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The first is the best couldn't wait for my first flavour is unbelievable I do gos pigs take longer to make size

Cost to me is minimal try talking to a local shop / farm shop for veg waist which is past sell

By date or just fresh stuff starting to turn

I only feed pellets when weening other then that it's all waist

Destined for land fill ;)

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I remember when I was an apprentice butcher we were doing around 14 pigs a week and now and again a pig would come in with a full tail and all his teeth.

We called it a farmers pig and it would be where someone had probably reared two pigs together to kill one for the house and sell the other to cover the cost of both.

They'd be reared on slops and we (the butchers) would buy it off the boss (with our 20% discount) and share it among ourselves.

Best pork you could get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not electric but if they get out they can't really go anywhere the whole small holding is stock fenced very well it's been in that long the grass n holds it down I tried taking a section out the other week i could not move it without engine power lol.in the pics it's only a small section of my pen the whole pen is about a 3/4 of an acre so they keep entertained with no sign of a escape yet .a few years ago we had them running free all over they tried but couldn't get out the perimeter.i have got some electric fence in the horse paddocks if they try I'll put some up.we have fruit trees I threw the wind fall in they loved them ?

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It would surprised you how little a gap a pig can get through... We'll force through should I say lol


The biggest of my pigs forced her way under a fence ended up ripping a post out, how she did it amazes me. Then of course the rest followed -least to say that the builders next door got the shock of their lives pigs trotting up to them :laugh:


Them saddle backs look in good nic. Hope their good eating :thumbs:



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Thanks all .they obviously cost more to raise than buying in the meat but if you have room for pigs go for it the taste is fantastic.and you butcher them into as many cuts as you like the knife is in your hands so to speak.even if your just starting out the paperwork is easy with defra regards movement and cph numbers etc.we did it years ago would not look back.aslong as you can see past the cute pigs names the kids call them ull be fine.lol I have no trouble with that I just see fascinating characters carrying my Sunday roasts in toe .they have a better life upto slaughter than any production line pigs.tons of room and the best food etc.saddleback don't cary a lot of fat on the right diet so it's nice and lean obviously slower growing pig but worth the wait


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I am considering getting a couple of pigs. I have just agreed to buy some extra land alongside my house which would give us about half an acre. I was thinking of getting two pigs and letting them have half the garden so about 0.25 acre. Is that enough room? Also how much does it cost for slaughter? and do you tramsport them there yourself? Just gota get the wife past the idea of naming them!!!

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