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6 Millon Jews Killed

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theres no physical evidence that anyone was ever gassed\electrcuted\de-atomised/turned into lampshades etc


but even though most were fairly well treated (as far slave labourers go) at first,once supply routes where cut a slow death for 10s of thousands through disease and malnutrition would have been far worse.


exagerating it all the time doesnt honour their memory imo.

What sort of physical evidence would you need?


It sounds like holocaust denial is almost a faith to you.

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i had a friend , his name was pete , he was a polish jew , very nice guy dead now bless him ,,   he was a barber , think it was 1976 0r 77 very hot summer , i was home on leave from the n

My local doctor when I was growing up was in auschwitz as a kid and had the number tattooed on his left forearm ...,his father died there and his fathers friend kept him safe and brought him up after

There really are some conspiracy nutters and general Jew haters on this thread.   I guess the Jews knew they would come, and I can now understand why they fought so hard to create and defend Israel.

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I think the thing people find hard to fathom is that I don't think they even considered the Jews to be human beings, I believe (from what I understand) that they viewed them as little more than rats who were a plague on the world.


How many steps away is any ethnic british person from viewing Muslims in the same way in this day and age......makes you think ?

But did the Jews advocate mass slaughter of those not of their religion? Were there extremists amongst them going around blowing themselves up with suicide vests? And did they go around forcing people to join their particular brand of religion?


Should we hate the Catholics for what the IRA did?


there no comparison there really a handful bombs on british soil..i would think we lot more to complain about

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theres no physical evidence that anyone was ever gassed\electrcuted\de-atomised/turned into lampshades etc but even though most were fairly well treated (as far slave labourers go) at first,once supply routes where cut a slow death for 10s of thousands through disease and malnutrition would have been far worse. exagerating it all the time doesnt honour their memory imo.

Nonsense, it's well documented and it's real.........now as we know Stalin killed around 12 million but unfortunately the victors always create the history.However to say they were well treated and it never happened is foolish......these were people were viewed somewhere below the beasts in the fields.
as 'well documented' as chopped up bodies jumping about or cremated russians making green smoke and jews making grey etc there are a lot of jews who claim they were at first treated well...funnily enough we dont hear much from them. anyone who objectively studies it can only come to one conclusion.
With all due respect mate it's you and possibly Tom Metzger and some of his brainless louts who may believe this........everyone else knows it's bollocks.
Every level headed person regardless of political orientation ive known has come to the same conclusion after a bit of research.but you know better just because you know better,its the new original sin all europeans are guilty of,masochsm in its purest form,nothing but a self limiting lie.as a great man once wrote,tell a big enough lie and tell it often enough and the masses will believe it.

So they created these illusions at various locations all over Europe, they were liberated by different countries forces, each of which by different regiments and they managed to get all these soldiers singing the lie from the same hymn book.

They also managed to get various reporters and civilians and cameramen to report, walk past and film all this make belive and get them to all tell lies as well ??.......and they managed to get it all together in around a year?


Is that what you are yelling me matey ?

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theres no physical evidence that anyone was ever gassed\electrcuted\de-atomised/turned into lampshades etc but even though most were fairly well treated (as far slave labourers go) at first,once supply routes where cut a slow death for 10s of thousands through disease and malnutrition would have been far worse. exagerating it all the time doesnt honour their memory imo.

Nonsense, it's well documented and it's real.........now as we know Stalin killed around 12 million but unfortunately the victors always create the history.However to say they were well treated and it never happened is foolish......these were people were viewed somewhere below the beasts in the fields.
as 'well documented' as chopped up bodies jumping about or cremated russians making green smoke and jews making grey etc there are a lot of jews who claim they were at first treated well...funnily enough we dont hear much from them. anyone who objectively studies it can only come to one conclusion.
With all due respect mate it's you and possibly Tom Metzger and some of his brainless louts who may believe this........everyone else knows it's bollocks.
Every level headed person regardless of political orientation ive known has come to the same conclusion after a bit of research.but you know better just because you know better,its the new original sin all europeans are guilty of,masochsm in its purest form,nothing but a self limiting lie.as a great man once wrote,tell a big enough lie and tell it often enough and the masses will believe it.


