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Is 12 months old too late to start the dog?

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I've had a few people tell me I've left it too long in getting my whippet started. He's 12 months today and been out with the lamp 4 times now, I wasn't wanting to push him too quickly. He's mentally a pup, and while he's shown a little interest in chasing, he's mostly looked confused when he's had a bunny in front of him.


Is it too late or can I still kickstart his prey drive and get him interested?

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I hear this a lot from ozys about starting dogs young. take no notice, most running dogs shouldn't be started till around this age.


12 months is fine, you carry on taking your time, your dog will more likly benafit from this rather than holding it back.

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12 months is an ideal age to start proper graft they dont mature phically or mentally till 18 months old anyway aslong as it has its basic training alredy theres no reason why in a couple of seasons he wont be a wonder dog aslong as you keep at it and make sure he sees plenty just remember a dog wont learn nothing sat in a kennel so both get out there and have some fun :thumbs:

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I've often found that once a youngster has had a season of day time hunting under its belt and has learned to chase and catch during the day then it catches on a lot more quickly at night. 12 months is no age at all: I wouldn't be wanting to lamp a pup until is has well finished growing physically and its head is a little more mature.

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