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Ferret Court Thoughts

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Decided to take the plunge a get some ferrets after a few years without them. Seems a good time as I am back near where I grew p and have access to my uncles farmland. I am in the process of converting an ok Chicken shed and run into a ferret court any suggestions would be appreciated. I am planning on toppig the chicken wire up with some finer mesh as the old stuff is not ferret proof. The floor in the run area is currently just wood bark and I had sunk the wide down on a rift angle into the ground I stop any foxes getting at the chickens. Question is will this be sufficient to keep the stinkers in they can't really move the wire as the bottom of the run fixed with large timbers. My alternatives were to line the floor with the new wire and top this with gravel which I have plenty of, or slab the area (which would cost a few quid as it is pretty big. Inside the shed I have divided it of to allow storage and lined the floor with Lino and the walls about 4 ft high with some polycarbonate roofin which I had (easy clean). I am planning to box off the hens old nesting box and run a pipe upto it as it is raised off the floor. I will change the old hen door to a pipe which can be block off if needed, cleaning times etc. going to run plenty of pipe in the run and pile some odd tyres up from them to mess about in. Any other ideas or thoughts much appreciated. Will try and get some pics up I make things clearer.

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Just the 2 to start with might get more later on see how it's goes with 2 to start with then I would like to bring on some kits we shall see. Chickens are housed at the school I work at now, so I get the kids to do the hard work and get plenty of eggs. Hence the old chicken set up is empty cheers matt

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I lined my ferts run with thick stable matting. They don't worry at it, i put wood chips on top for them. at clean out time i shut em in their hutch, scoop out the chipping and sling a bucket of kennel kleen over it. Smells sweet and takes about 5 mins.

I also give em a litter tray in the corner they use, much easier than shovelling ferret shite :thumbs:

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