King. 215 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 It's all a hell of a lot of head work artic gun. And my small words in the big scheme of things will do nothing and certainly have no effect. But I will say that if any paki or Muslim harmed my family or friends family in a twisted way like the feckers do I will retaliate with full force. And not stand by and watch it happen. I'm sure there will be a massive vigilante movement in Britain within 10yrs. There's only so much shit people can take. c**ts like you all broth an no brawnWhat you think doesent bother me hareydave. I've my own opinion and that's that.Do you seriously expect me to put up with all this shit on my own door step when it has a direct effect on my family fecking wake up you knob. do what ever ya want....round here if the open there trap they go home in a box Well that sounds better than being be headed or burned in a cage hareydave. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,299 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Funnily enough DB I agree with a lot of what you say. However, I must have misread a post somewhere because I believed you resided in the UK, took full benefit of our free health service, were protected by our armed forces, drove around on roads built and maintained by UK taxpayers, had the use of our free education system etc, etc, etc. Then I read the red highlighted sentence below, and realised you must still live in Iran then ? I apologise for this obvious error, and an error it must be, because surely no-one would live in a country and make use of all it's benefits, then state allegiance to another country. I mean, dear me, that could cause racial unrest couldn't it, who on earth could be so bold as to use the free facilities of a country, then state that really they couldn't give a toss and if it came to it their allegiance would lie with another country ??? You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shia and my allegiance is to Iran not these scum I dont have any great love for Sauds or Jordanians niether The pilot didnt deserve what he was subjected to however he was a professional soldier he was caught in an enemy conflict zone and the track record of ISIS shows clearly what would happen to him. Iran has fought against these regimes since 1979 and is sworn enemy to these groups we are hampered in what we do because the Zionists and their supporters are more afraid of any future plans for isreal. Arms purchases are blockaded to iran by we al lknow who but they will sell them via the backdoors of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now to get back to isis Iran are fighting them in Iraq and Syria the only foreign troops on the ground are iranian and we are fully supporting Syrian goverment troops and the Khurdish peshmurga Sauds are quiet because it is salafi and wahabi money that finances isis al quaida and taliban salafi and wahabi are the sauds own brand of islam what they dont realise is that these groups they have created are now out of their control and unless these terror groups are defeated they will finish their regimes. The Western Goverments should pull out of the middle east and let us get on with our own house cleaning the only way to defeat these groups is on the ground and the jokes of Geneva convention and perceived western human rights should be confined to western parliaments and see how quickly these conflicts will be smashed. As for me and my prayer mat we have been together all my life and will be until my death ,as for the numpties on here it would be real interesting to see how many have done any service other than girl guides. and wrvs. I live in belgium......but my allegiance is to England.....does that still count?I live in Spain, my allegiance is to Blighty would I fight for and defend my adopted country? Absolutely 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
arcticgun 4,548 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) doule post lol Edited February 7, 2015 by arcticgun 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
arcticgun 4,548 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 normal every day muslims cannot do anything about the sort of savages that are assembling under IS banner, seemingly normal people are taking leave of their senses and going to join this mad outfit, I seriously doubt religion is at the heart of their thinking, Ive heard stories that they all sat out their drugged up to the eyeballs in the desert, raping and pillaging provinces that are helpless to defend themselves , people who likely did not even know there was a war on to busy just living nomadic existence, they killing anyone who does not believe in their views, and nobody is doing sweet FA to stop them, they have taunted the entire world by killing people from most nations openly, in the full knowledge that nobody will retaliate?? WTF is that about? maybe we learned not too get involved cause to do so will be a boots on ground project these sorts will simply hide amongst the innocent as they always do when the bombers come in, no they need sifting out in the every same manner they have invaded with, they need to be eradicated to the man and woman otherwise they simply repatriate and start all over again, if we go in with our hands tied as we do so when going to war then we will only make it worse in long run we far too human for this sort of work, different mentality your fighting against out there, let the middle est sort its own problems out then deal with the victor, he soon write history to make himself acceptable to deal with for us its about oil only to them its about there land and customs I doubt most Muslims want to live under IS cause if they did they would be out thre now not living next door to you or serving you your fags n lager n sun paper this morning, people are just people most doitn even want to fight simply exsist never mind run the entire world lol its hard enough running your own family 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,825 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Doesn't matter anyway, by the end of the year we'll not have a military left! Just two aircraft carrier sat in dock. It's f***ing disgraceful. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
