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Snake Hips

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I try and work it 70% meat 20% bone and 10% organ, she rarely doesn't eat and if she doesn't eat it within half hour I take it away and try after another walk.attachicon.gifWP_20150121_002.jpg

She loves her rabbit, I also get raw mince from butchers when we ain't got our own, 50p a bag you cant knock it

Hope you missus doesn't see this pic because she will probably kill you lol. I feed my dog off a tray and he picks food out and takes it onto a rubber matt.

Haha I always put it in her bowl and she takes it out and smears it on floor eats mince out of her bowl though, if I don't close the kitchen door she takes it in the living room, then the missus goes mad quick mop up afterwards all sorted



Ha ha moaning fookers mate arn't they. My pup done the taking out of the bowl, used to take it on a matt we wipe are feet on when coming in from outside, so now just put the rubber matt on top of it. Jobs a goodin. NO moaning lol

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