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the boy has a nurse who goes with him, he is blind autistic and has other disabilities, the trip from Essex to London is done twice a day , lets not forget he is very vulnerable and can be extremely volatile , so providing care for the journey is as much for the taxi drivers safety as for his own... I know from experience just how volatile from working with young adults with autism :thumbs:

So the nurse has to be paid too.

Wouldn't be easier for everyone, Harvey the most to kit out a room in the house and bring the care to him.

On the subject of Katie getting benefits then I think she should......I'm not giving to flying fooks how much money you have we should all have the same rights. She's made her money, paid her taxes and is welcome to it. Better her than some wee junkie b*****d!!!

Lab I can only give you a personal insight into my time as a support worker, I worked at a bungalow which had 6 bed rooms , 5 residents & 1 room for a night support worker ,each client had very different care needs, so they are assessed by the local authority / social workers etc as to there individual care needs.


In Harvey s case there's a possibility that him going to a school away from the home is beneficial to him regarding him interacting with other kids with disabilities, I can only think back to my time as a carer & the one thing drummed into carers/ support workers is '' promote independence''


Secondly its probably more cost effective for him to be escorted to London to school , I think all in all as the lad gets older his care needs will change , so again they have to be assessed & the needs met, that may be difficult trying to implement in a home environment :thumbs:

And that will be the reason he gets taken then...spot on Kay. Makes sense now.

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So the nurse has to be paid too. Wouldn't be easier for everyone, Harvey the most to kit out a room in the house and bring the care to him. On the subject of Katie getting benefits then I think sh

Call the girl what you will , but she has made herself a fortune from what she had .Paid another fortune in tax & in my opinion is more than justified in taking the fares .Her taxes would fund hun

If 'the system' shouldn't pay his fares because his mum's got a few quid, then surely he shouldn't be allowed to take up a state school place or NHS resources ?   One of my sisters has a lad who has

Didn't she say it would cost HER £1000 a day to hire a driver, car and nurse to drive the kid back and forward ? The council pays for it, just as it would for ANY disabled kid, irrespective of the parents income or wealth. She's legaly entitled to it, but moraly, if I were worth £40,000,000, I think I'd be taking care of it myself, maybe a live in nurse and tutor ? But I'm not going to castigate her for taking something she is entitled to and has paid into. What about the immigrants who marry their cousins and have deformed kids, and get the exact same benefit, yet haven't paid a penny in ?

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Call the girl what you will , but she has made herself a fortune from what she had .Paid another fortune in tax & in my opinion is more than justified in taking the fares .Her taxes would fund hundreds of taxis for disabled kids ...She is one bright bird ..Not to mention she has remained in this country & continues to pay her part ..

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There is no way that this is a £1k a day job. If her local council is anything like Lincs County Council they will pay the taxi driver a mileage allowance only when the kid is in the car. From personal experience when my autistic son had taxis to school and they didn't get paid from their base to our house 8 miles away and once he had been dropped off they were not paid to get back to base so on a daily basis were doing 80-90 miles per day without getting paid.


Can't believe people saying he should get a tutor at home. Why should the kid not have the opportunity of going to school to mix with other kids of his own age and with similar needs.

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Katie price has earned food money in her life it doesnt matter how she got it its legal and she has paid tax on it. So if she has paid into the system why shouldnt she use the system if she is entitled. Otherwise why should rich people pay ta for a system they cannot use isnt that unfair.

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