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Slaughterman Behaviour, Halal

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Hunters my arse halal and kosher cruel get real its historical way of taking an animals life by bleeding it ffs you must hunt in the meat section of tesco and Asda.,

Hunting deer, hares and foxes with dogs is an historical way of taking an animals life but they banned those so whats special about halal killing other than it relates to islam.

Edited by robbo
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I doubt this is typical of all halal slaughter houses, and I am not that bothered about an animal being stunned before it is killed. The only think that bothers me is when it is served to me, without

desert bred how come NO matter what we say about your religion you jump to its defence your typical muslim in my eyes you always in denial of the horrors that are committed in the name of islam ju

The joke here is if I was to despatch an animal in the field by this method it would be deemed as cruel. Yet here we are legally allowing this all in the name of religion! Double standards again.

robbo hunting deer hare and foxes are banned in your eyes you can hunt deer to gun you can flush fox and hare to Hawks or gun so get your hunting knowledge improved as for islam hunting is permitted in islam. I hunt half of you lot sound like hypocrites and antis not hunters

Edited by desertbred
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My hunting knowledge is fine thanks. I never mentioned whether hunting was allowed in islam or not i simply asked why should one historical way of taking an animals life be banned because it is perceived by people who dont practise it as cruel and another way that is perceived similarly be allowed just because it relates to religion. Stop just blindly ranting at anything you dont agree with and try and answer with a reason.

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robbo you are a pratt you said hunting deer , hares and fox were banned full stop. your the one spouting crap and ranting . The reference to islam and hunting was to some one elses post a couple before yours but obviously you only read what suits your view point :bye:

Edited by desertbred
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robbo you are a pratt you said hunting deer , hares and fox were banned full stop. your the one spouting crap and ranting . The reference to islam and hunting was to some one elses post a couple before yours but obviously you only read what suits your view point :bye:

No what i meant and have now edited the post to say is hunting them with dogs is banned . ie using dogs to kill them . If all you want to do is slag people off who dont agree with your point of view there isnt much point trying to have a debate about it.

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robbo youve got some reverse gears, ok for you to make a statement then slip and slide on it when you were pulled. debate with a slider dont think so


Bit like trying to argue with someone who believes in a load of imaginery ,mumbo jumbo clap trap!

I dont need any prayers ,special words said over what ever meat im going to eat ,do like to think it was reared decently,or lived free,then slaughtered in a proper quick humane way !

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No reverse gears here . just omitted to put with dogs into original post . now its in why dont you answer the question


No islamist will give you a proper answer, or they would show the religion up for what it really is.

We all know what it really is anyway, but they like to pretend that we don't.


Anyway, its nothing to do with islam, is it db?

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