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Surprising With The Nets

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Was getting hassle from mother and grandmother that they have not had any fresh fish of late and were wanting some cod so headed out too the bay with the 50 yards of net only too return after the tide too expect some cod and pollack but too get a sea bass instead 5B8855EE-56A8-4F05-BF3E-C9334A1A21D8.jpg634C0783-EF28-431F-AA56-5F57A3DE9193.jpg

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In Scotland you can as long as it's not in the salmon river but it's got too be a multi mono up here and I think it's mono in England tircel is clued up on the laws in England I think but you don't need a great big net it's more loacation I've fished with a 30 yard net when I was a young lad and in 1 tide had 18 grey mullet 5 bass and 6 flatys more then one man can eat in a week but a lot of my places my little honey holes as it would be are some times a mins walk from a car park

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  On 22/01/2015 at 07:38, bunny tickler said:

no suprise really they are here all the year round , the biggest fish are often caught in december where i fish ,i was talking to a well known scottish salmon fly tyer he gets loads on the beaches on lugworm bait ,but no real biggies

it is for me in that location in winter for the last 15 years I've only ever got cod or pollack
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  On 23/01/2015 at 18:38, bunny tickler said:

i think in england you have to put contact details on the net bouy ? maybe wrong , on one of the beaches i frequent a local netter just left a 50yd net as it was rammed full of mackeral one tide too much trouble to clear it he told me !!!! :hmm:

you get a few idiots a box of mackerel is 20/30 pound these days I couldn't tell you the amount of nets I've picked up of the shore it would be about 400 yards of net at least and only needing simple fixes my first ever net was 30 yards of net out of a 100 yards that was dumped cos it was wrapped up tight took me less then q day too cut and untangle one thing I've never understood is leaving nets on the shore cos they can't be assed carrying them back in Edited by BIGLURKS
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Iam not that far from you just passed castle Douglas the basics I know is mono is illegal you get caught with that stuff you will lose your motor simple same with species if your taking sea trout or salmon of the beach and your seen your done lose motor get done maybe jail or a fine it's they say your meant too put them back in the water but there rarely alive and as long as your not netting a mouth of a river and your in a spot that is tidal you can fish were ever you want now on setting there is a million and 2 different ways too do it every one has there own ways the way I do it is set in too the tide and anchor both sides of the lead line and also a anchor in the middle that stops in general every 25/30 yards too stop it from rolling also on my float line I take a long line just abit longer then the depth of the net and tie off my anchour line and stakes is what I use for an anchours but that's cos there all set in my spots and you can yous anything you like we used too take bags out with us years ago and a shovel fill the bags half full with the mud tie it off and bury with the line attached we even used too use tredging swords now if you use stakes mind and tie off at the bottom and sink it in and every time your checking your net mind and clean it if your setting into the tide you tend too get less seaweed in turn less cleaning and mind and not set on some ones stakes guys can get kinda shitty about that and u can find your self with out a net the next tide I cant explain any more then that if your wanting I could take you out on the shore and show ya but it meas coming down this way

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i run a LOT of nets that moles and fire wood keep my "busy" ive just got in from doing mine ive got 500m out 300 of that is 50mesh deep 4.3/4 inch multi mono and the other is 200m or trammel for the turbot and sole.


alan has a better way with words than me so i will leave the majority of advice to him but.

for me i use any thing for anchors from leaf springs to fishboxes but most are 19 inch squares of ply or 2ft lenghts of scaffholding boards burried in the sand as deep as i can get them.. end achors are in deep but along the lengh are not so deep i have 50 odd anchors in on my beach and they all have a gillnet float on with my name they are then "mine" not saying tis my bit of beach but their my anchors theirs sets of anchors 2ft from mine that belong to other lads but these are mine and can not be used unless i say so...very important to remember


dont have nets too tight what we do is run them out of the box pull the net maybe 10ft tight then tie it down...like long nets slack kills!


laws..well laws are hard work! look at your sea fishing area bylaws. and try and decipher them!

i do know its multi mono only in scotland but to be blunt you should only want to fish multi any how as it realy is a much better fish catcher!


you can get some good catched if you get it all right ;)








some nice turbot out of the trammels




summer fun with the drift nets




we use jeeps to get to our nets we avrage one a season :blink::laugh:





shogun.jpg :blink:



winter for use means big bass....big



jeeps make the job easy i used to use a barrow but 5 nets in a game up a shale bank :censored::censored:



nets fish and summer =happy happy happy :yes:












WORDS OF WARNIG!...nets and net men are not like by the whole..theirs a perception that fish belong to rod men and they get all pissed of about it.. and if you have a local boby who is bang into his comp fishing he will make life hard for you....



other words of warning....stay well the hell away from salmon and sea trout!!!!!! my netting partner used ot take them off the beach and has 9! convictions for it the last was 1200 quid for a 1 lb seatrout :icon_eek::icon_eek: its not worth it flat out!!! not worth it!!!! *note the following pictures are for illustration only i have NO involvement in them and the law was fought and lost..fines and punishents paid....





volpe will get all moist about the last two :laugh::laugh::laugh:


good luck and for christ sake be carefull! the beach at night can be very very dangerous! :yes:

Edited by perthshire keeper
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Cheers for that PK, am I right in thinking you used to live in Cumbria? Did you used to net when you lived here? Where abouts roughly did you fish if you don't mind me asking? And I get the whole rod men thinking they own the fish...... i snare hares, not to popular with the coursing men

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  On 24/01/2015 at 21:39, gamerooster said:

Cheers for that PK, am I right in thinking you used to live in Cumbria? Did you used to net when you lived here? Where abouts roughly did you fish if you don't mind me asking? And I get the whole rod men thinking they own the fish...... i snare hares, not to popular with the coursing men

ime back home now in cumbria....ile give you a hint where i fish if i go one mile south on the sand i get botherd to hell by nuclear police :thumbs:

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