WILF 47,962 Posted February 6, 2015 Report Share Posted February 6, 2015 Zionism is nothing more than a body of Jewish people actively working on behalf of the creation and security of A Jewish homeland......that's it !!.......that's all it was ever about. And say what you like about the yids, they f***ing shame us who should be Traditional Christians by standing up for themselves and putting their guns where their mouth is !! They have a common beleife and they are stronger for it.......but hey ho, I am sure we can afford to wait for the last of the Druids to roll into town !!! 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Truther 1,579 Posted February 6, 2015 Report Share Posted February 6, 2015 I know we;re on the same page QB, always have been, only difference between us is i don't believe in either side. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Accip74 7,112 Posted February 6, 2015 Report Share Posted February 6, 2015 Funnily enough DB I agree with a lot of what you say. However, I must have misread a post somewhere because I believed you resided in the UK, took full benefit of our free health service, were protected by our armed forces, drove around on roads built and maintained by UK taxpayers, had the use of our free education system etc, etc, etc. Then I read the red highlighted sentence below, and realised you must still live in Iran then ? I apologise for this obvious error, and an error it must be, because surely no-one would live in a country and make use of all it's benefits, then state allegiance to another country. I mean, dear me, that could cause racial unrest couldn't it, who on earth could be so bold as to use the free facilities of a country, then state that really they couldn't give a toss and if it came to it their allegiance would lie with another country ??? You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shia and my allegiance is to Iran not these scum I dont have any great love for Sauds or Jordanians niether The pilot didnt deserve what he was subjected to however he was a professional soldier he was caught in an enemy conflict zone and the track record of ISIS shows clearly what would happen to him. Iran has fought against these regimes since 1979 and is sworn enemy to these groups we are hampered in what we do because the Zionists and their supporters are more afraid of any future plans for isreal. Arms purchases are blockaded to iran by we al lknow who but they will sell them via the backdoors of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now to get back to isis Iran are fighting them in Iraq and Syria the only foreign troops on the ground are iranian and we are fully supporting Syrian goverment troops and the Khurdish peshmurga Sauds are quiet because it is salafi and wahabi money that finances isis al quaida and taliban salafi and wahabi are the sauds own brand of islam what they dont realise is that these groups they have created are now out of their control and unless these terror groups are defeated they will finish their regimes. The Western Goverments should pull out of the middle east and let us get on with our own house cleaning the only way to defeat these groups is on the ground and the jokes of Geneva convention and perceived western human rights should be confined to western parliaments and see how quickly these conflicts will be smashed. As for me and my prayer mat we have been together all my life and will be until my death ,as for the numpties on here it would be real interesting to see how many have done any service other than girl guides. and wrvs. I live in belgium......but my allegiance is to England.....does that still count? 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jacknife 2,005 Posted February 6, 2015 Report Share Posted February 6, 2015 sounds like your confusing it with geordie rules jacker No i think you will find its Muslim rules http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/northumbria-police-charged-20-people-8587632 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
YOKEL 2,297 Posted February 6, 2015 Report Share Posted February 6, 2015 yokel. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 6, 2015 Report Share Posted February 6, 2015 Funnily enough DB I agree with a lot of what you say. However, I must have misread a post somewhere because I believed you resided in the UK, took full benefit of our free health service, were protected by our armed forces, drove around on roads built and maintained by UK taxpayers, had the use of our free education system etc, etc, etc. Then I read the red highlighted sentence below, and realised you must still live in Iran then ? I apologise for this obvious error, and an error it must be, because surely no-one would live in a country and make use of all it's benefits, then state allegiance to another country. I mean, dear me, that could cause racial unrest couldn't it, who on earth could be so bold as to use the free facilities of a country, then state that really they couldn't give a toss and if it came to it their allegiance would lie with another country ??? You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shia and my allegiance is to Iran not these scum I dont have any great love for Sauds or Jordanians niether The pilot didnt deserve what he was subjected to however he was a professional soldier he was caught in an enemy conflict zone and the track record of ISIS shows clearly what would happen to him. Iran has fought against these regimes since 1979 and is sworn enemy to these groups we are hampered in what we do because the Zionists and their supporters are more afraid of any future plans for isreal. Arms