jacknife 2,005 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 I dont have a problem with any races and nor do I think that scapegoating and trying to blame each and everything on immigrants and race addresses any of the issues this country is facing. Yes a really tough immigration policy is needed ,across the board but blame the MP,S for that immigrant MP,s are a minority in the legislator as far as I know, if the MP,s are easily manipulated by a perceived race card whos fault is that surely the ones who voted them in..In areas whe immigrants are in the majority then surely under a much trumpeted Democratic system the majority in a area has the right to vote in its representatives dont they.The police are constantly labelled as being institutionally racist. Personally I dont think they are, I think they have gone to appeasers rather than law enforcers I will not be held responsible for thatRodp I am more than willing to come to your area if it will solve anything and I will make my own transport arrangements. Well guy int pub said me nor him have never lived in an area with a high population of anything other than white British folk. Yet funny enough we still see/know lots of folk who abuse the benefit system, ignore council rules, refuse work, and these are all our precious natives. It is honestly the white British folk im mote disgusted in than anything. desert bred, I don't know you from Adam. I wouldn't class you as a friend, we have disagreed in past and im sure will again. However id rather live next door to you than some of the scum the fools think we owe a place here to, wether they be white brown black purple or anything in between I think what a lot of folk are saying is if we have enough of our own WE DON'T NEED ANYMORE !!! Plus the fact, white English doleys tend to sit at home, not make parts of towns no go areas for whites. You're right about DB though, he does appear to be one of the immigrants we would like to accept into the country, decent, hard working and pays his way. And it seems he intends to go home when he's used what he's paid for. The guy int pub said there are parts of most major citys were white kids are a law unto themselves, look at London riots, did you notice many Muslims targetting shops? Places in Glasgow that even other white kids cant visit, never mind kids of different colour/creed or race. And all that's without the benefit scroungers sat at home watching other fools parade about Jeremy kyles stage. Funnily enough I see all the same problems that you guys blame on immigrants, yet there are no immigrants in my area. We do have an over abundance of white scum tho, they may not have a shanty hut in there garden, but most have caravans in there garden from the world war 2 era. But that's okay is it, as they are white and were born here. My local church has been robbed 5 times in 3 years, no immigrants were responsible, was white British folk. An old disabled man was battered in Durham last week, robbed on his doorstep, thanks to white British folks. We don't need anymore what?? We can only judge a person on there actions, actions speak louder Tha words. So what you're saying is import more as well then ? Plus the fact, as you say yourself, you don't have any so how can you possibly quote on what they're like ? Seems like you're saying (A) I don't live by them because there's non by me, and ( us that do have to live by them have got it wrong and we should listen to you. !! Yeah, right, like we're going to listen to someone who hasn't got a clue what it's like to live by them. You need to tell bloke in't pub he's a dickhead ! No tho thread and others is making out its only the immigrants that's are flaunting our laws, its not, not even close. Like iv said, actions speak louder than words, no matter how aggressively you poke your keyboard typing them. What have you and the rest of the whingers done to stop this? Yous see a problem, yet yous ain't acting on it, instead come on net moaning. Have you been in armed services? Have you tried to be elected to make a change? I and the guy int pub have both fought for this country, in different wars and conflicts. Have you? I would do again tomorrow if needed. Would you? We may be dick heads to you, but to me your just a bag of hot air, all mouth and no trousers like my old sgt used to say Go on then, tell me just what being in the forces does to stop immigration to this country ? And who pays the wages of serving military ? I take it you were on border control then, shooting them as they came through the tunnel ? Like I've said, we've got enough of our own trash without importing more. And if you're so set on them not being a problem why don't you move to a ghetto ? You may fit in with a nice multicultural population Guy int pub said its you that needs to think about relocating, your obviously unhappy, maybe