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Problem, Permission Just A Tad Away From Flight Line

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hi guys


my fields I shoot on are about 200m away from a really good flight line and its complete hit or miss whenever I shoot if I decoy any, most of jersey is spuds, in the off season its grass and mustard. from time to time I see pigeons and then set up and none come back, i'm wondering what the best cause is, I only have static decoys at the moment and i'm planning on and in the process off making a pigeon magnet,


was wondering what else i should give a go?


i have about 12 decoys, half bodied, full and 6 fuds,


also have 4 lofting cradles.


main times of year are after the spuds have been dug and when the mustard goes in.


I also have exactly the same problem roost shooting, as not a lot of people shoot in jersey a shotgun is hit and miss and my main bag is 1 if im having a good day,


just looking for some tips,


hides and field craft are spot on and I always set up where pigeons have been or there is dropping from the night before.

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In your situation I think a rotary will be of benefit, birds willing they can be attracted to the movement of the rotary with and at times without a layout of decoys, you would have to play with the positioning of both dependant on flight line and wind direction.

I use hypaflaps on a rotary and they can work well for wing movement if you have a shortage of real birds to use,.

Edited by Denny essex
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  On 01/02/2015 at 15:40, Craig Fosse said:

Yes made tried the places on the fight line, no go


Looks likes its time to get a rotary! I have heard mixed reports about the hyper flappers, you like them Denny?


Yes I have been using them for over 7 years, still the originals, they have had repairs and been shot several times but still work. I like to keep the weight down on kit as all my farms are walks to set up, so I have made a light weight 6 volt rotary from a kids toy for hypas only.

I have a real bird rotary but rarely use it and I dont run a freezer for birds. I'm not saying they are better than real birds but the wing movement on the hypas even on a still day I think could be an advantage at times, the pellet holes in my hypas where pigeon have occasionaly "bombed" the rotary lay prof to that :whistling:

A rotary to cover both real and hypas and you have covered the bases for both ideals.

Edited by Denny essex
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