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opening day on pheasant

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as it was opening day on pheasant today i went out. i went solo as all was working,alot of birds around i put up alot of hens, i put up 8 cocks shot 5 and a mallard and 2 snipe had a great day and dog worked great,all these birds are wild and are good hunting for any dog .cheers sounder



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Oh, is That what it was? Only I was working outside today and heard two shots, then a single one a bit later. F*cking amazing how quickly ye can spot and count ye Dogs when ye hear gun shots close by! :icon_eek:

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
Oh, is That what it was? Only I was working outside today and heard two shots, then a single one a bit later. F*cking amazing how quickly ye can spot and count ye Dogs when ye hear gun shots close by! :icon_eek:

your a gas man ditch :clapper:

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Guest little_lloyd
  sounder said:
  little_lloyd said:
What the f**k will you get out the snipe?,..A bit of breast meat to feed a fly!!

thats way i shot 2.[it fly it dies]if u could hit one u might find out :feck::feck::feck:



I would not see the point in shooting it if its just going to waste away :feck:

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  little_lloyd said:
  sounder said:
  little_lloyd said:
What the f**k will you get out the snipe?,..A bit of breast meat to feed a fly!!

thats way i shot 2.[it fly it dies]if u could hit one u might find out :feck::feck::feck:



I would not see the point in shooting it if its just going to waste away :feck:

and where did i say that they were going to waste :feck: nothing goes to waste here :signthankspin:

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Better day out than me Sounder. Well done mate.


Little Loyd, What's the issue with shooting snipe? it's my favourite sport, some of the best shooting to be had in my opinion.

Plus they are very tasty, pop a few in the deep fat fryer and bingo, savoury snacks or starters.

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Guest little_lloyd
  Macnas said:
Better day out than me Sounder. Well done mate.


Little Loyd, What's the issue with shooting snipe? it's my favourite sport, some of the best shooting to be had in my opinion.

Plus they are very tasty, pop a few in the deep fat fryer and bingo, savoury snacks or starters.


NOUT wrong with shooting them,...Just not my thing!!

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  little_lloyd said:
  Macnas said:
Better day out than me Sounder. Well done mate.


Little Loyd, What's the issue with shooting snipe? it's my favourite sport, some of the best shooting to be had in my opinion.

Plus they are very tasty, pop a few in the deep fat fryer and bingo, savoury snacks or starters.


NOUT wrong with shooting them,...Just not my thing!!

fair enough but it is my thing,cheers sounder

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  little_lloyd said:


NOUT wrong with shooting them,...Just not my thing!!



Lloyd, my little banjo maestro, if I may interject a little 'perspective' into this 'discussion'?



When I lived in england, despite living close to a preserved marsh And being a 'Birder'; Snipe were nice to see. They seemed to inhabit only the more select - or seemingly bizarre - places as their preferred habitat was swallowed up around them, month by month. Thus I too would have considered shooting one ~ for a tasty snackette ~ on a par with the continental european relish for jarred, pickled Robins!


Here, mate? Take my word for it; It's differant! Two or three snipe to an acre of the right ground is nothing to write home about. Actually Hitting one of the buggers may well be. But, having shot that little pinch of flesh and scrap of feather out of the sky? I've honestly never seen such covetous expression of appreciation and anticipation of a well earned treat as ye'll see onthe face of an natural born Irishman who's managed to get one or two!


Believe me; One of these guys shoots a snipe? There'll be plenty left he didn't shoot. And the buggers he does get are HIS! :D


I can't see the attraction either. But then, I've never sampled this particular delicacy. And, to be considered - and, from what I've whitnessed - Covetted as a Delicacy ~ fairly the Heroes Feast ~ it must add up to something pretty worthwhile?


I wouldn't knock it.




But then; A bird with its guts cooked in it? No Way On This Earth would I f*cking well Try it either! :shok: :sick:

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ditch and lloyd... get it trussed up in the oven, guts and all,, after cooking remove guts and spread on warm buttered toast, pick up bird and eat with fingers...... lovely... remember its all in the mind...


good bag by the way..

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