arcticgun 4,548 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Funnily enough DB I agree with a lot of what you say. However, I must have misread a post somewhere because I believed you resided in the UK, took full benefit of our free health service, were protected by our armed forces, drove around on roads built and maintained by UK taxpayers, had the use of our free education system etc, etc, etc. Then I read the red highlighted sentence below, and realised you must still live in Iran then ? I apologise for this obvious error, and an error it must be, because surely no-one would live in a country and make use of all it's benefits, then state allegiance to another country. I mean, dear me, that could cause racial unrest couldn't it, who on earth could be so bold as to use the free facilities of a country, then state that really they couldn't give a toss and if it came to it their allegiance would lie with another country ??? You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shia and my allegiance is to Iran not these scum I dont have any great love for Sauds or Jordanians niether The pilot didnt deserve what he was subjected to however he was a professional soldier he was caught in an enemy conflict zone and the track record of ISIS shows clearly what would happen to him. Iran has fought against these regimes since 1979 and is sworn enemy to these groups we are hampered in what we do because the Zionists and their supporters are more afraid of any future plans for isreal. Arms purchases are blockaded to iran by we al lknow who but they will sell them via the backdoors of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now to get back to isis Iran are fighting them in Iraq and Syria the only foreign troops on the ground are iranian and we are fully supporting Syrian goverment troops and the Khurdish peshmurga Sauds are quiet because it is salafi and wahabi money that finances isis al quaida and taliban salafi and wahabi are the sauds own brand of islam what they dont realise is that these groups they have created are now out of their control and unless these terror groups are defeated they will finish their regimes. The Western Goverments should pull out of the middle east and let us get on with our own house cleaning the only way to defeat these groups is on the ground and the jokes of Geneva convention and perceived western human rights should be confined to western parliaments and see how quickly these conflicts will be smashed. As for me and my prayer mat we have been together all my life and will be until my death ,as for the numpties on here it would be real interesting to see how many have done any service other than girl guides. and wrvs. I live in belgium......but my allegiance is to England.....does that still count? I live in Spain, my allegiance is to Blighty would I fight for and defend my adopted country? Absolutely likely more than the spanish would lol fair play though pal, they been good to you and you would stand up for them better world if everyone was the same Quote Link to post Share on other sites
arcticgun 4,548 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) Doesn't matter anyway, by the end of the year we'll not have a military left! Just two aircraft carrier sat in dock. It's f***ing disgraceful. you know that's the sad thing we squandered our military in pursuit of oil riches chasing our so called best friends around the globe, prior to those conflicts the british army had a record of going into places and getting results fair n square, now there is a genuine reason to go to war sat in the form of IS Id imagine any soldier seeing that sort of behaviour being carried out would be only too glad to assist sorting it all out that's what they join for to protect those that need protecting not fighting to make sly gutless people richer, Edited February 7, 2015 by arcticgun 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,825 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Doesn't matter anyway, by the end of the year we'll not have a military left! Just two aircraft carrier sat in dock. It's f***ing know that's the sad thing we squandered our military in pursuit of oil riches chasing our so called best friends around the globe, prior to those conflicts the british army had a record of going into places and getting results fair n square, now there is a genuine reason to go to war sat in the form of IS Id imagine any soldier seeing that sort of behaviour being carried out would be only too glad to assist sorting it all out that's what they join for to protect those that need protecting not fighting to make sly gutless people richer, Nobody gives the slightest f**k about defence anymore, but are the first to shout "bomb the b*****ds" when shit goes awry. The electorate don't care so the politicians don't care. Defence should be the primary concern of central government and we can't even maintain 2%GDP. It's that bad we need to phone the yanks and Canadians to search our waters for nuclear aggressors!!!!!! 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 (edited) What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard heroes. I dont draw benefits I pay taxes on my properties I pay fo my Daughters Education I pay council tax I tax and insure my vehicles which is a damn sight more than most of you loyal British bull shitters do. I have spent most of my adultlife in conflicts and they have no fear for me .I would rejoin to fight ISIS tomorrow if I am allowed .I will fight for what I believe is right not what someone wants to force me to believe. I have openly expressed my feelings many times on here on various matters only to be accused of lying LOL The vast majority of you believe the shit fed to you by your Government and the political parties and cant blow your noses without being told to.. I will protect my family friends and religion to the best of my abilities any one attacks me or mine then expect retaliation and I will guarantee it would ..not be pretty. I will not defend people like ISIS, Taliban Alquaida or any other terrorists nor will I defend peadophiles or rapists even thieves I would have to think hard if I would defend them I certainly wont be cowtowed or threatened by morons bigots and racists so enjoy you hunting those of you that do hunt and get on with your lives. Edited February 7, 2015 by desertbred 9 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
