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Burning Of Jordanian Pilot

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I didn't say that you said I was a fool, I said you implied it, probably more accurately I inferred it. But I'd say that's fair inference considering me being taken hook line and sinker and having little understanding of Japan, eh?

I'm still struggling to see this offensive capability of Japan and the legal framework which restricts them from controlling their own forces though... which after all is what I'm wrong about, right?


Occupied country since 1945, heirachy go along with it or their f****d, they can't make a decision for themselves, much like us ;) Without investment they wouldn't have got where they are, not that the general population have gained by it, you don't seriously think it went any other way do you? Like i said, a country on its knees full of robots who do what they are told, perfect, and no union problems...............Look at the suicide rates, its an epidemic, because the younger generation know, and there's f**k all they can do, suicide rate here is catching up, lost a few mates myself.

Well that's a very interesting view, not half as crazy as I was expecting, lol. Fair play and thanks.


The yanks have indeed kept a heavy naval presence there, suits them for their Pacific defence interests. I'm not sure I'm quite willing to accept them as 'occupied' in the 21stC though... If that were true why did/does the PM want to change the constitution on pacifism to allow offensive action? Why is it noted that national feeling towards such a stance is very opposing?


Occupied country under false pretenses with a robot population brainwashed to tow the line... or socially anti military country due to bad experience of such, which now protects a strong military alliance by allowing a foreign superpower bases who has clear regional interests.


I'd need more evidence mate, but interesting all the same...

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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shi

As much as Dessie and myself dislike each other it ain't fair in my book to be holding him responsible for the world's sins. Goading him is not becoming of anyone and as sure as the shit I just launch

What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard

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And if they're occupied, with such strong social anti militarism, why keep a 170'000 strong standing army and the 7th highest defence budget in the world? Why would an oppressor with an entire fleet based there allow that when the public don't even want it? Why risk that?

Edited by Born Hunter
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Max its never going to happen no matter how hard you wish or how many posts you put on here. To beat the terrorist jihadi organisations leave it to people whose families have fought in these lands for generations. Religious and tribal loyalties determine the outcome of conflicts in the middle east. relying on the Sauds in Arabia and the tribes of the UAE is destined for failure as loyalty is a commodity to them that will go to the highest bidder.Much the same as the mercenaries in the terror groups.

Agree with you their DB. But this IS needs stopping NOW by the Americans, British, Saudis, etc they are the modern day Nazis only worse if left to there own devices.

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And if they're occupied, with such strong social anti militarism, why keep a 170'000 strong standing army and the 7th highest defence budget in the world? Why would an oppressor with an entire fleet based there allow that when the public don't even want it? Why risk that?


Immediatly after the jap surrender Mountbatten took over the jap army, used them to police the areas they already occupied, nothings changed, just another 170,000 units of cannon fodda to do the bidding of............make your own mind up?

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Where did i say you were a "fool" ? You're obviously not a fool, just not digging hard enough, or just not willing to face the truth. Not hard mate, its not even hidden, why the f**k people go along with the shite i just don't know? One theory is we don't want the responsibilty, sooner leave it to the ones that do, probably a lot of truth in that?

Serious question mate,

If you know all the answers, who controls what, who controls us etc.. What do you propose to do about it?

Withdraw our support, simples, but it wont happen, one way or another things will change, just hope its not to messy?


No mate what would YOU do... We're all puppets at the end of the day,

I've got mates who are in the forces, I know a fair few people who've committed suicide ( including a lad last week, last time I saw him we sat together at the boxing, seemed happy enough to me).

f**k all I can do, or you for that matter.


I make the best of what I can, I'll never influence f**k all else



Im doing it mate, my contribution, making people think, or i hope so? Making my head hurt though, so im off

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Here you go BH From BBC news. It appears Japan's getting itchy feet again


Japan's parliament has approved its largest ever military budget, the third rise in defence spending in as many years.

Since WWII the country has been constitutionally bound not to deploy combat troops abroad.

However, Japan says China now poses a threat to its interests in the East China Sea and that it must boost its military capabilities in response.

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Yeah I've read that mate. Like I said, they can if they want to. It's their constitution. They need a two thirds parliamnetary majority and a simple public majority. They're far more concerned about China and North Korea. If they wanted to deploy troops in the middle east they can do, but they haven't the will or the right tools..... yet.

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I think you may find it's a constitution that was imposed on them, I'm sure they still have to get approval from other nations to do it without any hassle. And I'm not so sure it's too far off.

I think you're talking about the mutual security pact which I think is different to the constitution. And the mutual security pact is mutual, the japs did not have to resign it in 1970 and can pull out at any time. It's a simple agreement to let the yanks have a base there for a military alliance/security.


Their constitution of pacifism is very much publicly backed and their own. I haven't seen anything that supports them needing a legal okay from anybody but themselves. This may have been pushed on them post war by the yanks as is customary or may have been their choice in such a situation, but bottom line it's their doing and they can undo it in todays world. The yanks even support it! LOL

Edited by Born Hunter
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You could be right, I haven't really delved into it too much. I was under the impression however they were still militarily restricted by terms that were imposed in the past .

I would imagine either way they would clear it with other countries even if to just stop any unwanted sanctions. I do know they've been flexing their muscles just lately, a bit like a young bird getting ready for take off.


If there's a "next time" for the Japs I do think they'll be with the allies though, they had a right pounding last time and don't want that again. Plus the fact of course, they've become more and more westernised the last few years and they like western money.

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Just found this;



It explains what I've been trying to.


You're right they are militarily restricted, as I have been saying to self defence. Whether their constitutional pacifism was pushed on them or self imposed is debateable but it's still their constitution and only they are needed to change it. Modern day Japan is different to post hiroshima Japan, they have a much better relationship with the yanks. And the yanks support them being a more proactive Pacific player.

