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modesty is well and truely gone in ireland all you here now is my stuff is doing this my stuff is doing that what happened to a man going out hunting for the sport and if you have a good dog other men

just posted this topic lads cause i would like yere opinions on when a dog or bitch has proven itself imo a dog or bitch can be good very good in there first season but imo there far from proven dogs

big frankle looking in door for more food he getting no more after hear that

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Full salukis are not for this country, ya might get the odd exception but the very rear


Why is that??? Saulki are a running dog simple.Surely if brought up as a pup in this country could they not run it???

You run a 7\8 and he can do it????

too be fair ice we don't have the land back her that's in England, I think the likes of that Mars bitch, john (The Farmer) Kelly had another bitch that did do it back here and Red's father that Shadow owned, those for me are an exception too the how many hundreds that have came back here, just let me add the 3 of them are down off the Royal Jihad lines so that no coincidence, that's a great line of pure saluki. I just don't think we have the room, as for Red he's as fast as any fast lurcher in this country, he's not a pure saluki so he'd obviously be much quicker which makes the difference, all my dogs got saluki in them, their the best cross by along shot, but I don't think Ireland is for pure's apart from the odd exception like the 3 I mentioned. Like rearing a greyhound up on the fens, it ain't gonna make him stay any longer, saluki a great dogs that add so much to other crosses, on fen land it be hard beat them, just we don't have the ground back here, just my opinion
Only full l have seen is the clips LT put up and it looked good from them clips.

Are they really that slow???

if your hunting big open land 99% of the time yes I think the good pure saluki dog would do ok, providing he's a good 1, but if your hunting a mix of small medium and big land I'm not to sure it would suit

no big land near us some lads traveling to carlow cork ect getting 1 hare lol,fook that,up and at them only breed for here but some lads have bought in to these internet breeds and wont admit they got it wrong,sire and dam well proved is half the battle.
Some travel to test there dogs as l said some people like yourself stay in same place because you know your dog as a chance .Give your head a shake
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well if that's true shadow hes f****d because mikes a bad lookn yoke

when garfield took him outa the van that day we read the papers for two hours to make sure it was him never seen an uglier one but in fairness the right bitch you could get good ones all had heart and staying power most just lacking speed


when garfield took him out the van lol was it you that owned him after garfield .when he was constantly chained up on a short chain .half starved filthy coat and his nails curling over one of your mates posted a pic of him on another site il get it posted on here for all to see how you hedge mumpers keep your dogs .. and what about the bitch your mate stole .now where was it from .let me tink


no actually that was the lad i gave him too for free i couldnt be bothered with rubbish anymore so i gave him to a man that only keeps rubbish mind you he suited him to the ground lololol ;) as for stealing dogs i dont think any of my mates would bother stealing dogs around ireland sure as far as your concerned all thats ere is rubbish what would be the point :tongue2: have you any good ones mate ;) as for hedge mumper is that some sort of welsh slang that only gob shites understand

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If brought up as a pup around there l think no prop.Your ditches are open dog can move fast though one and good land but there very jumpy down there lol

hedge lines up here use be the same but with farmers being greedy c**ts for grants there sticking up two wire fences an a fcukn hedge in between Edited by Hareydave
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Full salukis are not for this country, ya might get the odd exception but the very rear

Why is that??? Saulki are a running dog simple.Surely if brought up as a pup in this country could they not run it???

You run a 7\8 and he can do it????

too be fair ice we don't have the land back her that's in England, I think the likes of that Mars bitch, john (The Farmer) Kelly had another bitch that did do it back here and Red's father that Shadow owned, those for me are an exception too the how many hundreds that have came back here, just let me add the 3 of them are down off the Royal Jihad lines so that no coincidence, that's a great line of pure saluki. I just don't think we have the room, as for Red he's as fast as any fast lurcher in this country, he's not a pure saluki so he'd obviously be much quicker which makes the difference, all my dogs got saluki in them, their the best cross by along shot, but I don't think Ireland is for pure's apart from the odd exception like the 3 I mentioned. Like rearing a greyhound up on the fens, it ain't gonna make him stay any longer, saluki a great dogs that add so much to other crosses, on fen land it be hard beat them, just we don't have the ground back here, just my opinion
Only full l have seen is the clips LT put up and it looked good from them clips.

Are they really that slow???

if your hunting big open land 99% of the time yes I think the good pure saluki dog would do ok, providing he's a good 1, but if your hunting a mix of small medium and big land I'm not to sure it would suit
no big land near us some lads traveling to carlow cork ect getting 1 hare lol,fook that,up and at them only breed for here but some lads have bought in to these internet breeds and wont admit they got it wrong,sire and dam well proved is half the battle.
Some travel to test there dogs as l said some people like yourself stay in same place because you know your dog as a chance .Give your head a shake


thought you got enough of the travelling during that comp ..what was the tally them 3 days wouldnt have liked the fuel bill lol 1/2 hour from me i can have the dog couple a kills in twenty minutes suppose thats why hes consistent .thats what counts.

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Well said lads i could not say it better myself they need 5 or 6 season behind them well tested and then you no what is in them

I totally agree but lot of dogs that are really tested ....wont make it to that age

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Well said lads i could not say it better myself they need 5 or 6 season behind them well tested and then you no what is in them

I totally agree but lot of dogs that are really tested ....wont make it to that age


very true MIK a lot of the ones with fire and determination will never make that age, because they either killed or broke up doing what they are breed for, but i agree they should be at least 5 or 6 years old and well tested before any one thinks off breeding off them.

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