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No Ifs Or Butts ..........

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The government is planning to bring forward new laws to ensure that cigarettes are only sold in plain packets. I say plain, but the packs are emblazoned with graphic pictures of smoking-related diseases, although they are plain dark colours, with no brand name visible.


The new laws will bring the UK in line with Australia, who already have such regulations.


The new laws are designed to deter new smokers, especially the young and, in truth, the number of smokers has fallen significantly in recent years, but this could be due to wider social pressures and the smoking ban, rather than smokers heeding health warnings.

Smokers groups fear that this is the latest step on the path to a complete ban, and are warning of more taxes and restrictions on e-ciggies.


Given that around £10 billion is collected in duty and taxes on tobacco products annually,but are the government trying to have it both ways ? Smokers are using a legal product, yet are having the use of that legal product curtailed and taxed to the hilt at every available turn. Alcohol abuse is responsible for as many health issues as tobacco, as well as turning most town centres into war zones at weekends, yet drinkers are not the social parias that smokers have been turned into.


Are smokers being treated fairly ? Should the government grasp the nettle and completely ban tobacco products ?


Or maybe smokers should be left alone to enjoy their vice, if that's their choice ?

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What a load of baloney. They tell you that 6 people out of every 1000 could be at risk of getting cancer through passive smoking. What they omit to tell you is that those 6 people would be at risk for

well as a ex smoker , been stopped 22 years . i was getting bit out of breath going up hills , no prob walking flat etc. for 2-3 hours , just the hill getting out of breath . went to the doctor do

I used to smoke 40 tailored a day stopped when the kids where born I don't for one minute think smoking should be banned if we take the stance that every activity that causes a drain on the nhs is ban

Smokers are a minority group now. You can't discriminate against minorities (so it seems). Wait till my MP hears about this. :laugh:


If everyone gave up smoking, I'm sure the government's loss of revenue would be far more than the savings on the NHS. After all, the NHS has to help loads of other minorities too. I expect chocolate will be sold in plain packaging soon.

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i cant understand why you would smoke nowdays, i think you smokers are crazy but end of day your life your choice...

its that first smoke in the morning that single draw that lets you go too work with out killing some one


I gave up 7 years ago, and I have to admit to still missing that one now and then !

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i cant understand why you would smoke nowdays, i think you smokers are crazy but end of day your life your choice...

its that first smoke in the morning that single draw that lets you go too work with out killing some one

I gave up 7 years ago, and I have to admit to still missing that one now and then !

dont think it ever goes away I know my aunty gave up 20 years ago and she still says she could murder a smoke even now
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Our local hospital has signs up all over "this is a no smoking hospital" you aren't supposed to smoke even in the car park. Then you go in the canteen and they sell burgers, sausage, and all the bad shite :hmm: Funny when you see the majority of nurses/doctors waddling their fat arses down the wards :laugh: No wonder the waiting list is so long, the fat b*****ds haven't got a days work in em :laugh:

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We can't really compare smoking with 'bad foods'. There aren't really any 'bad' foods. Everyone has nutritional requirements to maintain their body and if you want to fit a burger and fries into that then there is no health reason why you shouldn't or would sufer for it. Certain foods aren't unhealthy, a person's poor attitude to their diet is what's unhealthy.

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i cant understand why you would smoke nowdays, i think you smokers are crazy but end of day your life your choice...

its that first smoke in the morning that single draw that lets you go too work with out killing some one

I gave up 7 years ago, and I have to admit to still missing that one now and then !

dont think it ever goes away I know my aunty gave up 20 years ago and she still says she could murder a smoke even now


31 years I've been of them but....if someone lights up a cigar it brings the old longing straight back ... :rolleyes:

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Couple of thoughts.

Is it not about 40% of hospital admissions are smoking related ?

If they stop smoking they still spend the money so pay a percentage of tax?

Can they ban eating?

Should the rest of society subsidise a smokers addiction?

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Couple of thoughts.

Is it not about 40% of hospital admissions are smoking related ?

If they stop smoking they still spend the money so pay a percentage of tax?

Can they ban eating?

Should the rest of society subsidise a smokers addiction?

you seen the price of smokes latley you can get a packet of smokes in some country's for a pound we pay 7/8 for 20 or 15 for a pouch of bakky these days I think we pay enuf too kill are selves thx you
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Couple of thoughts.

Is it not about 40% of hospital admissions are smoking related ?

If they stop smoking they still spend the money so pay a percentage of tax?

Can they ban eating?

Should the rest of society subsidise a smokers addiction?


Not much difference between being addicted to food and harming your health, or smoking and harming yourself imo mate, but the smokers seem to get more stick over their habit than the greedy/lazy.


I was watching that "Chase" quiz a bit back, and this fat bird said she was a dietician :blink: If you went for help to stop smoking and the geezer sat there smoking it wouldn't inspire confidence would it :laugh:

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