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Shooting From The Wrong Side Of The Gate

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Strange as it may sound, the land which the road runs on still belongs to whoever owns the land it borders, unless purchased specifically by another authority, local council, government, MOD etc


In the vast majority of cases where the road is a small country lane, it will either be wholly owned by the landowner who's land you're shooting onto or at least the half which borders his land will belong to him.


Therefore, if you have permission to shoot on any of his lands, then you have permission to shoot on the road.


The only sticking point is a fairly well known offence in the Highways Act 1980 which states that anyone who discharges a firearm within 50ft of the centre of a highway AND causes someone using it to be injured, interrupted or endangered is committing an offence.


If however none of those things happen, then there is no offence even if you shot from the tarmac, providing you have permission.

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The biggest issue as I see it is the original reporter saying they were afraid to go down the road. That could constitute interference.


Also, as an aside, many gates are inset into the field by the width of the gate post so even if the road wasn't owned by the farmer, it might still be possible to stand on the land and be on the wrong side of the gate.


I would say it's inadvisable though.

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  On 24/01/2015 at 23:48, DeerhoundLurcherMan said:

Good info there sporting shooter, I was unaware of that. I thought the 50ft rule applied everywhere......Is there a link to share? home-office guidelines as such?


The 50 feet rule does apply everywhere, be it a road that vehicles use, a bridleway or a public footpath wherever they occur.


I could stand in the middle of a dual carriageway and fire a gun if I had permission from the landowner however I would still have to ensure that there was no one that was interrupted, endangered or injured so it would effectively have to be completely empty when I fired.


So even though you have permission to shoot on the land (technically the subsoil is owned by the landowner rather than the tarmac) you still have to abide by that 50ft rule.

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That's not quite correct SS.


The 50ft rule only applies to Highways which consist or comprise a carriageway ie a public right of way for the passage of vehicles, and so as such does not include footpaths, cycle ways or bridle ways.


I've managed to dig the BASC document out on this:



Edited by Alsone
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