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anyone know ya rights on boundary fences

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hi all,


Ive got permission on some land in essex thats got $hit loads or rabbits on, but most of the warrens are on the opposite sides of all boundary fences, there seems to be a ditch with a fence either side, making the ditch look like no mans land, the guy who's given me permission just waves his hand and say's go onto the opposite side, but of course Id much rather have it from the mouth of whoever owns/manages that land, you can see the other landowners have a rabbit problem as the amount of rabbit fencing on their property, he's just called me and asked me to go over on sunday, but try as i might, searching internet etc i cant find who owns the adjoining land, so what do i do??

can i legally cross the boundary fence, maybe to 6ft and put a long net up, or will it be a case of "GET ORF MY LAND"

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i personally would ferret it, crossing over the boundary to net up but i would be careful about using dogs on the side where i have no permission to be.


if the farmer came along just explain that your doing the job for his neighbour, most farmers are ok if they see your not messing around and that you haven't got dogs running wild. But he does have the right to tell you to move on


hope that helps

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On the land i have permission there are a few sets with bolt holes on the other side of the fence we net them just in case :whistling: up to now we,ve had no problems but theres always the off chance the land owner could have a sense of humour failure however it is very remote & in the winter months rabbits & sheep are the only life up there :icon_eek:

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IMO you should deffinatly try to find out who owns the land, I have been ferreting some paddocks which have a ditch on some neighbouriong land which is stuffed full of coney. I went out today and I'd already looked on google maps to see if there were any buildings on the land As I was desperite to get in there. I drove out to the building that I saw on google and knocked on the door. it was answered by a man who turned out to be the owner of the small shoot which unbeknown to me boarders my permission. After a chat I walked away with permission to ferret the ditch (got ten bunnys [3 x Whippet :clapper: 7 x Nets]) but I also have been invited to do a bit more rabbit control further into the shoot; I'm hoping this is my foot in the door.


I have no legal knowledge to ground this on but i always thought that if you didn't have perrmission you were poaching and if you are caught on someones land which is next to your permission then it could be serious :icon_eek: ; I would go along ask if you can do a just the bit that is next to your permission because most people would see that as fair especially since you asked :angel: . you never know it might get you a foot in B) .


Good luck Stubby :thumbs:

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Legally i think you need the other land owners permission but generally what i`ve found is that the other farmers or land owners don`t mind as half the time it saves them from having too sort the rabbits out. Thats not to say it goes as some neighbouring farmers and land owners have had disputes over the years and do not get on. Hope it goes well for you stubby ;)

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Legally i think you need the other land owners permission but generally what i`ve found is that the other farmers or land owners don`t mind as half the time it saves them from having too sort the rabbits out. Thats not to say it goes as some neighbouring farmers and land owners have had disputes over the years and do not get on. Hope it goes well for you stubby ;)



i was out 7am this morning & met up with one of the farmers. hes just given me permission to ferret the other side of a 700+yrd hedge on his land. he had a chat with the farmer in the next land & hes given me his permission to work his side of the hedge. result really, as he gets on with his neighbour..... hope i have a good day tomorrow.



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well checked on an ordanance survey map, found the name of the nearest farm, and drove up there today, found out the farmers name from a neighbour beforehand too, but no luck, was polite and told him the story of being a pest control officer, doing the rabbit control for the local train station, which in turn got me the permission i have, but that most of the warrens were on his side, he reckon'ed he already had someone ferreting, but the odd bit, said they never ferret that boundary line cos its too overgrown (billocks is it) in case they have to dig????

but thanks but no thanks, i should stay on the permission side only :wallbash:


oh well, am gonna take a mooch on sunday, take the air rifles instead and see what we can do, prob take a single fert too and some nets as theres a couple of small warrens that i should get a couple from

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