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Burning Of Jordanian Pilot

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When I read all the different opinions on here, some make real grim reading. I think to myself what could I do as a British citizen to make things better for us all?


I have now come to the conclusion that there is nothing the man on the street can actually do. As usual we are just pawns in the bigger scheme of politics.



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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shi

As much as Dessie and myself dislike each other it ain't fair in my book to be holding him responsible for the world's sins. Goading him is not becoming of anyone and as sure as the shit I just launch

What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard

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The Muslims are a dog out of control that needs a good hiding and put back in its cage


What are you going to do about it?


When the Sikh community heard that Pakistani gangs were grooming their girls they went out and did something about it and took the sentence on the chin (ridiculous as it was) http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Leicester-men-jailed-joining-paranoid-campaign/story-25986571-detail/story.html


Why haven't the Brits in those towns done anything like that? I thought the British were supposed to be a game race :no: just a bunch of curs snapping and snarling on the internet.

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The Muslims are a dog out of control that needs a good hiding and put back in its cage


What are you going to do about it?


When the Sikh community heard that Pakistani gangs were grooming their girls they went out and did something about it and took the sentence on the chin (ridiculous as it was) http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Leicester-men-jailed-joining-paranoid-campaign/story-25986571-detail/story.html


Why haven't the Brits in those towns done anything like that? I thought the British were supposed to be a game race :no: just a bunch of curs snapping and snarling on the internet.



I expect plenty have went to prison for crimes against the Muslim


What do you think people are going to do form vigilantly mobs and go out looking for trouble

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The Muslims are a dog out of control that needs a good hiding and put back in its cage


What are you going to do about it?


When the Sikh community heard that Pakistani gangs were grooming their girls they went out and did something about it and took the sentence on the chin (ridiculous as it was) http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Leicester-men-jailed-joining-paranoid-campaign/story-25986571-detail/story.html


Why haven't the Brits in those towns done anything like that? I thought the British were supposed to be a game race :no: just a bunch of curs snapping and snarling on the internet.

Do you only come on here to bait and troll ?

You never offer anything else to the debate other than insult.


Best get back under your bridge.

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Nobody on here should do anything except spread Ukip .......Interesting that the MUSLIMS are grooming/raping the Sikh girls/children as well.


Fair play to you I might not agree with your politics but atleast you're out there trying to change what you thinks wrong with your country.


Even just campaigning for a political party is better than fantasising about a race war that will never happen on the internet.


Much better than tucking your tail and leaving the country like old jacknife the cur :laugh:

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I suppose these lads being mixed race they were lying and the other lad being of another race was telling the truth about. what happened.The part about them pulling a blade does not appear to be as important as them being mixed race. Strange the police and the courts didnt appear to have believed his explanation maybe they were mixed race al;so.

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Yes I'm bailing out on the sinking ship


I am doing something about it I'm leaving it for the Muslims and do gooders who cannot see anything wrong


You keep saying do something about it but theres only 2 choice


Vote Ukip (which ill be doing)


Get arrested by one of the new laws that prevent you speaking out

Edited by jacknife
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Yes I'm bailing out on the sinking ship


I am doing something about it I'm leaving it for the Muslims and do gooders who cannot see anything wrong


You keep saying do something about it but theres only 2 choice


Vote Ukip (which ill be doing)


Get arrested by one of the new laws that prevent you speaking out

Where you going ?
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I suppose most of the racists have small cocks :laugh: . lol wrong is wrong and c**ts are c**ts no matter what race religion or ethnic background ,I dislike some things for what they represent,. not because of the race or ethnic background of the people behind it

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Yes I'm bailing out on the sinking ship

I am doing something about it I'm leaving it for the Muslims and do gooders who cannot see anything wrong

You keep saying do something about it but theres only 2 choice

Vote Ukip (which ill be doing)

Get arrested by one of the new laws that prevent you speaking out

Where you going ?


Czech Republics hopefully


But in last couple of years Australia has been growing on me

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What will interest me is when it's all too late and we are up to our necks in home grown scum and all the dross from the worlds shit holes, is who the liberal leftie luvvies will blame.

It's going to get a damn sight worse in the very near future and the only consolation I can think of (and call me sad) is that the liberal wankers that have encouraged and created this problem will get fcuked over like the rest of us.

It is nearly worth hanging around to watch them wringing their hands and wondering where their dream of utopia went and how it all went wrong.

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And I would urge you all to listen to Enoch has to say in this very famous speech. It's a shame that none of today politicians have the balls to stand up like Enoch did. And say it like it obviously is.

If Enoch Powell had been the prime minister back in 1970 odd this country would be a total different place from what it is today. But the idiot Edward Heath dismissed Enoch from the shadow cabinet.

This whole thread of 28 pages wouldn't exist if men like this were in power.

RIP Enoch Powell.

He would be turning in his grave if he could see the state on Great Britain today.

Edited by King.
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And this is back in 1968. Enoch Powell knew then what we would face today.

And he got slammed for it.

truer words have never been spoken ,, at school we had italian kids, , polish kids,their parents was hard working honest people .same as all the nationalitys chinese too , they just wanted to work & look after their families in peace , then the asians arrived ,, they just want & will take over this country ,why because our own shitehouse sets of greedy lieing corrupt kiddie fiddling b*****ds give them more rights than us true blue brits , :censored::censored::censored: & what makes you think UKIPS any different :hmm:

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