So Joseph Goebbels is a "great man" ???

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My point is quite simple to grasp really, please dont try to dumb down an atrocity that happened to the English, by adding "those kinds of acts were common practice in those days" as if we are talking about something relatively minor, when, and by your own admission, "acts" like that still occur today.

f**k me your brining up a point in medieval times as a comparison... Killing your Fathers, Sons, Brothers was part of the norm in those times, even for royalty. Your comparison is plain silly.

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Or the English, under William the b*****d, post 1066, I refer of course to the harrying of the north, where thousands and thousands of innocent men women and children were killed, in a most horrific ethnic cleansing exercise.

Those kind of acts were a common practice in those days, mankind can be cruel beyond belief. We are the worst animals on this planet tbh.

I think you will find they still are in certain parts of the world :icon_eek:
Oh without a doubt so what's your point??
I think his point is that this phenomena is not unique to the Germans or the Jews and we shouldn't be making such a song and dance about it .

I happen to agree with him.


IMHO it would do humanity more use instead to focus on what brought this event to happen.......it should be made a lesson to men and the governments they elect THAT should be the focus


The suffering of the Jews was simply a by product of bad world government policy.

Who said that it was unique to the Germans?? Stalin killed more people than the Nazis.


We shouldn't make a song and dance about it?? Go tell that to the thousands who lost friends and family to those horrific acts.

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I don't understand why the holocaust is perceived as worse than crimes that have happened before and after ww2, research pol pot in Cambodia or suharto came to power in Malaysia or pretty much anywhere in Africa for the last 500 years (to name just a few) and you will find atrocities just as atrocious but people always harp on about the holocaust. While I feel for the Jews who suffered in ww2, I do not feel for them any more or less than any other victims and I wonder why the holocaust gets such a huge amount of peoples sympathy. Is it only because of the MASSIVE amount of media exposure or is there something I am missing?

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My point is quite simple to grasp really, please dont try to dumb down an atrocity that happened to the English, by adding "those kinds of acts were common practice in those days" as if we are talking about something relatively minor, when, and by your own admission, "acts" like that still occur today.

f**k me your brining up a point in medieval times as a comparison... Killing your Fathers, Sons, Brothers was part of the norm in those times, even for royalty. Your comparison is plain silly.


I would rather not thank you, sorry what has the killing of "fathers, sons, brothers" got to do with William the b*****d and and his genocidal behaviour towards the English? We are talking ethnic cleansing on a vast scale, to be perfectly honest, to me, the killing of thousands of my forebears by a foreign (to use modern parlance) dictator, is far more relevant to me than what happened to a foreign people thousands of miles away, albeit 949 years past (not a long time in the scheme of things) would it be fair to say you discount what happened in the Spanish inquisition,or to Negro slaves, as several hundred years have passed?

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roughly a third million people have been killed since 2003 in Khartoum's genocidal counter-insurgency campaign in Darfur and hundreds of thousands more in Sudan, the killing is not history yet as it still goes on to this day yet rarely gets reported

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I don't understand why the holocaust is perceived as worse than crimes that have happened before and after ww2, research pol pot in Cambodia or suharto came to power in Malaysia or pretty much anywhere in Africa for the last 500 years (to name just a few) and you will find atrocities just as atrocious but people always harp on about the holocaust. While I feel for the Jews who suffered in ww2, I do not feel for them any more or less than any other victims and I wonder why the holocaust gets such a huge amount of peoples sympathy. Is it only because of the MASSIVE amount of media exposure or is there something I am missing?

Simple, the Jews rule the worlds finances and big business, getting the world to wail about the holocaust is a splendid distraction technique, play the victim,gain sympathy, strange how the Jews have been killed/kicked out of many countries throughout history, I wonder why :hmm: by the way chairman mao is the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world, I dont notice many people wailing about the poor innocents he murdered, I wonder why :hmm:

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