weasle 1,119 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 Dont know but if you have a dog that dosnt get out into fields untill its old enough to lamp,and its game it will plough into anything and everything,at some stage it either has to learn when it can or carnt,or it will just start pulling up all together. jmo. Quote Link to post
General lee 979 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 I can see the point of both side of the argument, Some dogs just don't jump,usually because of being lifted over gates etc and not learned to jump. But drive can have something to do with it if it jumps any other time.But in my opinion being a driven chaser that will jump in pursuit and being game is two different things imho ,you can running dog that's driven and will jump to keep with his prey yet won't look at Fox for instance is this dog game or driven? I see your point mate I had a bitch that wouldn't look at a fox would just follow it round the field till it went throu a hedge but she would smash throu hedges ditches and jump anything in her way for a hare or deer so there is a difference and if he likes the dog for its gameness why not try it and learn the pups to jump Quote Link to post
Stuart litchfield 4 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 EVERY lurcher has got to jump. Quote Link to post
brenner 773 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 Very interesting topic and some good points being made on both sides of the fence , excuse the pun ... Personally if i really liked this dog , and it seems the dog has left a good impression on you despite the jumping problem, i would do my homework on the dog and ask all the right questions to the lad that reared him to find out if its a case of negative conditioning of the dogs mind or wheather the dog is lacking in drive. I know the arguement that a dog will either go over or through if it wants it bad enough regardless of training and i do agree to a point but we forget that they are not robots . Example ... guy owns a game bred pbt that chews through car tyres like they are made of marsh mellow , same dog is game to a fault and loves to work but when put to work couldnt bite or more correctly put .. WOULDNT bite hard at all. Goes to show the complexity of these animals , go figure that 1. But i think in the case of not jumping there is a chance that it could be a case of mental conditioning. I give you the example of the domesticated elephants in parts of asia... when the elephants are still young they are tethered to large trees by chains or heavy rope tied to the leg. Elephants naturally want to roam free so will try to break free but can not and when they are exhausted from trying many times, soon learn it is a hopeless struggle. By the time these animals are fully grown and powerfull enough to pull down a house or push over large trees, their handlers can tie them in one spot by using nothing more than than a light rope tied from leg to a small stick that they put in the ground. Even if the animal becomes fearfull and wants to run, this conditioning over rides the animals own survival instincts. I think the more intelligent an animal is.. the easier it can be negatively conditioned. What if a pup is reared in a pen with 5 foot fencing and the pup tries its very hardest to escape over the fence until it realises its impossible . Would it be possible that when pup is old enough and physically capable of jumping said fence, his belief system for want of a better term tells him its impossible ?. So i guess the point im trying to drive home in this long winded post is that there are so many different variables/ influences on any dog during its youth that could stop it from jumping or smashing through. Might not be a lack of bottle or drive, just intelligence working against the animals true potential. 4 Quote Link to post
stabba 10,745 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 dog may be game(although i hate that term in a lurcher)but sounds like it's thick as 2 short planks also. Even a half brained cur would at least run up and down hedge/fence line looking for an opening to continue the chase. Infact i don't think iv'e ever seen a dog just out and out stop like the aforementioned animal. Quote Link to post
bryson 562 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 thats the point im tring to get across Stabba for the dog to just stop is not right Quote Link to post
Mixedgrill 704 Posted February 1, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 dog may be game(although i hate that term in a lurcher)but sounds like it's thick as 2 short planks also. Even a half brained cur would at least run up and down hedge/fence line looking for an opening to continue the chase. Infact i don't think iv'e ever seen a dog just out and out stop like the aforementioned animal. Sorry stabba the dog dose that chum but when he has lost site his head go's and you have to catch him up very quickly cause you don't know what he's going to do next Quote Link to post
Lenmcharristar 9,963 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 Sounds like an end of dig dog, no work put into it 1 Quote Link to post
shaaark 10,946 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 Sounds like a dog I'd steer well clear of, despite how game it might appear. Easier and better to get a pup in that you can bring on yourself properly. You'll know then exactly how it's been raised, trained etc etc Quote Link to post
brenner 773 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 Sounds like an end of dig dog, no work put into itis that the case mixed grill ? Has this dog just been used for smashing stuff and never really given proper opertunety to fine tune his field skills. If so ide go for it bud. 2 Quote Link to post
Mixedgrill 704 Posted February 1, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 This dog came outa Yorkshire, apparently this dog was owned by one of those Subaru heads I've spoken to the bloke who sent the dog over and he told me that he was offered 3grand for the dog before it came over Quote Link to post
Mixedgrill 704 Posted February 1, 2015 Author Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 What's dogs name? I've never asked?I'll find that out,it's a beautiful big red dog the lad still has its brother over there and I've seen pictures of it looks an even bigger animal Quote Link to post
Bosun11 537 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 First off, i'm with Stabba on this one, 'game' isn't a word we should use for lurchers, no matter how they are bred. Secondly if any dog just stood and watched its quarry get away from the other side of a gate sommats wrong. Even if the dumb fecker has no idea how to negotiate the obsticle the least it should be doing would be going nuts. If you think its so good on quarry then breed from it but by putting a doubting post up on here i honestly think you'll have doubts about the litter if you use it. Why spend so much time with that in your head, shit like that'll do you no good. Nope, IMO find sommat that ticks all the boxes for you. They are out there Quote Link to post
Qbgrey 4,172 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 mate id not listen to the 3 grand bollocks,subaru,etc etc,go see the dog the run if it matches your expectations,or you think it could be what your idea of running style is ,then make your own desision. 3 Quote Link to post
Anthony121184 26 Posted February 1, 2015 Report Share Posted February 1, 2015 Guy down pub said 3 grand was never offered. Quote Link to post
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