try one of the isles of tip of Scotland, saying that, your type that be unhappy anywhere. My point is, are you going to try to make a change? Or just keep tapping away at the old keyboard? I'm sure I heard a saying on a film once, you gonna bark all day little doggy, or are you gonna bite? Sums you up perfectly. What you waiting for? Go start your revolution, or will you just be happy to pay the wages of those that do it? Lol No, I'll do what any sensible law abiding citizen that wants to keep his fac and sgc would do, I'll vote for a party that may help the situation. I'll also carry on the business and employ staff who pay taxes to employ soldiers. I'll also carry on living here to at least show another white face. What I won't do is live somewhere away from it all but make out I know all about it, I won't spout off about being in the military as though I actually did something about it (when everyone knows different), and I won't tell everyone how to live their lives when I ain't got a clue what it's like where they live !!! And you never did tell me how you being in the military helped resolve the immigrant situation ??? Where did I say it had anything to do with resolving the situation? I merely stated I have served my country. And imo its called getting up off your ass and doing something, not sitting whinging about it. At the time I joined I wanted to defend my country, and the rights my father fought for. I was young but I still acted, just like If I felt as hard done by as you guys do, id act, not sit and prod at the keyboard But you cannot get up and do anything about the Muslim problem because you will be immediately shot down as a racist bigot Then so be it mate, if you feel that strongly. Fight for it. History is full of men that stood up for what they truley believed. Whos to say the country ain't waiting for 1 man to start a revolution and will follow suit, maybe they wont, but we will never find out if nobody got balls to try. Why not try for change? And if change is never going to happen, why worry about it? Never going to happen you would be shot down straight away you just need to look at Ukip the shit that get thrown at them Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 OK then JM, you're the ex soldier that says it needs someone to stand up. here's your time buddy ....... go for it. As you said, you served queen and country so you know how to stand up and be counted, well we're waiting !!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jacknife 2,005 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 When In My House If I'm Watching Sky Sports So Are You . . And If You Don't Like It Go Back To Your House & Watch The Disney Channel . . This Country Has/Is Being Denied Its History Encouraged Not Too Celebrate St.Georges Day , Wearing Crosses On Chains Offends People & Gets Banned By Bosses TERRIFIED Of Being Branded Racists , Hunting Banned , The Police On The Ground Having There Hands Tied When Confronted With Marches/Demonstrators Who Aren't British , Foreign Values Championed Yet Are Alien To Us (Halal) Non Muslim Children Sexualy Abused & Raped By Gangs Of Men & Treated Like Pieces Off Meat That For YRS Is Covered Up . . A Few Reasons The Man In The Street Is Pissed Off & And If Some Can't See That There Not Wearing Blinkers There Blind-Folded !!Don't tell that to man in't pub, he says white trash is to blame. We banned things way before Muslims asked us to? Saville raped our kids before Muslims did, priests did before him, politicians, covered it up, police covered it up, newspapers covered it up. But all this will stop when we deport the Muslims lol Hang Fire A Minute We've Had The Saville Thread & Everyone On Here Will Agree With Your Thoughts On Saville Priests Ect . . So Does What Saville & Company Done Justify To You What These Muslim Men Done . . Because If Not Why Mention It ?? Because wrong is wrong, don't matter who commits the acts I bet no one jumped in the saying its not just them the Muslims also abuse children Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lanesra 3,994 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 When In My House If I'm Watching Sky Sports So Are You . . And If You Don't Like It Go Back To Your House & Watch The Disney Channel . . This Country Has/Is Being Denied Its History Encouraged Not Too Celebrate St.Georges Day , Wearing Crosses On Chains Offends People & Gets Banned By Bosses TERRIFIED Of Being Branded Racists , Hunting Banned , The Police On The Ground Having There Hands Tied When Confronted With Marches/Demonstrators Who Aren't British , Foreign Values Championed Yet Are Alien To Us (Halal) Non Muslim Children Sexualy Abused & Raped By Gangs Of Men & Treated Like Pieces Off Meat That For YRS Is Covered Up . . A Few Reasons The Man In The Street Is Pissed Off & And If Some Can't See That There Not