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Rats With My Name On

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I was at the docks today doing my routine checks, when I was told of a rat infested bank so he said, I never believed him and told him so. Next thing he gets his mobile out shows me a video he took of this place, well it was daytime and in a mound on waste ground at the docks.


The rats were in and out the holes and quite a few , so I says. * I' m down here Monday nite so I'll go shoot it * So finished my work and thought I'll have a drive over , see what I can see there . I parked up and watched, nothing for 10 mins then. This WHOPPER of a rat came out ran to the other tump picked up some fluffy like rush stuff then back into hole.


Now this got me well excited as it was a Massive Rat , I the the next 30 mins I watched rats back and forth . All sizes to. But 2 Big uns . And I thought me and my rapid 7 and night vision will have fun here Monday night.


I was texting another pest control mate from up country on my find , as I did I could see this 1 rat was very edgy to come out ( not like it's been the previous 30 mins ) . Then it made a break for it then WHAM like lightening a Fox jumped from behind the tump caught the rat slung it up in the air. With rat screaming. Lol , as the rat hit the ground the fox give it a crushing bite .


I must have made a noise as the fox picked up the Huge Rat and looked my way then rushed off. There's me thinking fecking fox just had my Big Rat, but I could see the fox was mangey and thought What a privalige to see it catch the rat. ( and he's helping me keep the rats down )


Wished I could have videos it on my phone, but the sun was directly in front and blared out the screen .



Anyway I'm down the docks Monday night for some rat shooting , also a feral pigeon cull .


Sorry for such a long post


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Went to the docks tonite, place where i seen them rats in the daytime, NOT a Single rat there i waited 1 half hours and not a sausage . found another hotspot had 12. boy wasn't it cold thou .


Seen the brace of foxes again about 10 ft away from me ( maybe that's why no rats )

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