shepp 2,285 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Funnily enough DB I agree with a lot of what you say. However, I must have misread a post somewhere because I believed you resided in the UK, took full benefit of our free health service, were protected by our armed forces, drove around on roads built and maintained by UK taxpayers, had the use of our free education system etc, etc, etc. Then I read the red highlighted sentence below, and realised you must still live in Iran then ? I apologise for this obvious error, and an error it must be, because surely no-one would live in a country and make use of all it's benefits, then state allegiance to another country. I mean, dear me, that could cause racial unrest couldn't it, who on earth could be so bold as to use the free facilities of a country, then state that really they couldn't give a toss and if it came to it their allegiance would lie with another country ??? You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shia and my allegiance is to Iran not these scum I dont have any great love for Sauds or Jordanians niether The pilot didnt deserve what he was subjected to however he was a professional soldier he was caught in an enemy conflict zone and the track record of ISIS shows clearly what would happen to him. Iran has fought against these regimes since 1979 and is sworn enemy to these groups we are hampered in what we do because the Zionists and their supporters are more afraid of any future plans for isreal. Arms purchases are blockaded to iran by we al lknow who but they will sell them via the backdoors of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now to get back to isis Iran are fighting them in Iraq and Syria the only foreign troops on the ground are iranian and we are fully supporting Syrian goverment troops and the Khurdish peshmurga Sauds are quiet because it is salafi and wahabi money that finances isis al quaida and taliban salafi and wahabi are the sauds own brand of islam what they dont realise is that these groups they have created are now out of their control and unless these terror groups are defeated they will finish their regimes. The Western Goverments should pull out of the middle east and let us get on with our own house cleaning the only way to defeat these groups is on the ground and the jokes of Geneva convention and perceived western human rights should be confined to western parliaments and see how quickly these conflicts will be smashed. As for me and my prayer mat we have been together all my life and will be until my death ,as for the numpties on here it would be real interesting to see how many have done any service other than girl guides. and wrvs. I live in belgium......but my allegiance is to England.....does that still count? Not really, Belgium is not really a country. More a collection of different speaking European people and a third world refugee camp. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lurcherman 887 13,264 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Soonie Quote Link to post Share on other sites
NEWKID 27,661 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 One thing I notice a lot on these threads is everyone has an opinion and without the education or the experience will argue it as gospel!! I suppose that is all an opinion is, an idea you cling too? I read desertbreds posts with great interest, because his opinions ( right or wrong) are based on experience and education. He is educated in Islam and experienced in the conflicts of the Middle East, maybe doesn't make his opinion right but definetly makes it more tangible! Who knows where the core problem is, there are so many theories the general public and people ( like myself) who do not read every side of every argument get confused. It would seem Islam can be used to manipulate impressionable people to carry out heinous crimes world wide, and now with Isis they are killing people of all nationalities and from all walks of life. Perhaps it is for the people of the Middle East to sort out, but when you kill japenese journalists, British aid workers etc you're sticking 2 fingers up to the rest of the world, how long will it be before the rest of the world seriously join the fight? 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Hareydave 1,214 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 good one send the pork chops in Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Plummerterrier 291 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Who really gives a f**k. Just enjoy life. Don't be hard up and don't give a f**k about stuff that doesn't directly effect you. Instead of wasting what time you have moaning and bitching enjoy it an do whatever the f**k you like doing. 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
NEWKID 27,661 Posted February 7, 2015 Report Share Posted February 7, 2015 Who really gives a f**k. Just enjoy life. Don't be hard up and don't give a f**k about stuff that doesn't directly effect you. Instead of wasting what time you have moaning and bitching enjoy it an do whatever the f**k you like doing. Look after you and yours cause we sure as hell ain't gonna change the world!! 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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