Wearing Blinkers There Blind-Folded !!Don't tell that to man in't pub, he says white trash is to blame. We banned things way before Muslims asked us to? Saville raped our kids before Muslims did, priests did before him, politicians, covered it up, police covered it up, newspapers covered it up. But all this will stop when we deport the Muslims lol Hang Fire A Minute We've Had The Saville Thread & Everyone On Here Will Agree With Your Thoughts On Saville Priests Ect . . So Does What Saville & Company Done Justify To You What These Muslim Men Done . . Because If Not Why Mention It ?? Because wrong is wrong, don't matter who commits the acts But When I a Mention Girls Being Gang Raped By Muslim Gangs You Don't Agree You Throw In Other Rapists "Saville Raped Are Kids Before Muslims Did" What Sort Of Reply Is That , We All a Know What He Did & Are Sickened By It . As I Said Not Blinkered But Blind-Folded Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 Yep, and full civvy service is 50 years, I'm nearly there. Most of it as an employer who helped pay for your 20 years. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 Right, let's stop the willy waving contest, there'll be no winners. Let's have a discussion. I honestly don't know what your problem is JM, everyone knows there's white trash out there, too much of it. What we're saying is we don't need to import any more, especially a worse grade of trash. You know and we know there's not much can be done physically as the lefties made sure they made it illegal before opening the gates. Why do you stick up for the immigrant trash, do you genuinely not have a clue what it's like to live near these sort. I drive home through Lye, a small town near here. In the traffic, usually caused by triple parking and blocking junctions, I very often count white to asian faces. Friday was three white to a high street of asian. Are you saying that's not a problem ? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 When In My House If I'm Watching Sky Sports So Are You . . And If You Don't Like It Go Back To Your House & Watch The Disney Channel . . This Country Has/Is Being Denied Its History Encouraged Not Too Celebrate St.Georges Day , Wearing Crosses On Chains Offends People & Gets Banned By Bosses TERRIFIED Of Being Branded Racists , Hunting Banned , The Police On The Ground Having There Hands Tied When Confronted With Marches/Demonstrators Who Aren't British , Foreign Values Championed Yet Are Alien To Us (Halal) Non Muslim Children Sexualy Abused & Raped By Gangs Of Men & Treated Like Pieces Off Meat That For YRS Is Covered Up . . A Few Reasons The Man In The Street Is Pissed Off & And If Some Can't See That There Not Wearing Blinkers There Blind-Folded !!Don't tell that to man in't pub, he says white trash is to blame. We banned things way before Muslims asked us to? Saville raped our kids before Muslims did, priests did before him, politicians, covered it up, police covered it up, newspapers covered it up. But all this will stop when we deport the Muslims lol Hang Fire A Minute We've Had The Saville Thread & Everyone On Here Will Agree With Your Thoughts On Saville Priests Ect . . So Does What Saville & Company Done Justify To You What These Muslim Men Done . . Because If Not Why Mention It ?? Because wrong is wrong, don't matter who commits the acts But When I a Mention Girls Being Gang Raped By Muslim Gangs You Don't Agree You Throw In Other Rapists "Saville Raped Are Kids Before Muslims Did" What Sort Of Reply Is That , We All a Know What He Did & Are Sickened By It . As I Said Not Blinkered But Blind-Folded Like I said. Scum is scum. Id help deal with them if it come to it. But I wont write off everybody that has a different skin colour, ir a different set of beliefs I have one buddy that's Muslim and one that's Sikh, I don't class them all the same. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 No-ones knocking the one's that work, we'd be buggered without everything from doctors to corner shops. But we have enough trash of our own without importing more. We need to get shut of the scroungers, rapists, radicals etc. Then we can sort out what's left, be it white or asian. This thread was about the pilot that got shot doiwn and burned alive, you should be up in arms about that as he was serving military. The thread then got hijacked to radical muslims, which we all agree should be got rid of, then it went on to the rapists up north. Those are the ones that we need gone, rapists, scroungers, radicals. Unfortunately it's now impossible to say anything without being branded racist, even the councils are to frightened to do anything. We have a lot down here that flaunt the law, planning, parking regulations etc, etc. It's just a very small step from ignoring minor laws to rape and terrorism, and where you get mass populations you get the police