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Information Wanted On Muling

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Gettin seriouse this season and need as much info as can get . Any one good on the key pad . Just tips and advice . Pairing up . Pair bonding . . At min have 4 red eye dimorphic in double breeder each bit of ever green boy plenty good seed . When and should I expect signs if any . First season with birds was last season only one mule out four hens. Advice appreciated delboy .

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This what ive been told


Keep goldfinch away from hens so he dont bond so will breed with others as well

Give plenty of dandilion to cock bird to get him in condition

Goldfinch breed bit later then canary so around about april ish time

Egg food and peas for rearing food

When hen built nest put cock in for couple of hours then take him out and put him with next one


Probaly missed a few things this my first year breeding mules as well

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I'd have him in with the hens now so they get used to eachother and split them up when the hens show signs of wanting to nest. Be prepared for clear eggs to begin with as the canaries will be ready before the finch. Pile the dandelions into him and possibly some wheatgerm oil on his seed too. My linnet cock was ready really early with the canaries but goldie cocks take longer.

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Another tip I forgot to say was don't give the finch too much good stuff, I'm pretty sure it's why I failed to mule at first because he was too well fed and lazy from all the niger and goldie mix I was giving. Give them a good mixed canary seed and dandelions (whole thing) and plenty of light.

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id agree with above have all my mosaics paired with finches since december so they bond also i breed one round of mosaics so the hens dont start free laying because they usually ready around march, and finches end of april start of may. i take the goldies away from the hens when they rearing the first clutch with a wire divide so that they can still see there hen and this usually drives them on and once the hen is ready to go down again the finches should be about ready hope this helps good luck remember muling is about patience dont rush them give them time

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40 views not one reply . Critics is all that replys in most topics . People asking genuine question and you'll all ways get criticisim very common. amongst thl

And sometimes people give good advice and get abuse from pimm drinking nonses icon_furious.gif

Edited by Omanyra
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When I did it I didn't pair the finch to one hen I moved him around amongst them but I ran him in with the canaries before the season so they were all used to eachother. My linnet and siskin weren't shy and would tread any hen as soon as it squatted but the goldies get stage fright. I also played a canary mp3 on my phone to get the hens to squat for treading, a good way of seeing if they were coming into condition too.

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I breed the cock canary with hen canary first round. I take the cock canary out of cage when the canary chicks are about 4 or 5 days from jumping the nest. Sometimes about a week from jumping.At this point I put the cock goldie in with the hen and chicks. Works everytime for me. I start the birds on buds,plenty of dandilions weather it be the whole plant leaves,roots flowers and seed heads depending on what stage the plant is at. I use soakseed, sweet peas,porridge oats a bit of cede, couple spoons of glucose powder in my soft food mix.Also a couple of boiled eggs mashed in with a fork. I try and get plenty of chick weed and as the season progresses what ever wild food is avaible throughout the fields.

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