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Burning Of Jordanian Pilot

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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shi

As much as Dessie and myself dislike each other it ain't fair in my book to be holding him responsible for the world's sins. Goading him is not becoming of anyone and as sure as the shit I just launch

What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard

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Articgun to say folk who want illegals found and re patriiated and for Goverment to have stronger border control to stop more coming illegally and to even stop free uncontrolled movement in Europe is weak minded your wrong

If anything it's being the opposite

Because of the above our NHS and schools are at breaking point

We have a housing shortage which will ultimately result in a loss of green belt land

We have no go areas

Immigrant ghettos

The whole country is Fundamentaly struggling

All because of Mass Uncontrolled immigration

And certain elements playing the race card to get a leg up.

I know immigration needs sorting we have no idea who is here and who ain't and that's atrocious blame labour for that one cons as well coz they joined Europe and opened flood gates, other European countries don't stand for it and quickly remove ileagls which IMHO is fair play in fact until we can stand properly on our own too feet and support ourselves I'd happily see immigration banned completely


But too say you want too start turfing people out is plain stupid a do in the real real world it's simply not going to happen is it? Most people are simply not on that sort of wavelength


Be honest can you see the average standard EDL yob affecting anything at all they sad modern day versions of relics of the past NF BNP them sorts stick shit through letter boxes n beat up defenceless people for stupid reasons like skin color that's ignorance IMHO take the easy option and blame your own and leaders failings on another coz they differnt color or culture be neared view like that lead to situations like we gave today ffs the EDL sorts are just footbl factory wannabees taken about as seriously as their so called jihad oppos playing at silly games shouting In streets about shot they know wod all about


Tbe Answers deffo not in hatred it's on working together

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I cant read the daily mail here shepp,theres a block on it in this country,but I can hazard a guess as to the articles content.

It basically tells of how the Indian folk of Southall have turned the place into an urban slum. Flouting building regulations, erecting shanty town 'outbuildings' to house illegal immigrants.


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I dont think it them that play the race card its the fear of it from the council


Councils are terrified of being called Racist or one of the many .............phobics


Or in certain areas its the corrupt Pakistani councilors

Edited by jacknife
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What's stupid in saying a concentrated effort by Goverment ' police and immigration to round up as many illegals as possible and re patriiated ?

Raid take always and hand car washes and they'll do ok for a start.

What's stupid about saying shore up our borders and get tough on those trying to illegally invade our shores ?

Stupid is carrying on as we are and doing Nothing.

nothing stupid about either and shame on them they don't care enough to bother but they don't live in the same streets we do, do they? but what do we do too make them do what we want hem to do? UKIP just a distraction, they got European parliament to take care of crap like that just on the off chance they do actually ever get in, if any of the main parties had any sense they would want their oppo to win cause who ever does is deffo in for a hard time, more people are putting the pieces together and will eventually want answers and action


UKIP wont work anymore than the others I don't know the answers but I know its not the local Asians fault for everything that's wrong in this country,


look at the last riots in this country ffs it was bit different too Meadowell, Toxteth Broad Water Farm etc we grew up with innit? Manchester went up and everyone used it as an excuse to update their wardrobe n TV systems lol the worlds changed a lot since them days no one does fook all now just the way it is

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its breach of building regulations and planning f**k all to do with a race card even though you have tried to portray it as such.

Sorry DB, you're wrong there, and I can prove it without doubt. The race card will be played and it will win. Come up here and I'll take you to the folk involved where you can see / hear for yourself.


Now, surely that's an offer you can't refuse if you think we have a problem with other races.


I'll PM you my address and even pick you up from the station. :thumbs:

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I dont have a problem with any races and nor do I think that scapegoating and trying to blame each and everything on immigrants and race addresses any of the issues this country is facing. Yes a really tough immigration policy is needed ,across the board but blame the MP,S for that immigrant MP,s are a minority in the legislator as far as I know, if the MP,s are easily manipulated by a perceived race card whos fault is that surely the ones who voted them in..In areas whe immigrants are in the majority then surely under a much trumpeted Democratic system the majority in a area has the right to vote in its representatives dont they.The police are constantly labelled as being institutionally racist. Personally I dont think they are, I think they have gone to appeasers rather than law enforcers I will not be held responsible for that

Rodp I am more than willing to come to your area if it will solve anything and I will make my own transport arrangements.

Edited by desertbred
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I dont have a problem with any races and nor do I think that scapegoating and trying to blame each and everything on immigrants and race addresses any of the issues this country is facing. Yes a really tough immigration policy is needed ,across the board but blame the MP,S for that immigrant MP,s are a minority in the legislator as far as I know, if the MP,s are easily manipulated by a perceived race card whos fault is that surely the ones who voted them in..In areas whe immigrants are in the majority then surely under a much trumpeted Democratic system the majority in a area has the right to vote in its representatives dont they.The police are constantly labelled as being institutionally racist. Personally I dont think they are, I think they have gone to appeasers rather than law enforcers I will not be held responsible for that

Rodp I am more than willing to come to your area if it will solve anything and I will make my own transport arrangements.

I can take you to two sites, one an old pub turned into flats and the other (next door to pub) two semi detached houses of terraced type (archway through the middle) that have been converted to flats. The houses were converted just prior to the pub.

The houses had doorways put in and studwalls erected to divide the two houses into four flats, the bare minimum needed to divide them up. There's no offroad parking, no sound insulation etc nor fire escapes.


The pub on the other hand HAD to provide two parking spaces per flat, had to put false ceilings in with sound insulation, had to provide fire escapes, had to have dividing walls of a certain thickness, etc, etc. All this was checked by the council during build, even the sound insulation (they came with meters)


When the pub owner queried why he had to go to these lengths and the house site didn't the council told him "We didn't know that one was being done, and it's not worth the trouble of fighting it now because ******** "


One site is owned by what you would call a white Englishman, the other by an asian ........... see if you can guess who owns which.


Now DB, if you want to come here I'll introduce you to the pub owner, the house site owner will probably be a little reluctant to discuss it though.

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its breach of building regulations and planning f**k all to do with a race card even though you have tried to portray it as such.


Shanty towns are an integral part of the Indian peoples rich and diverse culture.



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its breach of building regulations and planning f**k all to do with a race card even though you have tried to portray it as such.

Breaching planning regs is a very race specific offence in this area.

Southall is a good 99% Asian but areas like mine just a few towns away which is mainly white English does not have these 'outbuildings', let alone on every house.

It is just a different mentality.

Buy a house, pull down front wall, concrete over front garden.

Build as bigger flat roof extension as possible for peanuts, thus ends up looking like shit.

Then build 'outbuilding' for peanuts with no planning permission, fill with illegals to fund Merc or BMW to park in concreted over garden.

Just round the corner from me I noticed a crappy thermalite block building has been put up in a corner plot. It got to fence height and I think somebody spotted it and reported it to the local council, as it has stayed that height for nearly two years, with no roof.

I thought to myself back then, I bet I know who lives in that house.

After a few months I spotted the house owner through the living room window watching TV, yes he was of course Asian.

So there you go, the only 'outbuilding' with no planning I know of in my town is owned by an Asian.

Much like the only large scale benefit fraudster and former sham marriage organiser in my town is the Nigerian family in my street.

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