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I wouldn't dare to say you are not right because that has been your own experience, but mine is completely different. In fact, here in Spain they are very used for flushing boar out from bramble. As

My bitch with a rabbit she caught this morning.

6 pups 3 dogs 3 bitches one dog was still born the remaining 5 seem to be fine touch wood

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Hi everyone.


Here's a vid about spanish teckels hunting different quarry and styles I found.


It's in Spanish, but you can see them working on wounded boar, partridge and also underground.


Hope you find it interesting.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Not as feisty as terriers. A lot more steady but a better nose. If i take it a walk with the lurcher on its own it puts more out for the lurcher to run than a lot of terriers I've seen. A man in europe bred it, it's a hungarian import.



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I think that's only way to get half decent one is to get import because the one iv seen that have been bread in this country are puer shit the begal cross teckels make good ones they seem to have a bit more go about them if you know what I mean I just think the price tag on them is a disgrace just because they are a novelty breed ?

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I didn't pay that much for this bitch. I know what you mean with the novelty breed thing though. I've seen people charging 600+ for them which is rediculous I just fancied something different and I'm pleased with it. As for the beagle thing, I like beagle crosses a lot but the ones I've seen tend to bugger off too far away and you end up chasing after them two miles away. Not very good if your bushing fairly close to roads etc. This tends to stay closer to you which i prefer. One thing i have found though is when i go out with other lads and we've got a fair few dogs (10+) bushing together the teckel doesn't seem to pack too well with a lot and it sometimes ends up just running around looking confused when all the dogs are screaming after whatever it is they're after. When i take it out with just the lurcher or the lurcher and my other two terriers it gets in the zone better and does it's own thing. Not very good with a large amount of dogs but a lot better when out with just a couple.



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Firstly, I am no expert at all, and prior to me buying my first Teckel, I did a lot of homework.

Visited numerous litters, to politely and difficultly declined, followed and chased with loads of emails, phone calls etc, until I settled on my dog pup.

I came close to importing a pup from Germany, but sadly the language barrier was too much of a hurdle.


His main use will be to accompany me deer stalking, and to trail any deer that run.

My main stalking is my syndicate ground in Scotland, and over heather and clear fell he's like shit off a shovel.


There's absolutely no stopping him, extremely keen and strong willed.

I did a lot of blood tracking starting at 10weeks old, and he can now happily track over several house with very little blood, I'm am of course yet to shoot any deer over him, he's still fairly young.


He' by far the best dog I've had, weave never had such a loyal and friendly dog, almost too friendly with more or less everyone.


When I show him anything deer related, the red mist descends and turn into a blood thirsty little f****r.


His nose is always on the ground, and he's pointed a few deer when we've been out, but as I say I'm yet to grass a beast over him, that's when I think the penny will finally drop.


The downside is, he's like no other dog I've owned, he comes when he wants to, and obedience is not something that comes natural to him in any sense, he needs convincing, which is why he's on the harness when I stalk.


Having said that I think he's great, I saw a few while on a boar hunt in France and Croatia and I just thought they were handsome looking dogs.




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Cheers Sambo.

A lot of show breeds,which to some extent I didn't mind,price some wanting £800/£900 a pup,again that initself didn't put me off.

An imported dog would have been between £1200 - £1800

I eventually got mine from Nick Vallentine in Hereford, who started using the breed exclusively from the mid 70's.

A lot of his progeny came from Spain,Iceland & Germany.

He's also the standard size wirehaired, and I really liked the look of the parents,he's not KC registered, which added a considerable hike in price.



Edited by AThomas
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  • 2 weeks later...

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