purchases are blockaded to iran by we al lknow who but they will sell them via the backdoors of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now to get back to isis Iran are fighting them in Iraq and Syria the only foreign troops on the ground are iranian and we are fully supporting Syrian goverment troops and the Khurdish peshmurga Sauds are quiet because it is salafi and wahabi money that finances isis al quaida and taliban salafi and wahabi are the sauds own brand of islam what they dont realise is that these groups they have created are now out of their control and unless these terror groups are defeated they will finish their regimes. The Western Goverments should pull out of the middle east and let us get on with our own house cleaning the only way to defeat these groups is on the ground and the jokes of Geneva convention and perceived western human rights should be confined to western parliaments and see how quickly these conflicts will be smashed. As for me and my prayer mat we have been together all my life and will be until my death ,as for the numpties on here it would be real interesting to see how many have done any service other than girl guides. and wrvs. I live in belgium......but my allegiance is to England.....does that still count? Are you using their FREE healthcare, benefits, education etc ? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hareydave 1,214 Posted February 6, 2015 Report Share Posted February 6, 2015 Max you really want to give your head a shake. My life in Iran is a lot cushier than here my present residency is for my Daughters Education as I have said before. I want her to get a education as broad based as possible . some Muslims do encourage female education. In the future she will at least know what she is talking about when she speaks unlike a lot of empty drums on here. what would your reaction be DB if your daughter fell for a man that was Christian or fell pregnant to one..just interested in your thoughts not an argument Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hareydave 1,214 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 King imagine going to Wales and trying to educate them, especially the white ones They ain't welcome in wales db they can feck off abroad and chase goats and were tea towels on there heads and kill and rape each other. They are so fecking thick that they believe if they blow them selves up and kill others. That they will go to a whole lot of virgins they are all thick as feck.And yes pie eater they can all. Leave Britain and don't come back. fcuk me in the middle reading that I was starting feel all gay, are you bent or what Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rodp 316 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Max you really want to give your head a shake. My life in Iran is a lot cushier than here my present residency is for my Daughters Education as I have said before. I want her to get a education as broad based as possible . some Muslims do encourage female education. In the future she will at least know what she is talking about when she speaks unlike a lot of empty drums on here. what would your reaction be DB if your daughter fell for a man that was Christian or fell pregnant to one..just interested in your thoughts not an argument If she's over 12 she's too old Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hareydave 1,214 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Max you really want to give your head a shake. My life in Iran is a lot cushier than here my present residency is for my Daughters Education as I have said before. I want her to get a education as broad based as possible . some Muslims do encourage female education. In the future she will at least know what she is talking about when she speaks unlike a lot of empty drums on here. what would your reaction be DB if your daughter fell for a man that was Christian or fell pregnant to one..just interested in your thoughts not an argument If she's over 12 she's too old im assuming the mans daughter is an adult an it a hypothetical question Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hareydave 1,214 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Zionists ? I ain't going to pretend I know the score here but I'm led to believe they are the Jewish money men running Newspapers' TV Channels and Banks Powerful Money lenders ect ? Oh my god, you don't even understand the basic principles of Zionism yet you come on here waxing lyrical about the troubles of the middle east...Words honestly fail me. Go and get an education you complete and utter moron. fuk there coming out the woodwork don't you be shooting your mouth off over here..or youl be on the first boat back to tinbuktoo Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mick1212 389 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Max you really want to give your head a shake. My life in Iran is a lot cushier than here my present residency is for my Daughters Education as I have said before. I want her to get a education as broad based as possible . some Muslims do encourage female education. In the future she will at least know what she is talking about when she speaks unlike a lot of empty drums on here. what would your reaction be DB if your daughter fell for a man that was Christian or fell pregnant to one..just interested in your thoughts not an argument If she's over 12 she's too old im assuming the mans daughter is an adult an it a hypothetical questionI don't think he'll answer your question honestly Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hareydave 1,214 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Max you really want to give your head a shake. My life in Iran is a lot cushier than here my present residency is for my Daughters Education as I have said before. I want her to get a education as broad based as possible . some Muslims do encourage female education. In the future she will at least know what she is talking about when she speaks unlike a lot of empty drums on here.what would your reaction be DB if your daughter fell for a man that was Christian or fell pregnant to one..just interested in your thoughts not an argumentIf she's over 12 she's too old im assuming the mans daughter is an adult an it a hypothetical questionI don't think he'll answer your question honestly feel an oul tremeloes tune coming on here Quote Link to post Share on other sites
