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Slaughterman Behaviour, Halal

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  On 03/02/2015 at 17:12, desertbred said:

robbo hunting deer hare and foxes are banned in your eyes you can hunt deer to gun you can flush fox and hare to Hawks or gun so get your hunting knowledge improved as for islam hunting is permitted in islam. I hunt half of you lot sound like hypocrites and antis not hunters

Hunting is permitted in Islam but can you eat an animal killed by a dog? Genuinely interested here not bitching.
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I doubt this is typical of all halal slaughter houses, and I am not that bothered about an animal being stunned before it is killed. The only think that bothers me is when it is served to me, without

desert bred how come NO matter what we say about your religion you jump to its defence your typical muslim in my eyes you always in denial of the horrors that are committed in the name of islam ju

The joke here is if I was to despatch an animal in the field by this method it would be deemed as cruel. Yet here we are legally allowing this all in the name of religion! Double standards again.

Problem with all these religions now is that there out dated. They want all these new human rights and all the rest of it but still think all this bollox thats going off now is acceptable. Anyone who wants to act like an animal wants all there human rights took straight off them and they can go fend for themselves.

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I would like to ask a question of DB. Is it true that Muslims can share the good food of Christians and Jews without incurring any penalties? And that the Quran does state what type of meat that Muslims can eat, but it does not state that the animal cannot be stunned prior to having it's throat cut?


No malice behind this post, a genuine question.



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  On 03/02/2015 at 16:11, ftm said:

desert bred how come NO matter what we say about your religion you jump to its defence your typical muslim in my eyes you always in denial of the horrors that are committed in the name of islam just f***ing admit it --its barbaric and has no place in modern society

Cos he forgot his gun. Probably far too busy dropping idiots.. (probably from countries with neighboring borders to his)

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  On 03/02/2015 at 16:49, jacknife said:


  On 03/02/2015 at 15:15, desertbred said:

Hunters my arse halal and kosher cruel get real its historical way of taking an animals life by bleeding it ffs you must hunt in the meat section of tesco and Asda.,

I wouldn't cut a rabbits throats or a pheasant


Why do you hunt when you cannot eat the animal as it not halsl


Did you mean haslet? Mmmm..

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  On 03/02/2015 at 21:46, Joe777 said:


  On 03/02/2015 at 14:47, shepp said:

I doubt this is typical of all halal slaughter houses, and I am not that bothered about an animal being stunned before it is killed.

The only think that bothers me is when it is served to me, without my knowledge. I prefer to not have Islam infiltrate a single fibre of my existence. I have my own culture that I am more than happy with and need no alterations.

I agree and its necessary in the field its unnecessary in a modern slaughter house. And for those that vote with their feet KFC and subway both do halal now as well as all newzealand lamb.

Don't forget Nandos, Pizza Express, Kingsmill Bread to name but a few.

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I found a link that states the meat has to be legal (halal) to eat but, it does not state that the animal cannot be stunned first, but there again it does not say that it can. That is why I asked DB the questions as we all know how reliable web sites are.



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  On 03/02/2015 at 21:46, Joe777 said:


  On 03/02/2015 at 14:47, shepp said:

I doubt this is typical of all halal slaughter houses, and I am not that bothered about an animal being stunned before it is killed.

The only think that bothers me is when it is served to me, without my knowledge. I prefer to not have Islam infiltrate a single fibre of my existence. I have my own culture that I am more than happy with and need no alterations.

I agree and its necessary in the field its unnecessary in a modern slaughter house. And for those that vote with their feet KFC and subway both do halal now as well as all newzealand lamb.


We have a few KFC and Subway near me, I avoid them like the plague for my own reasons.

The other day I felt mischievous, I say it like its rare.. I popped my head through the door a loudly asked "Is that real bacon your serving or turkey bacon" You should have seen the proud white chap`s beaming smile as he replied, "Its real bacon, straight off porky pig mate"

This is a subway branch I might use in a emergency.

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