letting them get away with it. I've actually been in my motor in a queue in Lye that was caused by an asian car just stopping in the carriageway (effectively double parked) to talk to a group of asians, he just stopped and turned two lanes into one. On the footpath were the two pcso's (?) that are always in the town on there bikes. I caught the eye of one as they looked at the traffic and pointed to the offending car a few in front. he turned his back on me and just ignored me !!! I sounded the horn a couple of times but still no response. At that the traffic crept forward so no chance to get out. How would that make you feel ? Also, we used to have premises about 1/2 a mile from this town and we used to put an "A" board out, the council threatened us with prosecution if we didn't remove it. Lye high St is full of these signs along with stands of food, fruit and general junk. When I asked the council bloke to come down the road with me to see what he was doing about all these blocking the footpath he declined saying it was another matter. Theirs are still there to this day. How would that one make you feel ? Until you live with the discrimination daily it's hard to see why some folk have a grudge, when you have to live with it, then it all becomes clear. There's good and bad in all races but when it's folk that come to your country of birth and have more rights then it hurts, and there's nothing you can do about it. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 Talking to a lad I employ the other day and it seems his elder sister is a primary school teacher. Apparently now several immigrant mothers turn up at the school with a fleet of kids, walk up to the nearest member of staff and dump the kids saying "teach, teach". They then return between 5pm and 6pm to collect !. Social services aren't interested nor the police and, also apparently, legally the school is responsible for them. The children speak no English and have no food, just dumped. This is all just so wrong now. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 I can see what you're getting at, but like a lot I just don't have time. I must admit to being a workaholic, I like the buzz, the thrill of a sale or the hassle of daft customers. And what's more, I wouldn't know where to start, moaning just seems to relieve the stress of being victimised in my own country. I wouldn't last long as a councillor anyway, I'd say something unintentionally within days and be out on my ear. And to stand as MP would be beyond me, wouldn't have a clue how to go about it. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jacknife 2,005 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 Hopefully it will be just a matter of time one thing i have noticed more and more people are sick of the whole Muslim debate in this country I hear more and more people discussing things that have been said on the likes of facebook More and more every day seem to be having there eyes opened to the problems Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Plummerterrier 291 Posted February 8, 2015 Report Share Posted February 8, 2015 Close this thread its going to achieve nothing like the majority of its posters. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mackem 27,781 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Share Posted February 9, 2015 I cant read the daily mail here shepp,theres a block on it in this country,but I can hazard a guess as to the articles content. It basically tells of how the Indian folk of Southall have turned the place into an urban slum. Flouting building regulations, erecting shanty town 'outbuildings' to house illegal immigrants. Yup,the slough-sheds have spread all over west-london,leastways they had last time I was there,I remember seeing an old garage interior having a makeover in Hayes and furniture being taken in,there was a raid on a street in southall a couple of years back and 13 illegal immigrants were arrested in one swoop of those illegal backyard dwellings. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BGD 6,436 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Share Posted February 9, 2015 (edited) But you cannot get up and do anything about the Muslim problem because you will be immediately shot down as a racist bigot So you honestly feel your country and culture are under attack but you won't stand up and do anything about it because you might get called some nasty names? Forget racist bigot, you're a gutless cur. Edited February 9, 2015 by BGD 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jacknife 2,005 Posted February 9, 2015 Report Share Posted February 9, 2015 Its a bit more than nasty name you would be destroyed I am doing something about it I'm leaving this shithole Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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