arcticgun 4,548 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) That IS need stopping cos whilst the whole world arguing about whats what, these savages are simply gaining in strength from our end Im ashamed that our government wont do a thing about it, these animals are cutting the heads off human beings in the desert and setting up some mad deluded super state, I don't imagine by any means they are fussy whose heads they cut off or who they decide to incinerate on the internet be they Christian muslim, Buddhist yellow black white orange or anywhere in between just a few years back the site of burning oil was enough for Bush and Blair to fetch this current situation upon us all every soldier that has fallen every innocent that's spilled blood is solely on their and their pals from the middle easts hands, we went to war for money end of story back then, give them a genuine reason to go to war like what is going on today nobody wants to know we all fought out , its not popular anymore or we simply do not have the stomach for it, likely its of no financial interest for any of them to help , they just sit happy and watch people savaged by what is not even a proper army just a bunch of internet generation savages led by deluded fantasists that take a religion that like it or not means the world to a lot of people and trash it for their own twisted ends, but hey ho its all been done before and will likely e again Personally I think we should pull out the middle east and allow them too sort out their own house, you cant pick fights with people who have nothing too loose history is full of wars lost by people who failed to understand that, if you go to war do so with integrity not one eye on easiest way to get your hands on what is not yours,, at the best rate you can cos two people tried that along with a Saudi family and its cost the world dearly the real shame is they despite being heads of their own country did this all for personal gain, they would of never shared their gains with the likes of us never just they same way binladen and the current IS warlords all fools being played they will end up with holes blown in them pawns in a game the legacy is hate everyone hates everyone or perceives too, but lets face it BNP EDL UKIP etc never get in despite the predictions, there will be no uprising of the UK citizens eradicating muslims and sending them home cos most live in the real world we all worry about same things we pray to our respective gods its not our children whose blood spilt next for whatever the reason Let the middle east sort itself out Im pretty sure they wont sit about and allow these svages to progress because they bordering their respective countries or will at some point pick at one country that will put an end too it I sincerelyt hope the Geneva convention goes out of the window when they do fettle these savages let middle east justice prevail cos if we do it we likely give em a ticket home and a pardon apiece even pay them money for hurting there feelings or summt, once the middle east sorts itself out buy th eoil of whoever in charge if that's not viable then they goosed cos that's the piggy bank we just have to find alternative but methinks compromise could be found if peeps weren't so self centred proud to call desertbred a mate as are a few other lads who know him, he a genuine fella like him or not, he passionate about his family and his religion, he hates the ones that wont allow the rest of us the peace we ll deserve life hard enough is it not, Im an Atheist don't belive in any of it, he has never tried to push any views on me, he has however freely answered any questions Ive asked him about it, the little I know about it tells me just like most religions its a way to live etc if all abide all happy etc in reality like all othe religions what one man sees another sees different, so if your war minded you wil take the bits that suit you, these books where written a long time ago world was a smaller place more belived in them less twisted them butmaybe that's just human nature Edited February 7, 2015 by arcticgun 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
King. 215 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 King imagine going to Wales and trying to educate them, especially the white ones They ain't welcome in wales db they can feck off abroad and chase goats and were tea towels on there heads and kill and rape each other. They are so fecking thick that they believe if they blow them selves up and kill others. That they will go to a whole lot of virgins they are all thick as feck.And yes pie eater they can all. Leave Britain and don't come back. fcuk me in the middle reading that I was starting feel all gay, are you bent or whatAre you referring to my quote hareydave ? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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