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Real Test For The Deben Mk3 Locator.

Guest vin

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Hello all,


I was chatting to one of the farmers on one of our permissions the other night and he said "by the way I've found something belonging to you". Something you left behind.


I was confused and intrigued to find out what.


We were up there yesterday ferreting ,so called in the farm for a chat and catch up with the family etc etc..The chap come out with a Locator mk3 that the mole man had found whilst setting traps..


Tomo was delighted to be reunited with his long lost item.


Unfortunately it has been sat in the ground for 3 seasons now since HE lost it up there,We spent ages looking for it on the day and a few times after when we visited but failed.


I've not taken it apart yet..but the battery department is full of rust and so far it don't look good.


If this works again i will be very very impressed. . . But I've discovered these locators don't like the damp wet weather so I'm not holding much hope for it.


Recently I've noticed that if I leave the locators in the net bag with damp nets in the van overnight,They don't work properly and give false readings etc etc,I suspect down to damp and condensation gathering internally on the circuit boards etc etc..after drying them out gently and keeping them in warm dry safe box in-between use they seem to be more reliable.


Anyway chaps who wants to have a bet that this locator is going to breathe life again or not ?






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  On 21/01/2015 at 10:57, pie-eater said:

The money them things cost that must have been heartbraking to lose. Wouldn't bet on it working again but good luck.


I don't think Tomo ever got over losing it...heheeee.. You should have seen his face on the day when he realized what HE had done...lol..


A Bulldog lickin piss off nettles doesn't even come close...heheheee.

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Its now been cleaned with WD-40 on the terminals and cleaned up all the rusty connections.... The circuit board looks quite clean and un-damaged apart from the dampness and layer of muddy grime.. that's now had a good half can of Servisol Aero Klene lather on every connection to drive out the moisture and dust.


Its now drying off in front of a heater.


Fingers Crossed.

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