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Burning Of Jordanian Pilot

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Max again you are trying to tell me what I am and then hide behind a question .you really are not as clever as you want to portray yourself ,do you know what zionists are?. zionism is what I am against not judaism.

DB you seem switched on to me, and honest enough to say what you think and not try to hide behind anyone or anything, so why do you defend your beliefs religion or way of life to some of the less ignorant antagonistic wind up merchants on here?

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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shi

As much as Dessie and myself dislike each other it ain't fair in my book to be holding him responsible for the world's sins. Goading him is not becoming of anyone and as sure as the shit I just launch

What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard

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Truther so if your enlightened tell me why Muslims all over the world are kicking off and beheading folk ?

Shooting Folk ect ?

And why are Western Goverments appeasing them in Western lands ?

Ie doing basically fook all re all the hate preachers ect

Zionists ?

I ain't going to pretend I know the score here but I'm led to believe they are the Jewish money men running Newspapers' TV Channels and Banks

Powerful Money lenders ect ?


What I'm more interested about on Britains and European streets is that a Muslim youth can burn a bible and fook all will happen to him

But a White British youth who if burned the Koran would be a racist and prob go to Prison ?

A Muslim could burn a poppy or deface a cenotaph and not much happens

But draw a cartoon and all he'll breaks loose


These are the issues western Politicians need to deal with and address now.


DB wouldn't want a reverse total repatriation re Arabs/Muslims and Westerners from each other's lands because his cushty life would be over.


That's the top and bottom of it


When In Rome should be the Ethos for All '

All Over The World if in a Hosts Country or get the fook out of there .


The muslims are kicking off for various reasons, tribal conflict with each other, religious differences within islam, money/power, all governed by a primitive 7th century mind set. The muslims are f**k all, just the "dog that bites" they can't do anything in Europe without the "powers that be" wanting them to. You're to busy trying to kick the dog rather than give the owner a smack mate ;)

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Unfortunately db and a few others your views on world / middle east politics , conflicts are wasted on 99.9℅ on here myself included . I don't know why they try and debate a subject they obviously know nothing about ..

What I do know is we have a real problem here in England , the us and them line has been drawn at ground level , its not just curry cooking taxi drivers or greasy eastern European goat hearding collie chopper's that's the problem , let's not forget we have bred our own layabout drug taking free loading bellends ..things will only come to a head when we run out of room in city ghetto, s and the problems are encroaching on middle England ..there's a chance we could sort our own shit out eventually .. But we can't keep importing kiddie fiddling scum cultures from all over the world .. How do they expect some teenager from lawless Mogadishu to behave here for example??? Lifes cheap , thieving , rapeing , mistreating children , human trafficking and cannibalism all common practice to keep alive .

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The best simple fix is to export all none Brits straight out of the country. If you ain't white you can piss off. Imagine going to a Muslim country and saying I'm going to build a Christian church. They would behead you. Feck them all off.

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Max you really want to give your head a shake. My life in Iran is a lot cushier than here my present residency is for my Daughters Education as I have said before. I want her to get a education as broad based as possible . some Muslims do encourage female education. In the future she will at least know what she is talking about when she speaks unlike a lot of empty drums on here.

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The best simple fix is to export all none Brits straight out of the country. If you ain't white you can piss off. Imagine going to a Muslim country and saying I'm going to build a Christian church. They would behead you. Feck them all off.

Not about race though is it? Youd happily watch all races apart from white European sent away from this country?

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Max you really want to give your head a shake. My life in Iran is a lot cushier than here my present residency is for my Daughters Education as I have said before. I want her to get a education as broad based as possible . some Muslims do encourage female education. In the future she will at least know what she is talking about when she speaks unlike a lot of empty drums on here.


that's fair enough,you and your family have no ties to this overcrowded land and shouldn't be here.


As long as you f@ck off when you're finished,and unlike a lot of Muslims don't have ambitions of colonising/settling permanently.

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King imagine going to Wales and trying to educate them, especially the white ones :whistling:

They ain't welcome in wales db they can feck off abroad and chase goats and were tea towels on there heads and kill and rape each other. They are so fecking thick that they believe if they blow them selves up and kill others. That they will go to a whole lot of virgins they are all thick as feck.

And yes pie eater they can all. Leave Britain and don't come back.

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King imagine going to Wales and trying to educate them, especially the white ones :whistling:

They ain't welcome in wales db they can feck off abroad and chase goats and were tea towels on there heads and kill and rape each other. They are so fecking thick that they believe if they blow them selves up and kill others. That they will go to a whole lot of virgins they are all thick as feck.

And yes pie eater they can all. Leave Britain and don't come back.


Im with you on the Muslims King but race doesn't come into it with me, I realy couldn't care what skin colour people are.

Edited by pie-eater
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King are you into voting LOL

No db I'm just saying what I and millions of other Brits would like to see happening. As for voting I've never voted in my whole life. I'm sick of watching the news and it's full of Muslim this and that.

And I'm an atheist mainly because I don't believe in all the bull shit about the Quran. Or the Christian bible. How can a normal person believe in a giant person namely god (dog spelt backwards) living in the sky lol. It's a load of nonsense in my eyes. And the reason I think that all these religious nuts believe in a god is because they are afraid of the unknown and believe that if they sit on a doormat and talk shit for a few minutes they are safe lol. Fecking nonsense the lot of it. And ultimately the biggest problem that humanity has faced in the past and in the future.

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