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End Of The Line For Mr Nice.

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I met howard a few times,yes interesting life story but he was only high profile because he was caught the guys with the really interesting tales are those that havent been caught.Howard isnt an evil guy as the media portray him,he is or was just a guy who saw an opportunity and chanced his arm,I hope his health improves but sadly hope isnt a cure.

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I met howard a few times,yes interesting life story but he was only high profile because he was caught the guys with the really interesting tales are those that havent been caught.Howard isnt an evil guy as the media portray him,he is or was just a guy who saw an opportunity and chanced his arm,I hope his health improves but sadly hope isnt a cure.

Have you got an interesting tale to tell then mackem??


I really liked his book, but I never thought he had been portrayed as evil tbh......I think the media were pretty easy on him really, because was obviously interesting, intelligent & charismatic for an international drug dealer & tended not to have a violent history........but I can only speculate...


Certainly led a full life....it seems

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I think the media were pretty easy on him


He moved hash sometimes weed,the government are the biggest dealers in death because of the cash tobbacco (dried plant material just the same as weed except ciggies are loaded with chemicals)and alcohol generate,howards mate phil sparrowhawk had better tales to tell until his death (and theres rumours floating around about that) in vietnam several years ago,I think the media viewed howard as a lovable rogue ex-hippy sort of persona.

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Read his book a while back...wasnt that impressed to be honest...he made a fortune...but didnt seem to have the sense to quit while he was ahead...ended up getting caught and dragging his wife and kids into all the shit he was involved in...not too clever in my opinion..or much to be proud of...neither was lining the pockets of the likes of the I.R.A and terrorists in pakistan or wherever it was he imported hash from...comes across on tv as a nice guy...but reading his book came across as blinded by his own ego and self importance..but.saying all that...i wouldnt wish cancer on anybody

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I think the media were pretty easy on him


He moved hash sometimes weed,the government are the biggest dealers in death because of the cash tobbacco (dried plant material just the same as weed except ciggies are loaded with chemicals)and alcohol generate,howards mate phil sparrowhawk had better tales to tell until his death (and theres rumours floating around about that) in vietnam several years ago,I think the media viewed howard as a lovable rogue ex-hippy sort of persona.
Totally agree on your comment about governments, as for Howard's media persona.....well, you can only take it all with a pinch of salt, as I said, I could only speculate without knowing the guy.....


Edited to say, the first I knew of the guy was seeing him on the cover a Super Furry Animals album in the 90s.....:-)

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Totally agree on your comment about governments


How much does tobbacco and alcohol related illnesses cost the NHS?How much does cannabis related illnesses cost the NHS?Theres a reason the government in the UK fired their Durg Tsar David Nutt back in 2009 thats because his findings were that cannabis is less harmfull than tobbacco,there are huge cannabis plantations in the UK(G.W.Pharma) but they are government licenced the government always have to have their rake-off,if joe bloggs grows dope in his house in the UK for a smoke and its a drug,yet GWP grow tons under government licence and its a "medicine" :yes: I spent today at an 89 year old aussies house he told me the secret to his longevity and vigour is he smokes every single day (He is a bit of a party animal).

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Totally agree on your comment about governments


How much does tobbacco and alcohol related illnesses cost the NHS?How much does cannabis related illnesses cost the NHS?Theres a reason the government in the UK fired their Durg Tsar David Nutt back in 2009 thats because his findings were that cannabis is less harmfull than tobbacco,there are huge cannabis plantations in the UK(G.W.Pharma) but they are government licenced the government always have to have their rake-off,if joe bloggs grows dope in his house in the UK for a smoke and its a drug,yet GWP grow tons under government licence and its a "medicine" :yes: I spent today at an 89 year old aussies house he told me the secret to his longevity and vigour is he smokes every single day (He is a bit of a party animal).

Not only that, but I dread to think of the amount of money that is spent on policing domestic grows etc!!! There must one on every street now......

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I don't think he bought of them to fund there terrorism, a dealer goes to a place that's reliable and has good product and a good price, be it the queen or a homeless person....... its often drugs that aren't the problem, it's what goes with it that is

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I don't think he bought of them to fund there terrorism


Yup,he didnt fund terrorism,he just did what any canny businessman did and went direct to the source for the best price on an imported product.if you want cheap electronics you go to china,cheap clothes bangladesh,cheap afghan border he went to peshawar,theres a film "Mr Nice" taken loosely from the book,the film is absolute crap but rhys ifans plays a surprisingly good howard.

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