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Burning Of Jordanian Pilot

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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shi

As much as Dessie and myself dislike each other it ain't fair in my book to be holding him responsible for the world's sins. Goading him is not becoming of anyone and as sure as the shit I just launch

What would you clowns sooner I did besides f**k off out the country LOL I have told you where my loyalties lie an honest answer or would you sooner I lie like half you hypocritical c**ts and keyboard

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You ladies are determined to rope me into your dream scenarios. Lets make it clear from the outset I dont consider ISIS, taliban,, ,boka haram as anything other than criminals and terrorists. I am shia and my allegiance is to Iran not these scum I dont have any great love for Sauds or Jordanians niether The pilot didnt deserve what he was subjected to however he was a professional soldier he was caught in an enemy conflict zone and the track record of ISIS shows clearly what would happen to him. Iran has fought against these regimes since 1979 and is sworn enemy to these groups we are hampered in what we do because the Zionists and their supporters are more afraid of any future plans for isreal. Arms purchases are blockaded to iran by we al lknow who but they will sell them via the backdoors of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now to get back to isis Iran are fighting them in Iraq and Syria the only foreign troops on the ground are iranian and we are fully supporting Syrian goverment troops and the Khurdish peshmurga Sauds are quiet because it is salafi and wahabi money that finances isis al quaida and taliban salafi and wahabi are the sauds own brand of islam what they dont realise is that these groups they have created are now out of their control and unless these terror groups are defeated they will finish their regimes. The Western Goverments should pull out of the middle east and let us get on with our own house cleaning the only way to defeat these groups is on the ground and the jokes of Geneva convention and perceived western human rights should be confined to western parliaments and see how quickly these conflicts will be smashed. As for me and my prayer mat we have been together all my life and will be until my death ,as for the numpties on here it would be real interesting to see how many have done any service other than girl guides. and wrvs. :laugh::laugh::thumbs:

Edited by desertbred
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I agree with most of that DB, Arabs know how to deal with Arabs......if the west dont like it then we should look the other way.


They should have a deal, let the yids slaughter those f***ing Palestinians Hamas mob and arm Iran and let them get on rinsing out that part of the world.

Edited by WILF
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I agree with most of that DB, Arabs know how to deal with Arabs......if the west dont like it then we should look the other way.


They should have a deal, let the yids slaughter those f***ing Palestinians Hamas mob and arm Iran and let them get on rinsing out that part of the world.


It won't stop there though. Before we know it every player will be on a conquest to take back what they see as their own lands. Israel will be bombing every bugger with a turban, assuming the yanks do stay out of it, the Saudis and Iranians will be deciding whether to flatten Israel first, let the other fella do it or flatten each other. Israel would NOT go down without leaving the whole region radioactive which would push the Saudis into nuclear armament through Pakistan and make the Iranians fast track their bomb project to counter. Meanwhile the world economy has gone to complete shite, because of an unstable oil market like never seen before.


The entire region is a ticking bomb, only kept stable by US/Western intervention, imo. Though that ain't to the advantage of anybody but the West.

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I agree with most of that DB, Arabs know how to deal with Arabs......if the west dont like it then we should look the other way.


They should have a deal, let the yids slaughter those f***ing Palestinians Hamas mob and arm Iran and let them get on rinsing out that part of the world.


It won't stop there though. Before we know it every player will be on a conquest to take back what they see as their own lands. Israel will be bombing every bugger with a turban, assuming the yanks do stay out of it, the Saudis and Iranians will be deciding whether to flatten Israel first, let the other fella do it or flatten each other. Israel would NOT go down without leaving the whole region radioactive which would push the Saudis into nuclear armament through Pakistan and make the Iranians fast track their bomb project to counter. Meanwhile the world economy has gone to complete shite, because of an unstable oil market like never seen before.


The entire region is a ticking bomb, only kept stable by US/Western intervention, imo. Though that ain't to the advantage of anybody but the West.


Your a little ray of sunshine!!

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It won't stop there though. Before we know it every player will be on a conquest to take back what they see as their own lands. Israel will be bombing every bugger with a turban, assuming the yanks do stay out of it, the Saudis and Iranians will be deciding whether to flatten Israel first, let the other fella do it or flatten each other. Israel would NOT go down without leaving the whole region radioactive which would push the Saudis into nuclear armament through Pakistan and make the Iranians fast track their bomb project to counter. Meanwhile the world economy has gone to complete shite, because of an unstable oil market like never seen before.


The entire region is a ticking bomb, only kept stable by US/Western intervention, imo. Though that ain't to the advantage of anybody but the West.


Your a little ray of sunshine!!



LOL, probably just me being a British Imperialist. But history has taught us that conflicting empires clash until dominance is established. the only thing stopping the middle east blowing up is the Yanks willingness to 'get involved' effectively keeps the order through their dominance. Remove Western intervention entirely and suddenly you have several conflicting states with none clearly dominant. Nuclear weapons would be on the table and I wouldn't put it past any of them to use them quite willingly.


I want to see the locals deal with this, but with western backing/support, not with western ignorance, I think that is dangerous.

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Seems like enough people want sharia law why not give them an area and agree to let them run it and all live there? If its so great and works out so well im sure other places will want it aswell. First sign of any trouble and its nuked?

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I'd rather the rest of the world gave Japan the go ahead to go after IS with boots on the ground

They ain't had a real scrap since World War 2

Go let them take revenge for the two Japs I say.


So they might be over keen, or a bit rusty?

Knowing nothing about the Jap forces,are they any good?

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