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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shia and my allegiance is to Iran not these scum I dont have any great love for Sauds or Jordanians niether The pilot didnt deserve what he was subjected to however he was a professional soldier he was caught in an enemy conflict zone and the track record of ISIS shows clearly what would happen to him. Iran has fought against these regimes since 1979 and is sworn enemy to these groups we are hampered in what we do because the Zionists and their supporters are more afraid of any future plans for isreal. Arms purchases are blockaded to iran by we al lknow who but they will sell them via the backdoors of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now to get back to isis Iran are fighting them in Iraq and Syria the only foreign troops on the ground are iranian and we are fully supporting Syrian goverment troops and the Khurdish peshmurga Sauds are quiet because it is salafi and wahabi money that finances isis al quaida and taliban salafi and wahabi are the sauds own brand of islam what they dont realise is that these groups they have created are now out of their control and unless these terror groups are defeated they will finish their regimes. The Western Goverments should pull out of the middle east and let us get on with our own house cleaning the only way to defeat these groups is on the ground and the jokes of Geneva convention and perceived western human rights should be confined to western parliaments and see how quickly these conflicts will be smashed. As for me and my prayer mat we have been together all my life and will be until my death ,as for the numpties on here it would be real interesting to see how many have done any service other than girl guides. and wrvs. :laugh::laugh::thumbs:

Probably the best post you have ever written,thank you!.

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What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard heroes. I dont draw benefits I pay taxes on my properties I pay fo my Daughters Education I pay council tax I tax and insure my vehicles which is a damn sight more than most of you loyal British bull shitters do. I have spent most of my adultlife in conflicts and they have no fear for me .I would rejoin to fight ISIS tomorrow if I am allowed .I will fight for what I believe is right not what someone wants to force me to believe. I have openly expressed my feelings many times on here on various matters only to be accused of lying LOL The vast majority of you believe the shit fed to you by your Government and the political parties and cant blow your noses without being told to.. I will protect my family friends and religion to the best of my abilities any one attacks me or mine then expect retaliation and I will guarantee it would ..not be pretty. I will not defend people like ISIS, Taliban Alquaida or any other terrorists nor will I defend peadophiles or rapists even thieves I would have to think hard if I would defend them I certainly wont be cowtowed or threatened by morons bigots and racists so enjoy you hunting those of you that do hunt and get on with your lives.

Fair play to you DB, if you do pay your way (all of it) and have input to the country I don't have a problem. One of my mates is muslim (sort of now) and you couldn't wish for a finer buddy. He fits in, does as we do, and if he does practise his religion is nice and quietly the same as we do things.

If the UK went to war though, and you were of the right age, I would expect you to fight for this country . If it were war against Iran then to be honest I don't know where to expect your loyalties to lie, that would be a tough one.


I do have a very big problem though with moderate muslims doing SFA about isis.



Moderate muslims are the only ones fighting ISIS on the ground! This thread is about a moderate muslim that was captured and killed in the most barbaric way because he was fighting ISIS.


Would love to see you go and tell the peshmerga they're "doing SFA about isis".


Seems the moderate muslims are doing plenty to me :hmm:

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What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard heroes. I dont draw benefits I pay taxes on my properties I pay fo my Daughters Education I pay council tax I tax and insure my vehicles which is a damn sight more than most of you loyal British bull shitters do. I have spent most of my adultlife in conflicts and they have no fear for me .I would rejoin to fight ISIS tomorrow if I am allowed .I will fight for what I believe is right not what someone wants to force me to believe. I have openly expressed my feelings many times on here on various matters only to be accused of lying LOL The vast majority of you believe the shit fed to you by your Government and the political parties and cant blow your noses without being told to.. I will protect my family friends and religion to the best of my abilities any one attacks me or mine then expect retaliation and I will guarantee it would ..not be pretty. I will not defend people like ISIS, Taliban Alquaida or any other terrorists nor will I defend peadophiles or rapists even thieves I would have to think hard if I would defend them I certainly wont be cowtowed or threatened by morons bigots and racists so enjoy you hunting those of you that do hunt and get on with your lives.

Fair play to you DB, if you do pay your way (all of it) and have input to the country I don't have a problem. One of my mates is muslim (sort of now) and you couldn't wish for a finer buddy. He fits in, does as we do, and if he does practise his religion is nice and quietly the same as we do things.

If the UK went to war though, and you were of the right age, I would expect you to fight for this country . If it were war against Iran then to be honest I don't know where to expect your loyalties to lie, that would be a tough one.


I do have a very big problem though with moderate muslims doing SFA about isis.


Moderate muslims are the only ones fighting ISIS on the ground! This thread is about a moderate muslim that was captured and killed in the most barbaric way because he was fighting ISIS.


Would love to see you go and tell the peshmerga they're "doing SFA about isis".


Seems the moderate muslims are doing plenty to me :hmm:


by no stretch of the imagination are moderate minor or even wannabee Muslims going to be fighting IS, well trained troops will be doing that, just the same when lads say that everyday muslims should sort out there own house, they are just normal people , they likely do their best to keep their kids away from the ones that would seek to lead them into this world that's come to exist, Ive no doubt many everyday muslims are actually going that extra yard and likely taking great risk spying on said organisations cos without a doubt the intelligence services will be onto that, so maybe its not what you see its what you don't see that counts maybe? the get em out behaviour of EDL BNP UKIP wont ever help situations like this they only make it worse to be fair they whip up the weakminded and send them into town centres screaming on ruining everybodys Saturday arguing with their enemies,pathetic, but not too far removed from how the IS recruit selling weak minded people simple solutions tht in the bigger picture wont and cant work they are outdated and unrealistic, no wonder we so easily played when we stil argue about religion and skin color

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