

It would be nice to know exactly what to do to make the world a perfect place, I am sure if truther knew he would have done it. Without having a perfect solution all that can be done IMO is try and open peoples eyes and minds which is what truther seems to be trying to do from what I can see on here. I take my hat off to you and others (tandors springs to mind) who seek the truth as we are going nowhere until people wake up.
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If killing each other was the answer it would have happened by now Silversnake. We need to work together as a species and stop the BS, were our own worst enemy, religion, greed and power over our fellow man seems to be the goal, and its bollocks. Reduction in population, by agreement, to alleviate the pressure on world resources and pollution is the way to go, the planet can't stand much more of it. The alternative is more of the "same old same old" In all honesty were a scurge on the world, we don't deserve what we've got. But that's what you get when the greedy, insane minority rule the roost, no good for any of us. We've tried the silly way for thousands of years, why not give the alternative way the chance........................human nature, were scum........unfortunatly ;)

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I agree with most of what you say, especially about the greedy insane minority ruling the roost. Most of the problems stem from their greed and lust for power. Pollution, poisoning our water, land, bodies and minds through chemicals in our food and water, manufacturing processes, media and education all seems to be designed to keep us down and destroy the planet. I don't know why people don't seem to see or care what is happening right in front of them. It is not even hidden... I believe we will learn and we will be free from our oppressors and I believe humans are inherently good but we are taught to fear and hate literally from birth. I think to advance and to heal the planet we need to take a few steps back, but this will not happen until we have no choice sadly. For now we may as well enjoy ourselves and prepare as best we can. Atvb and please keep your head up.

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people arent scum,humans are the pinnacle of all life on our planet.


the internationalist/globalist mindset you allude to is the real problem,before that ideology came to be we were at peace with ourselves and nature,hopefully we will be again one day.

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people arent scum,humans are the pinnacle of all life on our planet.


the internationalist/globalist mindset you allude to is the real problem,before that ideology came to be we were at peace with ourselves and nature,hopefully we will be again one day.


I'll have some of what you're smoking.

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people arent scum,humans are the pinnacle of all life on our planet.


the internationalist/globalist mindset you allude to is the real problem,before that ideology came to be we were at peace with ourselves and nature,hopefully we will be again one day.


"people arent scum,humans are the pinnacle of all life on our planet"


Having a laugh are you mate?


"Globalist" Hardly? Im not talking "one harmonious world" at all, rather just putting our house in order, and reducing the strain on the planet.

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Your right about who rules the roost truther, the systemvis fooked, but humans have a choice to do right or wrong, at the end of the day the resources of the earth are there to be used, nature is smarter than people think, an if by your theory, weve lasted hundreds of thousands of years, what makes you think the earth is at risk now mate.

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people arent scum,humans are the pinnacle of all life on our planet.


the internationalist/globalist mindset you allude to is the real problem,before that ideology came to be we were at peace with ourselves and nature,hopefully we will be again one day.


"people arent scum,humans are the pinnacle of all life on our planet"


Having a laugh are you mate?


"Globalist" Hardly? Im not talking "one harmonious world" at all, rather just putting our house in order, and reducing the strain on the planet.


what more intelligent or creative species exists to your knowledge?


'work together as a species'


like feeding those poor Africans so they can survive and breed even more?

and just hope they voluntarily go against all instinct and stop breeding in such massive numbers?


before we started 'helping' everyone the world was a far better,healthier place.

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Your right about who rules the roost truther, the systemvis fooked, but humans have a choice to do right or wrong, at the end of the day the resources of the earth are there to be used, nature is smarter than people think, an if by your theory, weve lasted hundreds of thousands of years, what makes you think the earth is at risk now mate.

The earth is not at risk, it's us fcuking it up so it can not support life in it's present form.

Including ourselves.

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Your right about who rules the roost truther, the systemvis fooked, but humans have a choice to do right or wrong, at the end of the day the resources of the earth are there to be used, nature is smarter than people think, an if by your theory, weve lasted hundreds of thousands of years, what makes you think the earth is at risk now mate.


Humans having the choice to do right or wrong is my point QB, they can choose and make the wrong choices, or a minority choose the wrong path and we are guilty of letting them mate. The Earths at risk because there's to many of us now, and the numbers are growing way to fast, David Attenborough said not so long ago "If we don't put our house in order, mother nature will do it for us" i think he's right?

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