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Can A Doggy Man Make A Dog.

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you hear the old saying theres doggy men then theres men with dogs.theres some lads always seem to have 2nd rate dogs always chopping and changing maybe 2 and 3 dogs a season .i know you cant make a silk purse out of a pigs ear but is the man behind the dog.

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Good dogs are born and a good dogman will make it better, you may be able to make a poor dog a bit better with obedience and plenty of roadwork,diet,etc but it will never be a world beater, all the better dogs I've had have all had it from a young pup, canines are like humans, we are all born with a body potential and thats why we are all different in our ability both physically and mentally,we've all had mates that could eat sh*te,hardly ever train and yet he would beat everyone in a race,good at any sport,drink,etc,without it affecting his performance on the field, if that same man was to eat,train and look after himself he would become a champion athlete at his chosen sport.An average man can make his performance better by training,diet and sleep but the only way to exceed his own body potential is to use steroids or performance enhancing drugs but these come at a price as your skeleton and where your tendons attach will be put under unnatural pressure causing pain and serious damage with prolonged use,the unseen organ damage by using these drugs will shorten the life of a large percentage of the people using them,the cemeteries around me are filled with the bodies of lads looking to take a quick cheat to success, dogs are no different in that the particular cross you use on the initial breeding will carry their own genetics into that cross and that will give the pups their own body potential,you cannot beat good breeding and no matter how good a person is at training a dog you need good mental and physical ability to get a good dog, WM

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A genius wont turn a bad one into a good one but if all dogs were born with the same amount of ability it's the good dogman who'll have the best.

even from the same litter.


It's never going to happen where all dogs will be born with the same ability, even in the same litter there's good and bad BUT if they were then those in good hands (and some luck) will make the better dogs.

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There are dog men and men with dogs!


I can't expand on WM' comprehensive post. You do your best and hope for the best, from breeding to retiring and everything in between

it always seems to be the same lads getting differt dogs some from top men who are always chopplng and changing.that old saying must be true.

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