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And Yet More Foreigners Patrolling Our Streets

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Seriously Pesky? And you're asking people if they hear voice's Delude yourself as much as you like mate, post on here like your kind are the majority, but its way way off the real truth, the t

Pesky, for goodness sake, I can assure you I was not whining, what I was simply pointing out (which you would know if you bothered to read from the start) is the fact that these people are dressing in

Rodp and four lurchers,well said both of you, an example of people who if I am much mistaken, never felt prejudice against those of other ethnicity/cultures, but now like many many people in the count

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Thanks Pesky, once again you have imparted your wisdom on us in a few brief words, we can all rest assured once again, that we English are being treated just as fairly as any minority in our country, free speech is alive and well, and there is absolutely no plan to swamp our country with turd world vermin, no doubt the Rotherham fiasco was just a misunderstanding, and those gentle souls from the religion of peace, did not mean to rape all those girls, once again thanks, I now know the future of my children to grow up in England as free English citizens is assured, thanks to your calming words, WOW what a guy!!!!!!


"once again you have imparted your wisdom on us in a few brief words, we can all rest assured once again, that we English are being treated just as fairly as any minority in our country"

What you're inferring is that these jews have set up their own community police force, within a community, and are being treated differently you or any 'ethnic or native English would be in this circumstance. All I'm saying is you're wrong. These jews are nothing more than security guards who are working closely with the police. And if the perceived risk of an attack in your neighbourhood was significantly increased, like it was for jewish communities all over Europe a few weeks back, the bizzies would probably welcome you and your mates going out doing likewise, just as long as you were working in conjunction with the law, like they are.


"no doubt the Rotherham fiasco was just a misunderstanding"

No, the Rotherham situation was a fcukin travesty.., on many levels.., and still is..., but I've posted my thoughts about it previously on here, and this thread isn't about Rotherham. But then this is typical of you Charlie boy. You post this sort of crap all the time..., "oh look at us poor ethnic English..., treated like second class citizens in our own country". I've challenged your take on this article, and so now you start on about Rotherham. Next you'll be going on about fcukin ethic bloodlines...blah, blah, fcuking blah.......

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Lmao you rekon??


My Mrs seems to have survived it let alone the rest of her family but hey what do I know about it :laugh: piss off back to ya fuuckin independence bollocks lol just to point out everything I said over a year ago has come true even with ya bollocks bleating lol

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Lmao you rekon??


My Mrs seems to have survived it let alone the rest of her family but hey what do I know about it :laugh: piss off back to ya fuuckin independence bollocks lol just to point out everything I said over a year ago has come true even with ya bollocks bleating lol

Stop laughing your ass off for once.... and whilst you're at it stop talking in fcukin riddles. No idea who your missus is..., where she comes from..., or what she or her family have survived. I've also no idea what the fcuk you said a year ago that has now come true.

As for 'fuukin independence bollocks'..., I assume that's a dig at my being Scottish? Pretty fcukin petty and weak insult that is it not?

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Lmao you rekon??


My Mrs seems to have survived it let alone the rest of her family but hey what do I know about it :laugh: piss off back to ya fuuckin independence bollocks lol just to point out everything I said over a year ago has come true even with ya bollocks bleating lol

Stop laughing your ass off for once.... and whilst you're at it stop talking in fcukin riddles. No idea who your missus is..., where she comes from..., or what she or her family have survived. I've also no idea what the fcuk you said a year ago that has now come true.

As for 'fuukin independence bollocks'..., I assume that's a dig at my being Scottish? Pretty fcukin petty and weak insult that is it not?

hahahahaha piss off back yo ya sulking ya daft sweaty. Ya country is bankrupt without England xxxxx
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Pesky old chap, to the likes of you, truth sounds like hate, because you hate the truth, and do correct me if I am wrong, but I believe YOU mentioned Rotherham before I did? ;)

What's the truth? That jews are treated differently to you? All I've done is argue that I don't think they are, or have been on the strength of the Mail article you posted. You still haven't convinced me otherwise.


I mentioned Rotherham in response to Onlyworkmatters's post..., only to say it had fcuk all to do with this thread and that he was wrong to suggest that THL members wouldn't have lifted a finger to prevent what happened. You can try and twist it how you like..., but that's what was said..., and it was you who brought it back up again :tongue2:

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Lmao you rekon??


My Mrs seems to have survived it let alone the rest of her family but hey what do I know about it :laugh: piss off back to ya fuuckin independence bollocks lol just to point out everything I said over a year ago has come true even with ya bollocks bleating lol

Stop laughing your ass off for once.... and whilst you're at it stop talking in fcukin riddles. No idea who your missus is..., where she comes from..., or what she or her family have survived. I've also no idea what the fcuk you said a year ago that has now come true.

As for 'fuukin independence bollocks'..., I assume that's a dig at my being Scottish? Pretty fcukin petty and weak insult that is it not?

hahahahaha piss off back yo ya sulking ya daft sweaty. Ya country is bankrupt without England xxxxx


Like I said, petty and fcukin weak. If you're hoping I'll be offended by that sort of p!sh then you obviously think I'm as thin skinned as you fcukin paranoid freaks.


Another thread started by the one man persecution complex that is Charlie Caller, and the usual suspects getting themselves all worked up. You people go on about ethnic minorities and the PC lefties going round looking for sh!t to feel offended by! You people are just as bad..., if not worse. There's nothing in this article that I feel threatened by. If you do then you need to have a fcukin word with yourself. A total waste of 4 pages so far...and counting.

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So you concede you brought it up first? Good, the truth, is something that you refuse to accept, however, it is your enemy, and when the truth is your enemy you will always lose in the end,it is utterly pointless me having a debate on the subject with you, as you are imbued with the arrogant, self righteousness that all lefty's possess, and your opinion is right, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, for example the state of modern day England, it must be very frustrating for you, that you cannot encourage a tirade of racist abuse from anyone, but keep trying, the fact of the matter is that when you make comments debasing my ethnicity, and my right to be proud of it, YOU are the one displaying racist behaviour, if I was an Asian, or African proudly espousing my ethnic routes you would not say a word against it, but because you are an English hater(and at heart you know you are) you feel justified in making veiled racist remarks towards us.

And if it has been such a waste of four pages, why not keep your silly lefty, apologist nose out?

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