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Would You Breed From It

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Just teach the pups to jump

Can't be that game if it won't go over or under after its quarry ... The bitch I have here would go through a brick wall after her quarry .......

The gamest and most resolute of mutts will never reach their potential if they lack a little stewardship and basic lurcher training,the ability to navigate obstacles and jump is as basic as training g

it does sound like a lack of drive tbf i had a whip x grey he was an ok jumper not the best but always tryed he ripped himself quite bad on the chest one night going over the barbed wire had nearly 6 weeks off with it but after 4 weeks i started him jumping again and his cofidence grew first night back on the lamp tryed to jump double strand barbed wire and got hung up no injurys but knocked his confidece the next few times on the lamp if the quarry got through a fence he would bounce off the fence then run up and down the fence squealing in frustration to get through but was scared to jump it only took 3 weeks to get him jumping again and he was fine after that

what im trying to get at is although the dog lost his confidence in jumping for a while he would never pull up at the fence and was always searching for a way through

so for this so called dog to just pull up seems lacking somewhere

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Very interesting this post is and a very good read.

Every man to his own' but going through a headge and over walls is all well and good through the day my little blade don't and won't jump wire fences every thing else ok but nights out lamping the last thing I want him doing is chasing a rabbit which ever way into the next feild possibley 2 felids chasing all the other quarry away . I've learnt him to come straight back if it goes through the headge as its pointless risking your dog for 1 rabbit or your dog its self for whatever it's chasing when the possibility of getting 5 when you enter that feild ready to lamp.

So is the dog using it's brain and you don't see that it's clever enough to Relise there a fare better opertunetys for more if it doesn't barge into the next feild and same could be said for day time aswell

I'd let it line it if it's as good as you say and never mind your mates they could see the potential off the pups and be worried that the pups will be better than there believe ME it happens

ATB mark

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i wouldn't breed from anything i had any doubts about

I Wouldn't either chum but the dog is very game you have to see him go, if I breed from this dog it's not as if I'm selling the pups I'll give them away to good working homes can't be bothered with selling dogs for money

Guy int pub said if you ain't selling pups, and you are happy to use the dog and your conscience will be clear doing so, then go for it. Wont be us on here doing all the hard work


For once the guy down the pub could be right, I like the dog and so would any lurcher man

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if you read the previous post mate i dont think many would like it lol

Again I'm on about game Ness Bryson


aye mate so am i

just the way i see if it was a coursing dog that pulled up it would be classed as a jacker

good luck in what ever you do

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